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Arkham Origins DLC - New Millennium Skins Pack: redeemed
Post edited January 08, 2014 by mabrookes
low rated
The Walking Dead Season 1
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII
Deus Ex Human Revolution
Portal 2
Fallout New Vegas:Ultimate Edition

PM me
low rated
I started playing TF2 again and apparently I don't have any items so if you don't play anymore and don't want your items can I have em ^_^
low rated
Spelunky, now on Steam at 75% off, will make me very happy. It is similar to La Mulana, and I spent 36 hours on that game :)
Thanks anyway!
lugum: Well there are some(one) people like teshra who thinks you can't ask for anything once you rep has past a certain point for some reason.
You know lugum, if all you got from my prior posts is "you can't ask for anything once you rep has past a certain point for some reason", I suggest you learn to read better. There are others who understood what I was saying and took my comments for their actual intended meaning. So instead of twisting my words to erroneously paraphrase me as saying something I did not say, please go re-read any of my comments in the gifting threads for better clarity.

Otherwise, when you try to call me out for something I never said, either be precisely accurate or do not bring my name up ever when you spew inaccuracies.
low rated
lugum: Well there are some(one) people like teshra who thinks you can't ask for anything once you rep has past a certain point for some reason.
teshra: You know lugum, if all you got from my prior posts is "you can't ask for anything once you rep has past a certain point for some reason", I suggest you learn to read better. There are others who understood what I was saying and took my comments for their actual intended meaning. So instead of twisting my words to erroneously paraphrase me as saying something I did not say, please go re-read any of my comments in the gifting threads for better clarity.

Otherwise, when you try to call me out for something I never said, either be precisely accurate or do not bring my name up ever when you spew inaccuracies.
Well it isnt just me who believes just that one sentence, besides when i ever try to settle and discuss something with you someting through pms you just ignore it.
If i truely misunderstood it, then atleast i wouldn't be the only one.
Post edited December 30, 2013 by lugum
low rated
If somebody has spare Torchlight 2 key I would like to have it.

teshra: You know lugum, if all you got from my prior posts is "you can't ask for anything once you rep has past a certain point for some reason", I suggest you learn to read better. There are others who understood what I was saying and took my comments for their actual intended meaning. So instead of twisting my words to erroneously paraphrase me as saying something I did not say, please go re-read any of my comments in the gifting threads for better clarity.

Otherwise, when you try to call me out for something I never said, either be precisely accurate or do not bring my name up ever when you spew inaccuracies.
lugum: Well it isnt just me who believes just that one sentence, besides when i ever try to settle and discuss something with you someting through pms you just ignore it.
If i truely misunderstood it, then atleast i wouldn't be the only one.
Ever feel like you are kicking a dead horse? :P
lugum: Well it isnt just me who believes just that one sentence, besides when i ever try to settle and discuss something with you someting through pms you just ignore it.
If i truely misunderstood it, then atleast i wouldn't be the only one.
tinyE: Ever feel like you are kicking a dead horse? :P
All the time. ;)
high rated
teshra: snip
lugum: Well it isnt just me who believes just that one sentence, besides when i ever try to settle and discuss something with you someting through pms you just ignore it.
No, I imagine its the same group of forum leechers "who believes just that one sentence". Which again I remind you was paraphrased very erroneously and completely out of context. Leechers are allowed to have high rep just as easily as they can have low rep. As I've said before, all high rep means is you've been here a while and you post a lot. New people just haven't been afforded that opportunity yet but give them long as these forums continue to be a haven for that freeloading behavior.

You see the same group of leechers trolling the boards ALL THE TIME looking for dropped codes and free games at every opportunity in any thread. You always see the same group of people instantly the moment a key is dropped, either locking the key or taking it for themselves because they "couldn't resist". The same group is within the first handful of entrants anytime a giveaway is made - why? Because they know their leeching brethren will come thru behind them and add additional entries for them. Not out of the kindness of their own leeching hearts, but because they already have the game and don't need it again unless they do want it if only to trade it for something else or regift it themselves in a later giveway to "show" that they do give back to the community.
The sad thing is that the true gifters, the people with truly generous hearts aren't here in the forums that often so when they do come in, they don't look around to see this type of behavior standing out and they just drop the code(s) or make the giveaway and carry on with their daily lives. All the while not realizing the person who took that code or won that game, already had a lot of wins recently and has a library full of free games and yet they are still here on these forums at all hours of the day, all the time, continuing to look for that next freebie.
No the only difference with the veteran leechers and the new leechers is many of the vets are more sneaky most of the time and don't stand out like a sore thumb as much as the newbies do. Although, even a handful of newbies are starting to come around now and understand how to not stand out like that dude with -85 rep does.

You see the same type of leeching in the two gifting threads every time GOG or Steam come out with a new promo, saying its their most wished for game or some such nonsense and they really hope to be given that game. You don't think people who go thru those two threads to gift games notice these obvious trends from the same people day after day, week after week, month after month and year after year? As if its a single downrepper like you guys so often proclaim. No, the truth is more and more people are probably just getting sick of seeing the same people bumping their requests ALL THE TIME and adding a new game to their wishlist every day based on whats for sale that day.
Heck, some of these people never once posted in the Secret Santa thread (even though you know they all saw it) when that event was active but as soon as it ended and people started talking about what they got and how much fun it was, and some people even started offering up more games, a couple of the leeching crew invited themselves right on in to try to partake now that the secret gifting was over and open gifting was underway. I was actually glad to see the majority of freeloaders were smart enough to still stay away but for a few of them, they just can't stay away from free games no matter what.

As for your pms issue, you realize you sent that to me during the Thanksgiving holiday period in the states when I was otherwise preoccupied with work and family a lot. I'm sorry if I chose to spend the time there instead of instantly responding to something derogatory and ridiculous thrown towards me on the internet. I was going to respond to you eventually when time allowed but before I got around to it, you sent another rude pm, called me a coward and blocked me from sending you any pm's. So in actuality, your true character was seen there and showed me what kind of person I was dealing with. A person who behaves in that way isn't looking to discuss anything really so yah, glad I don't have to bother with your pms issues anymore.

Feel free to discuss any of this further, out in the open and not thru cowardly pm's. Have a lovely rest of your day on the GOG forums.
low rated
I have seen you come online several times responding to several topics in that period, i pmed you 2 times before that and it was over 2 weeks after, before i said coward to you. No nonsense that you rather spend your time with family and such, and it would have taken like 5 minutes to give a reaction?
And how is that making me rude and misbehave because of 1 word? Now you are just putting things way out of context trying to make me look bad.
Nor is it being a coward from my side if i want to discuss certain things through pm as doing it open on the forum is not the place for it, there has already been too many wrong discussions here in general which ended badly, plus the pms were about a whole different issue then this.

You say that i make assumptions about you but you make alot of assumptions too about certain people, me included in that reply. As you assume as to whom i talked to, and you make assumptions on how i am because of 2 pms.

Lets keep on it that we atleast agree on the part about how the majority of leechers are acting and that it is wrong.
But some are also trying to redeem themselve by doing a giveaway but they are not given a chance by a certain group here and keep downrepping people like that every time, like with milito3515.
Also for example the ninja thread people have been warned many times, to not just drop codes like they are also because of scripters, still some people drop their codes like they are, giving leechers all the room to get codes.
Post edited December 30, 2013 by lugum
One small request if anyone is feeling generous I would appreciate a copy of Fist Puncher on steam. Thank you for your time
I don't know how this works, and hearing about that leeching thing is kinda off-putting.

I'd love to finally play Dear Esther, which is on sale on Steam right now, but I'll certainly understand if doesn't happen.

I feel sure that I am far from the only one who drops by 'General Discussion' when shopping on GoG but doesn't hang around the forums all the time. It never occurred to me this might be resented. :/

Life has been kinda tight for me and mine lately so I rarely buy anything except when the sales are very generous, and I look in on the forums when I come by.

I came by regularly just to look at the forums for awhile after I joined GoG, but most of the discussions I saw in General Discussions didn't relate to my favorite interests or games - casuals, cozies, adventures & puzzling - and I quit coming by so often. I play RPGs too but mostly the Mario & Luigi / Chronotrigger sort. I am still working up to trying the RPG pack I bought on GoG last summer with Baldur's Gate, Planescape, etc. I just saw a thread on Planescape with tips in it that I will use, but I have nothing useful to add to the thread that seems to have wound down anyway. All I can say is 'thank you' to those who answered, though they weren't talking to me.

I still check whenever I come into GoG for any reason, and I'd speak up more when around if I saw more that related. It's nobody's fault if most of those talking like other genres than those I usually play. Portal is as dark as I get.

A lot of the other threads do seem to be about giveaways. I just figured that meant that there were a lot of generous people here. I think highly of them! I make sure to use that "plus" button for their posts now that I've noticed it. That's the way to +1 people here, isn't it? If not, please tell me so I can reward them properly.

Personally, I don't see anything wrong with joining in on giveaways when I happen to be in the forums. I'll cheerfully join on any conversations when I see ones to which I can relate, but mostly its the giveaways where I've felt the most welcome. Well - until this thread anyway.

For the record, I didn't see the Secret Santa threads until 3 days ago, by which time I would expect it to be over. I did look in the forums earlier in December (when I logged in to buy on a sale one time and another time for the Fallout games for my husband), but just didn't notice it. One week I was in the hospital, and ordered to bed for the next few days, so I am sure I missed good things on GoG then too. It happens.

I remember Xylem's giveaways too. I never won any of them, but I enjoyed entering and thinking up clever/silly things to add to the giveaway threads that seemed to like that approach. I seem to remember doing something of the sort for him/her. Whatever happened to Xylem? Was someone ungrateful? Hope he/she does come back. Seemed like a very good-tempered person, and that sort is the heart of any good community. Xylem's continuing goodwill gave me more reasons to check back, obviously. Every time I did and saw any thread that I could relate to, I answered it. As I said, most regular threads seemed to be about shooters and thrillers.

I am genuinely grateful for any giveaways, although so far I have been given only the little puzzle one from Zurvan. Thank you again, Zurvan!
Check PM! The code should still be valid, and I'm sorry if it's not, but I don't recall giving it previously!

Edit: presuming it does, please return and give me your thoughts on the game!
Post edited December 30, 2013 by Sachys
Sachys: Check PM! The code should still be valid, and I'm sorry if it's not, but I don't recall giving it previously!

Edit: presuming it does, please return and give me your thoughts on the game!
Thank you so much! Trying it now. I'd be delighted to tell you about it if I can get it to work :D