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Grim Fandango resurrected.

Grim Fandango Remastered marks the return of gaming's most recognisable, and notoriously unavailable, cult classic - now on Windows, Mac, and Linux. This upcoming release got everybody so excited, Tim Schafer even prepared a special trailer all about how you can pre-order Grim Fandango Remastered (and why that’s a fine idea) right now, exclusively on for the first week!

Grim Fandango is by far the single most wishlisted game by the community with an overwhelming 45,000 votes. It's a unique blend of Mexican folklore with film noir stylings, and has been critically praised for its art direction, writing, and memorable characters.

Grim Fandango Remastered refreshes, refines, and remasters the award winning title and Tim Schafer's last hurrah as LucasArts' adventure-gaming-extraordinaire. The remaster modernizes the game's presentation and gameplay with completely repainted textures, widescreen support, and quite possibly best of all: modern controls. You can now say goodbye to unwieldy tank controls, a staple of the early 3D era, and enjoy a fully point-and-click interface - but only if you want! The option to play the game as originally envisioned is always there.

Have you missed Grim Fandango the first time around? Now's your chance to experience gaming history like never before, or if you have played it in its heyday - you're probably long overdue for another go anyway. You can pre-order Grim Fandango Remastered right now on!
The pre-order will last until Tuesday, January 27, when the game is expected to launch on

It took a lot to bring this classic back to life. If you’d like to learn more about the remaster, Double Fine and 2 Player Productions have just released the newest episode of The Making of Grim Fandango Remastered - a recommended watch.

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Post edited January 13, 2015 by Konrad
OlausPetrus: Why on earth they do that. I order stuff frequently or at least semi-frequently from Gamersgate and I haven't noticed that community there is hostile towards GOG or Double Fine. And Gamersgate hasn't promised Grim Fandango pre-orders, so there's no real reason to be angry.
Matruchus: Because preorders are bad for publicity when it comes out that the game is not what is expected to be by the majority of users. Also Double Fine has made its share of enemies by in the last time cashing in on Spacebase DF-9 and then releasing half of the promised game and this is just last of their stunts. A lot of people basically hate them now.
Yes, the quip against DRM is not enough to compensate for the latest antics. Pre-order of a product which is released within a mere 2 weeks after the "pre-order" should not qualify for pre-orders at all. Maybe mr. Shafer has run out of he fears that he cannot release a proper game without the extra cash flow. In that case he should have been forward about the real reason behind the pre-order option.
Before you ask it: Yes, I was a backer of the Broken Age Kick Starter.
I don't hate mr. Shafer, far from it, but I do question his financial management after the latest experience with the Broken Age Kick Starter.
Post edited January 14, 2015 by jorlin
deonast: That's got to be good PR for that store :)
"So good" that the CEO had to make a public statement to clear the confusion. Not sure if it completely worked, though.
EXCITED! I mean, it's no Droidworks, but it'll do ;-)
RafaelLVX: Sad that this doesn't have an awesome perfect brazillian portuguese localization, which the original had back in the day, like only very few other games.

Edit: sure, it's obviously a major mind-blowing release, good for GOG and Tim.
And now we know it does have pt-br localization after all.

I used to love this game's voiceover. It was the first game with voices localized to us brazilians that didn't make me want to puncture my eardrums.
Wow, I can't believe I'm alive to see this day. It seemed that it would never happen. And a GOG exclusive at launch no less! It seems that GOG's reputation for bringing good stuff back has TRULY paid off =)

It just breaks my heart to see these pseudo-fans of the game actually COMPLAINING that the original version is not available! WTF
We've been suffering for years for making this game run properly. I have the original discs to this day and I can't tell you the pains I've been through to play it from start to finish one more time on my mac 2 years ago. This is a remaster, not a remake, you fools, its the SAME FRIGGIN' GAME, just better rendered and with THE SAME soundrack, but RE-RECORDED FROM SCRATCH WITH REAL ORQUESTRA.
Can't you just be happy for this? The game's creator went through so much trouble for sure to make this game available for modern systems (including native Mac and Linux versions), and decided to give you a bonus of better rendering and sound.
Here in Brazil we call that "to spit on the dish you've eaten from". Be glad, be happy, Tim has done all this to make you happy, buy the game.
Post edited January 14, 2015 by lhlfonseca
lhlfonseca: Wow, I can't believe I'm alive to see this day. It seemed that it would never happen. And a GOG exclusive at launch no less! It seems that GOG's reputation for bringing good stuff back has TRULY paid off =)
Its not a GOG exclusive, only the preorder is exclusive for one week on GOG after which it can also be purchased on other digital stores. The game will release everywhere else as well on January 27.
Post edited January 14, 2015 by stg83
lhlfonseca: It just breaks my heart to see these pseudo-fans of the game actually COMPLAINING that the original version is not available! WTF
We've been suffering for years for making this game run properly. I have the original discs to this day and I can't tell you the pains I've been through to play it from start to finish one more time on my mac 2 years ago. This is a remaster, not a remake, you fools, its the SAME FRIGGIN' GAME, just better rendered and with THE SAME soundrack, but RE-RECORDED FROM SCRATCH WITH REAL ORQUESTRA.
Can't you just be happy for this? The game's creator went through so much trouble for sure to make this game available for modern systems (including native Mac and Linux versions), and decided to give you a bonus of better rendering and sound.
Here in Brazil we call that "to spit on the dish you've eaten from". Be glad, be happy, Tim has done all this to make you happy, buy the game.
Can't agree enough, lhlfonseca! I'm super happy that the game will be available (and playable) again, I still have the original but man, was it a pain in the butt to get it to run even on XP. I watched the "making of" video and the things they've done seem pretty great, it seems they've put a lot of love and work into it. Was a little worried about the music, but I think it'll be fine, and I'm quite excited to see what they've made.
Post edited January 14, 2015 by moochorama
Magmarock: GOG Staff, I would like to know how many people are preodring this. I bet it's a lot.
Ciris: As you might imagine, we can't give away numbers of sales. :( However, if you take a look at the length of this thread and at social media, It seems like quite a popular title!

Plus, as mobutu said, our catalogue also gives a hint.
Yeah it's just that this game has been on everyone wish list for a while. I'm not really into point and click games, but I'm happy for all the people wanting this. They must be so existed.
high rated
Not only is is a pre order, but from Tim S! Wow!

My first pre order ever! I can't wait! Thanks again GOG.
high rated
lhlfonseca: It just breaks my heart to see these pseudo-fans of the game actually COMPLAINING that the original version is not available! WTF
Well, that's rich. So you're alleging that anyone who merely wants a DRM-free digital version of the original game as it was released in 1998 is a "pseudo-fan"? It seems as though we have another person who can't see past their own biases. I wonder what it's like to be utterly incapable of appreciating someone else's point of view.

lhlfonseca: Here in Brazil we call that "to spit on the dish you've eaten from". Be glad, be happy, Tim has done all this to make you happy, buy the game.
I really don't care about Brazilian adages. If you do even a cursory amount of research on ol' Tim, you'll see that he's not squeaky clean, so I really don't blame people for being cautious with their hard-earned money. And I also don't appreciate this whole "You should be thankful for this manna from heaven" attitude from Double Fine fanboys/zealots. The wishlist which so many people voted for was for the original game, not a remastered version. While I have nothing against the remaster, and while it may in fact be excellent, calling people ungrateful whiners because they are asking for the game they voted for is just being a dick, plain and simple. They are free to want the original game just as much as you are free to want the remaster.
Is there a reason why we're seeing a bunch of pre-orders for games on GOG, but not the games themselves? First it's a pre-order for Grim Fandango, and now there is one for "Pillars of Eternity." Does it really make sense to pre-order a game that's digitally distributed? It's not like the game is going to "run out" or anything.
low rated
lhlfonseca: It just breaks my heart to see these pseudo-fans of the game actually COMPLAINING that the original version is not available! WTF
Stormwalker: Well, that's rich. So you're alleging that anyone who merely wants a DRM-free digital version of the original game as it was released in 1998 is a "pseudo-fan"? It seems as though we have another person who can't see past their own biases. I wonder what it's like to be utterly incapable of appreciating someone else's point of view.

lhlfonseca: Here in Brazil we call that "to spit on the dish you've eaten from". Be glad, be happy, Tim has done all this to make you happy, buy the game.
Stormwalker: I really don't care about Brazilian adages. If you do even a cursory amount of research on ol' Tim, you'll see that he's not squeaky clean, so I really don't blame people for being cautious with their hard-earned money. And I also don't appreciate this whole "You should be thankful for this manna from heaven" attitude from Double Fine fanboys/zealots. The wishlist which so many people voted for was for the original game, not a remastered version. While I have nothing against the remaster, and while it may in fact be excellent, calling people ungrateful whiners because they are asking for the game they voted for is just being a dick, plain and simple. They are free to want the original game just as much as you are free to want the remaster.
Well on this case then they should just not release the remastered edition at all because of you ungrateful pricks. See how people feel then!!!
Anyone else noticed that the UK region USD price is different today? It was $14.49 yesterday, $13.99 today. Not complaining about a pricecut, just curious.

Grargar: By the way, it's not published by LucasArts. Seems like Double Fine bought the rights back.
Well LucasArts literally doesn't exist any more, so it couldn't be published by them. I was expecting either Disney Interactive or Sony though (Sony helped with the deal in exchange for console exclusivity and I sort of got the impression they were publishing but evidently not).
I think Double Fine have probably just licenced the rights though. Telltale self published Tales of Monkey Island without owning Monkey Island.
Post edited January 14, 2015 by SirPrimalform
fuck it
Post edited January 15, 2015 by gamefood