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"fallout bethesda" returned 11 posts
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A new Indiana Jones game with an original story is in development by Bethesda's studio MachineGames and will be executive produced by Todd Howard in collaboration with Lucasfilm Games.

Bethesda's official announcement on Twitter:
Official teaser trailer:
Hmm sounds like another possible point&click game.

Not sure i would trust Bethesda, but maybe it's a game where Microsoft is getting them back into the groove of doing the right things. Although after they crapped on their userbase, have to see how much this improves things.
Post edited January 13, 2021 by rtcvb32
rtcvb32: Hmm sounds like another possible point&click game.

Not sure i would trust Bethesda, but maybe it's a game where Microsoft is getting them back into the groove of doing the right things. Although after they crapped on their userbase, have to see how much this improves things.
Im getting more Tomb Raidery vibes.
Bethesda and CD Projekt are my favorite companies in the industry, so having Bethesda involved in this is awesome. I hope it opens up a path for an Elder Scrolls-esque Star Wars game one day, as that's literally my ideal Star Wars game (that we have yet to receive).
With Machinegames I imagine they're making an Indiana Jones FPS.

I since childhood I've loved all things Indiana Jones, but don't feel anything with that teaser... and TBH not that interested with Bethesda and Machinegames involved. But we'll see...
kai2: With Machinegames I imagine they're making an Indiana Jones FPS.

I since childhood I've loved all things Indiana Jones, but don't feel anything with that teaser... and TBH not that interested with Bethesda and Machinegames involved. But we'll see...
It would be a first and would be really interesting for once to be Indiana Jones instead of looking at his back all along, but realistically I'm afraid this is going to be their answer to/take on Lara Croft.
My excitement for a Bethesda produced anything can be measured in a dry cough, like when I saw Game Freak attempt to make a terrible idea (Little Town Hero) as their, "Please don't let us keep making pokemon for another 20 years" attempt.

I can smell their engine exhaust from here from how it all moves and looks.
Maybe Ill be pleasantly surprised but I dont think this is going to turn out well.

Bethesda should and probably is all hands on deck to fix up Starfield which is a disappointment no matter how you spin it. Starfield is the flagship for Xbox/Gamepass and Microsoft is likely pushing Bethesda to have its developers focus on making Starfield a killer game so it will be the main attraction to draw new customers (it is Xbox exclusive for a reason). So the A team is likely not working on this Indy game which is probably also Xbox and PC exclusive.

Second, a first-person game for Indiana Jones? Might make sense if you are creating a character in the Indy-verse but if playing as Jones, I would think you want to see the character. Indy is basically a platformer/puzzle game (solving the puzzles to clear temples and running away from/avoiding obstacles) which would better fit third-person.

Do think there are better developers for an Indy game (Naughty Dog, Crystal Dynamics are obvious candidates and both currently are in a lull since Uncharted ended for ND and they are just doing a TLoU2 "remaster" and CD a Tomb Raider "remaster"). I donr see this game doing well.
Tokyo_Bunny_8990: Bethesda should and probably is all hands on deck to fix up Starfield which is a disappointment no matter how you spin it. Starfield is the flagship for Xbox/Gamepass and Microsoft is likely pushing Bethesda to have its developers focus on making Starfield a killer game so it will be the main attraction to draw new customers (it is Xbox exclusive for a reason). So the A team is likely not working on this Indy game which is probably also Xbox and PC exclusive.
Bethesda arent making it.
dr.schliemann: A new Indiana Jones game with an original story is in development by Bethesda's studio MachineGames and will be executive produced by Todd Howard in collaboration with Lucasfilm Games.

Bethesda's official announcement on Twitter:
Official teaser trailer:
Since it's Bethesda, how buggy will this game be?
TheBigCore: Since it's Bethesda, how buggy will this game be?
It depends on Todd's mood during dev time.