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Matewis: ...... which I thought had to be done one unit at a time (like Dune 2) :P
You mean the game where the ai could move its units all at the same time and you couldn't?
Great times! It was just a disadvantage......

And to stay on-topic, here's my pc/office/gaming station
jcdenton.jpg (125 Kb)
Well, here's my less than impressive station.
It's mine and I love it :P
gsoty.jpg (349 Kb)
Crewdroog: *snip*
thanks, Taco appreciates the complement. She is my little bunny. And I hear you on cats getting into everything, if I'm not watching, taco will eat/drink anything I have lying around, including hair ties. :(

Once, I made a bowl of really spicy ramen. She came poking her head trying to get a taste, and I said, go ahead, see how much you like the spice. She did like it! Sigh, crazy ass cat. Be careful with the baked beans though, don't want any messes ;)
Leviathan is like that, he loves his human food. Lucy used to prefer my curries and home cooking over the posh cat food we used to get her.

Thanks to everyone posting the kitty pics :) Isn't there a thread somewhere on these forums devoted to cats? If so, can someone point me in the direction of it as I have a ton more to share and don't wish to derail this thread further :)
Crewdroog: *snip*
thanks, Taco appreciates the complement. She is my little bunny. And I hear you on cats getting into everything, if I'm not watching, taco will eat/drink anything I have lying around, including hair ties. :(

Once, I made a bowl of really spicy ramen. She came poking her head trying to get a taste, and I said, go ahead, see how much you like the spice. She did like it! Sigh, crazy ass cat. Be careful with the baked beans though, don't want any messes ;)
Tarnicus: Leviathan is like that, he loves his human food. Lucy used to prefer my curries and home cooking over the posh cat food we used to get her.

Thanks to everyone posting the kitty pics :) Isn't there a thread somewhere on these forums devoted to cats? If so, can someone point me in the direction of it as I have a ton more to share and don't wish to derail this thread further :)
You named your cat Leviathan?!

Okay, you are my new best friend and if need be, I will take a bullet for you. :D
tinyE: You named your cat Leviathan?!

Okay, you are my new best friend and if need be, I will take a bullet for you. :D
Yep and his older brother is Behemoth. Both of them were the giants of each litter :)
Maighstir: Funny, I had that same model, now I use a T500 instead. Not much for gaming, but for having something with me when I'm away for more than a couple days. There's also an Asus Eee 1001PX, but that gets even less use.
My W500 is good for my gaming needs, because the games I play don't require "overkill" hardware. And I like the 1920x1200 display too.
By the way, here's a ThinkPad T60 photo. (not mine) That was my previous gaming laptop.
Some great work stations! I've yet to graduate to a gaming laptop as I still enjoy building and tinkering with desktops. My keyboard tucks in so not to attract the felines whilst away.

Oh, and that's not my every day wallpaper ;-p
foxworks: Some great work stations! I've yet to graduate to a gaming laptop as I still enjoy building and tinkering with desktops. My keyboard tucks in so not to attract the felines whilst away.

Oh, and that's not my every day wallpaper ;-p
Holy......... that is magnificent, Foxy! :o
foxworks: Some great work stations! I've yet to graduate to a gaming laptop as I still enjoy building and tinkering with desktops. My keyboard tucks in so not to attract the felines whilst away.

Oh, and that's not my every day wallpaper ;-p
BillyMaysFan59: Holy......... that is magnificent, Foxy! :o
All the better to track my cheese biscuit inventory :p
astropup: I wish. :) It's not available digitally and CD edition is hard to get hold of outhere. We had a rampant piracy in the 90s. You can't find the old game CDs in the thrift stores or auctions. Only legal option is ordering from the foreign auction sites and that can be too costly.
Matewis: I'd like to say that it's worth the effort to get your hands on a physical copy, but I can't in good conscience. At least not without disclosing that warcraft 1 is one of those games where for me the nostalgia factor is absolutely monolithic. I only wish I had known that it was possible to drag select up to 4 units though, if you press and held shift or something. Then I wouldn't have had to reduce game speed to the slowest each time I sent out a large attack wave, which I thought had to be done one unit at a time (like Dune 2) :P
I mostly agree. Warcraft II was a better game. But, I still find the original Warcraft fun to play. :)
foxworks: Some great work stations! I've yet to graduate to a gaming laptop as I still enjoy building and tinkering with desktops. My keyboard tucks in so not to attract the felines whilst away.

Oh, and that's not my every day wallpaper ;-p
And you still haven't removed the "protective" plastic from the monitor feet? Did you get the monitors ten minutes ago?
Good choice of mouse though.
Post edited September 22, 2015 by Maighstir
Pic is slightly potato, but here goes anyway.
DubConqueror: No tidying up? Well alright. I did open my favourite game though, with my character just entering it's namesake's city (to hide the open porn tabs, you know). And added a picture of what's above my rig, to show there's more fun things in life than gaming.
Damn, I miss that speaker set. My amplifier/subwoofer broke over a year ago and refused to give a signal to any of the speakers (including itself) and I have been using headphones since. Until I bought a Trust Tytan 2.1 set to replace it a couple months ago, but I do miss the controller with both volume and bass (the controller for the Trust set has only volume, bass control is annoyingly on the back of the sub, which - of course - is nearly unreachable), and damned if I can find a 5.1 set at all with a separate controller that barely takes up space on the desk (Logitech Z906 and Edifier C6XD have separate controllers, but those are larger than the speakers, Logitech Z506 has the controls on one of the speakers).
foxworks: Some great work stations! I've yet to graduate to a gaming laptop as I still enjoy building and tinkering with desktops. My keyboard tucks in so not to attract the felines whilst away.

Oh, and that's not my every day wallpaper ;-p
"Graduate", umm... sure, laptops are lighter and take slightly less space, but they're horrendous to actually use compared to a decent keyboard and a screen of usable size. Not to mention the non-existent upgradeability.
Post edited September 22, 2015 by Maighstir
Maighstir: "Graduate", umm... sure, laptops are lighter and take slightly less space, but they're horrendous to actually use compared to a decent keyboard and a screen of usable size.
Luckily any wireless or USB keyboard works fine with laptops (e.g. I am now writing this on a laptop connected to a dock station, and an DELL USB keyboard). The integrated chiclet keyboard is still a nice option in case you use the laptop somewhere where you don't have a full-size external keyboard.

Also external monitors work too, if needed. I have sometimes two of my laptops connected to a 47" HDTV. At work (like now) I mostly use an external monitor with my work laptop, when at my desk. I have now a nice two-monitor setup, the external monitor and the laptop screen side by side (extended desktop). So it is not like the laptop screen is useless while using an external monitor either.

With the 17.3" gaming laptop, I don't really long for a big monitor that much, the screen is quite big enough for me. Maybe for watching movies I'd like to connect it to the HDTV.