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has a wobbly banana! Beware though, don't enrage that chimp, or it is going to chase you from behind, banana in hand! Eck!
scared of a banana weilding chimp,get a stick...
^ got a stick but it got stuck. Reminded them of when they took a pole to a party but nobody asked them to vault!
^ Is extremely nosey; has forced everyone they know to resort to code language.
^ Lv d oldu
Maybe i can become friends with this wild chimp, if i introduce him to a female monkey in a wedding dress from Monkey Island! ;)
Post edited March 17, 2015 by KiNgBrAdLeY7
^ Recently got themselves a harem of female monkeys; has never been more alone and lonely ever since.
^ Knows where the three-headed monkey is hiding
Actually is the three headed monkey
He actually fell for the old "LOOK behind you, it's a three headed monkey!", trick!
^ Is a chicken in disguise; never fooled anyone.
Only drinks blue koolaid.
Only drinks vodka!
Only drinks fat-free cucumber smoothies, because he is lactose intolerant.
Possess all toys from McDonald's happy meals.