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^ Is currently cornering the market on cheap Dragonbane Ore in the hopes of selling it to RuneScape Newbies.
Post edited March 16, 2012 by Lou
^Has started up a dragon slaying guild, in order to take advantage of that cheap dragon bane ore sale.
^ Happens to be an ancient Japanese Samurai who was disgraced during battle and was forced to Hara-Kiri
^ Commited Hara-Kiri once. Then decided, quite suddenly, once was enough. As he was making this mental note, he caught a whiff of a bacon chesseburger. Realizing his stomach was quite empty now, he scarfed down 8 of the burgers before he died. He was then voted the stores customer of the week.
^ Was previous customer of the week.
^has never held the 'customer of the week' title and is determined that this will be the week (attempt #127)
^Has a picture of a dragon for his profile picture :)
^ Is Steve Niles and has a lot to answer for.

Also was on the grassy knoll when JFK's mailbox was assassinated, setting in motion a thousand conspiracy theories amongst mailbox enthusiasts. (I know your secret, Steve!)
^ Voted for Barry Goldwater in 1964.
^doesn't vote but does enjoy campaigning for a mysterious extra candidate of whom nobody has heard
^ is the mysterious person in question.
high rated
^ Enjoys a good mystery, but became concerned when Hercule Poirot started looking for skeletons in his closet.
^ Is jealous of the picture of my beautiful baby sister (Well, okay, my girlfriend's, but I consider her my sister after 4 years of dating) since it is cuter :D
I know absolutely nothing about them :D
high rated
^ Knows I think she's cuter, I saw her here, but being a dude, I was going for that more rugged look :-)

Ninja'd, please look to post before!
Post edited April 02, 2012 by Dischord