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Tauto: It will happen,just be patient:)
KingofGnG: Wow, you managed to achieve a negative rep. Didn't know they existed...
I...i..i..I......didn't neither....but now that you told me....I..
fr33kSh0w2012: You did Remember to Click off the galaxy Installer under extra / Advanced options didn't you?
SirTawmis: I didn't go into the Extra/Advanced options on the stand alone installers - honestly, if it was there, I missed it (assuming that Galaxy would not install by default). I will uninstall Witcher 3 again, and see if that exists.
Check - "Download offline backup game installers" in your game library.
wolfsite: GOG has stated multiple times that the Galaxy client will always be optional.
And yet, they released this. With no way to play it without Galaxy, and no plan to change this.
wolfsite: GOG has stated multiple times that the Galaxy client will always be optional.
vv221: And yet, they released this. With no way to play it without Galaxy, and no plan to change this.
Yes, but It's multiplayer only. Thronebreaker is DRM free.
vv221: And yet, they released this. With no way to play it without Galaxy, and no plan to change this.
Sebatrox: Yes, but It's multiplayer only. (…)
I know, but I don't care ;P
Multiplayer or not, it's still a DRM'ed game, distributed through a store pretending they will never use DRM.
Sebatrox: Yes, but It's multiplayer only. (…)
vv221: I know, but I don't care ;P
Multiplayer or not, it's still a DRM'ed game, distributed through a store pretending they will never use DRM.
Multiplayer almost always has some form of DRM in games that're competitive with others. If the game's account information was purely client-sided, then the player could not only lose all of their progress if they failed to manually back up data, but also cheat and edit their record.

The only time multiplayer DRM wouldn't be used is if there's no account needed and record (i.e. wins, losses, achievements, etc) made when playing.

And as far as Galaxy concerned... why would anyone use it instead of the GOG Downloader? Just Galaxy's extremely slow download speeds alone are enough to put me off it. The Downloader is lightning fast, but the same file easily takes three times as long (if not longer) when downloading through Galaxy.
fr33kSh0w2012: You did Remember to Click off the galaxy Installer under extra / Advanced options didn't you?
SirTawmis: I didn't go into the Extra/Advanced options on the stand alone installers - honestly, if it was there, I missed it (assuming that Galaxy would not install by default). I will uninstall Witcher 3 again, and see if that exists.
I'm pretty sure it exists but you have to search carefully for it!
vv221: I know, but I don't care ;P
Multiplayer or not, it's still a DRM'ed game, distributed through a store pretending they will never use DRM.
DeadPoolX: Multiplayer almost always has some form of DRM in games that're competitive with others. If the game's account information was purely client-sided, then the player could not only lose all of their progress if they failed to manually back up data, but also cheat and edit their record.

The only time multiplayer DRM wouldn't be used is if there's no account needed and record (i.e. wins, losses, achievements, etc) made when playing.

And as far as Galaxy concerned... why would anyone use it instead of the GOG Downloader? Just Galaxy's extremely slow download speeds alone are enough to put me off it. The Downloader is lightning fast, but the same file easily takes three times as long (if not longer) when downloading through Galaxy.
What, Bullshit Quake 3 Arena Never had it only a CD key to verify if your copy is legit?!?

I just use galaxy to Manage game patches and sh!t these days.
Post edited February 01, 2019 by fr33kSh0w2012
vv221: I know, but I don't care ;P
Multiplayer or not, it's still a DRM'ed game, distributed through a store pretending they will never use DRM.
DeadPoolX: Multiplayer almost always has some form of DRM in games that're competitive with others. If the game's account information was purely client-sided, then the player could not only lose all of their progress if they failed to manually back up data, but also cheat and edit their record.
Well, I have no real issue with DRM’ed games being developed, only with having them distributed through GOG.

What’s the point of GOG if I can no longer trust each and every game here to be DRM-free?
At least other stores like Humble allow me to filter only DRM-free games, but here on GOG I have to try my luck and hope the games I buy won’t include any DRM.
Tauto: It will happen,just be patient:)
KingofGnG: Wow, you managed to achieve a negative rep. Didn't know they existed...
Is this the first time you saw Tauto? O_o
Anyway, at some point his rep with underflow and become +10000 lol
Post edited February 01, 2019 by phaolo
vv221: And yet, they released this. With no way to play it without Galaxy, and no plan to change this.
Sebatrox: Yes, but It's multiplayer only. Thronebreaker is DRM free.
I think this must be one of the lamest excuses i have ever heard.You do realise that a couple of years ago games only used CD-keys for purchase verification and even longer ago games didn't have any sort of DRM in them for online play.You simply fire up the game and join a server and that is it.The only thing that had to be unique was your ingame name for obvious reasons.Todays developers are just lazy and don't want to bother implementing the online component into the game with lame excuses like"hurp durp mah gamezz ez servizezz"..Cheers

EDIT: Just to be clear,i don’t mind GOG Galaxy at all.It is one of the more user friendly and less intrussive game clients out there and i know the reason for its existence.I just don’t like developers gimping games and finding lousy excuses to enforce DRM onto us for no apparent reason ;)
Post edited February 01, 2019 by deja65
vv221: What’s the point of GOG if I can no longer trust each and every game here to be DRM-free?
Every single player game here is DRM-free. This is something you can trust.

Games which need Galaxy for MP have this notice under system requirements:
Multiplayer Notice: Please note that the GOG Galaxy Client is required to access Multiplayer.
Sebatrox: Yes, but It's multiplayer only. Thronebreaker is DRM free.
deja65: I think this must be one of the lamest excuses i have ever heard.You do realise that a couple of years ago games only used CD-keys for purchase verification and even longer ago games didn't have any sort of DRM in them for online play.You simply fire up the game and join a server and that is it.The only thing that had to be unique was your ingame name for obvious reasons.Todays developers are just lazy and don't want to bother implementing the online component into the game with lame excuses like"hurp durp mah gamezz ez servizezz"..Cheers

EDIT: Just to be clear,i don’t mind GOG Galaxy at all.It is one of the more user frindly and less intrussive game clients out there and i know the reason for its existence.I just don’t like developers gimping games and finding lousy excuses to enforce DRM onto us for no apparent reason ;)
"couple of years ago games only used CD-keys " Times Have Changed :)
deja65: I think this must be one of the lamest excuses i have ever heard.You do realise that a couple of years ago games only used CD-keys for purchase verification and even longer ago games didn't have any sort of DRM in them for online play.You simply fire up the game and join a server and that is it.The only thing that had to be unique was your ingame name for obvious reasons.Todays developers are just lazy and don't want to bother implementing the online component into the game with lame excuses like"hurp durp mah gamezz ez servizezz"..Cheers

EDIT: Just to be clear,i don’t mind GOG Galaxy at all.It is one of the more user frindly and less intrussive game clients out there and i know the reason for its existence.I just don’t like developers gimping games and finding lousy excuses to enforce DRM onto us for no apparent reason ;)
Sebatrox: "couple of years ago games only used CD-keys " Times Have Changed :)
That is true sadly.Stay frosty mate ;).Cheers
Not to mention that some games needed to install additional programs like GameSpy for the multiplayer. :)
Sebatrox: "couple of years ago games only used CD-keys " Times Have Changed :)
deja65: That is true sadly.Stay frosty mate ;).Cheers
Yeah, and "just a couple of years ago" Hitler lost the war. :-P