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^Is not a necromancer.
^ Might be pleased to know I've been attending classes at the cemetery and mancing necros on the weekends.
^is planning to replace Uruk!
^Is Uruk's assisstant, and is currently awaiting a new master so he can get brains for them, and not get kicked in the pants, hopefully.
^Isn't aware of the fact that I am Uruk's ORIGINAL minion of darkness (And ham).
^Must think everyone knows who Uruk is... but he is mistaken.
^^Is actually a leprechaun but is now called Crystal Harris....
^keeps tabs on Leprechaun identities for the FIB
^Is not a undead zombie that eats brains.
high rated
^ Proposed the Relativity Theory which states that relatives will eat more at your home, than they do at their own home, thus resulting in the phenomenon of waistline dilation.
^ Was an earthworm in their past life. Did some evil stuff against other earthworms, died in a slightly too heavy rainfall, and bargained with some obscure earthworm deity to get back to life. It didn't work out as planned though, instead of getting back a an earthworm, they're now a human and has a contract from said deity to save other earthworm from natural catastrophes in an effort to get back to being an earthworm.

There's a big chance they might not uphold the bargain though since being a human has some benefits over being an earthworm.
^Has been playing din's curse.
^ Has been rewarded with the existence of a Necromancer - leading hoards of undead minion's in an attempt to rid the world of the living.
^ Plans to take over the world by weaponizing statements of the obvious