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high rated
GamingGod81: If you got stiffed by the customer service people 2 times in one month, you'd be pissed too. I bought Surviving Mars hated it, wanted Money back in some form, they refused... Heard about the NMS refund policy, but not until AFTER the 29th... so yeah burned twice in a month... Greedy Old Gamer's should be their new name...
So, you fucked up TWICE but somehow it's GOG's fault?
low rated
tinyE: He thinks he's unhappy now, wait until November. :P
Wait, is anything bad going to happen to DOИДLD ТЯЦМР? Oh noes!
DarthJDG: Care to elaborate?
In his OP, before the edit, GamingGod81 was saying Steam has always refunded the games he wanted refunded and never asked him why he was asking for a refund, if I remember correctly. I'm guessing he has the same expectations of GOG (aka as "GOG, why you not be like Steam?" syndrome).
Post edited August 01, 2018 by WinterSnowfall
low rated
Is there anyway to do a forum search on Steam to find postings from a specific user?
tinyE: Is there anyway to do a forum search on Steam to find postings from a specific user?
You mean something like this? :p
Post edited August 01, 2018 by triock
low rated
tinyE: Is there anyway to do a forum search on Steam to find postings from a specific user?
triock: You mean something like this? :p
That works.
I was just curious if he was in there telling everyone GOG screwed him.
Looks like he wasn't.

Though I highly doubt PETA would approve of him covering an eagle with paint. :P

When I was five I tried to paint my hamster. My dad spanked the shit out of me.
Post edited August 01, 2018 by tinyE
DarthJDG: Care to elaborate?
WinterSnowfall: In his OP, before the edit, GamingGod81 was saying Steam has always refunded the games he wanted refunded and never asked him why he was asking for a refund, if I remember correctly. I'm guessing he has the same expectations of GOG (aka as "GOG, why you not be like Steam?" syndrome).
This actually makes sense. Due to DRM, refunds are easier and better on steam.
I mean, the whole refund policy (both here and on steam) is dumb; devs should just bring back demos.
WinterSnowfall: In his OP, before the edit, GamingGod81 was saying Steam has always refunded the games he wanted refunded and never asked him why he was asking for a refund, if I remember correctly. I'm guessing he has the same expectations of GOG (aka as "GOG, why you not be like Steam?" syndrome).
reative00: This actually makes sense. Due to DRM, refunds are easier and better on steam.
I mean, the whole refund policy (both here and on steam) is dumb; devs should just bring back demos.
Steam refund policy is most definitely not dumb.
high rated
Claims to have hated Surviving Mars. Spent over 10 hours playing it. Seems legit.
low rated
Flaose: Claims to have hated Surviving Mars. Spent over 10 hours playing it. Seems legit.

I wish I could tell how many hours he had in when he asked for the refund.
Post edited August 01, 2018 by tinyE
reative00: This actually makes sense. Due to DRM, refunds are easier and better on steam.
Yes. If Steam removes game from user's library, that's it. Game can't be accessed. If GOG does the same it won't matter as long as user managed to download stand alone installer.
low rated
How is it that when someone complains about Gog that all the smarties come out to play and ridicule the complainer? Yet,most in here trying to be clever have cried about Gog themselves at one stage or another.
Flaose: Claims to have hated Surviving Mars. Spent over 10 hours playing it. Seems legit.

I wish I could tell how many hours he had in when he asked for the refund.
That's not a bad thing per say. That means he gave the game a fair shake before deciding and didn't just play 15min before declaring "This is crap!"

It certainly doesn't make his refund any easier though. :p

I wish I could tell how many hours he had in when he asked for the refund.
logorouge: That's not a bad thing per say. That means he gave the game a fair shake before deciding and didn't just play 15min before declaring "This is crap!"

It certainly doesn't make his refund any easier though. :p
True, true, but ten hours is a little more than a fair shake.
A lot of games take less than that to complete.

If it takes you ten hours to figure out if you like a game or not, not getting a refund is the least of your problems. :P
Tauto: How is it that when someone complains about Gog that all the smarties come out to play and ridicule the complainer? Yet,most in here trying to be clever have cried about Gog themselves at one stage or another.
There's a difference though, between complaining about GOG not fixing the bloody forums, or constantly posting broken links in game announcements, or getting discounts wrong, etc. and what the OP is complaining about (no refund because you hate a game? Not going to happen. And missing the - as I noted before - 'unprecedented' refund that expired.)

Don't get me wrong, I think the ridiculing is just contributing to the bad vibes in the forum, but the OP's complaints are unfounded and unreasonable, and at the very least, he should be made aware of that, IMO.