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I know i am strange in many and various ways. I was itching to discuss and realize if other people "suffer" from similar behavioral patterns, too. Personally, there are sometimes, when i try a new/modern game and while getting in contact with it, i become so frustrated, disgusted, horrified or appalled, that i immediately remove it, throw it away and put in the prequel, again; even after one entire decade of "absence".

Mine examples, are:

1) Red Alert 3; sent me FLYING, back to 2.
2) GTA 4 and V; sent me CRAWLING back to San Andreas and the other 3d era titles.
3) Diablo 3; i couldn't even BARE trying it for a plethora of reasons. I buried the series, sworn to never touch it again. And very recently, after nearly a decade of absence from good old days, i sank in 2 LOD again...
4) FEAR 3; sent me squeaking back to 1 and just in time for its GOG sales, yeah!
5) Tiberium something 4; everyone panned it, so i stayed clear away and put in my "THE FIRST DECADE", once again.

Anyone else who had similar issues and would feel like sharing, discussing, hinting at?
Mask of Eternity. Fails to convey the spirit of King's Quest, all the while being a terrible game.
KiNgBrAdLeY7: I know i am strange in many and various ways. I was itching to discuss and realize if other people "suffer" from similar behavioral patterns, too. Personally, there are sometimes, when i try a new/modern game and while getting in contact with it, i become so frustrated, disgusted, horrified or appalled, that i immediately remove it, throw it away and put in the prequel, again; even after one entire decade of "absence".

Mine examples, are:

1) Red Alert 3; sent me FLYING, back to 2.
2) GTA 4 and V; sent me CRAWLING back to San Andreas and the other 3d era titles.
3) Diablo 3; i couldn't even BARE trying it for a plethora of reasons. I buried the series, sworn to never touch it again. And very recently, after nearly a decade of absence from good old days, i sank in 2 LOD again...
4) FEAR 3; sent me squeaking back to 1 and just in time for its GOG sales, yeah!
5) Tiberium something 4; everyone panned it, so i stayed clear away and put in my "THE FIRST DECADE", once again.

Anyone else who had similar issues and would feel like sharing, discussing, hinting at?
I quite agree on GTA4, after many years I was able to play it and it wasn't worth it. Have no intention of wasting time on 5.

Dark Souls, I didn't go back to the prequel, but I did ragequit twice, second time with a ton of mods. Don't know if the game is any good, maybe I play it on console one day, but the PC port is an attack on gaming-kind.
Half-life 2, 1 was far better. Call of Duty > 2.
nightcraw1er.488: maybe I play it on console one day, but the PC port is an attack on gaming-kind.
Why would you want to do that?
If you own a console why don't you just use your controller to play the game on PC?

Even if the PC port isn't very good, I can't see any reason why it would be worse than on console.
With DS-Fix and a few other "mods" the PC version is objectively better than the console version. Why wouldn't it be?
nightcraw1er.488: maybe I play it on console one day, but the PC port is an attack on gaming-kind.
0Grapher: Why would you want to do that?
If you own a console why don't you just use your controller to play the game on PC?

Even if the PC port isn't very good, I can't see any reason why it would be worse than on console.
With DS-Fix and a few other "mods" the PC version is objectively better than the console version. Why wouldn't it be?
TBH, I have so many consoles + games, I don't know if I have it on console. If you say that about the mods then I will consign this to never playing.
nightcraw1er.488: I quite agree on GTA4, after many years I was able to play it and it wasn't worth it. Have no intention of wasting time on 5.
You should, it's awesome. I didn't enjoy what little I played of GTA4 either (I started on The Ballad of Gay Tony, but quit shortly after), but GTA5 was fantastic. Awesome characters and a great story, and none of the mandatory "go bowling with your cousin" from GTA4 I've seen so many people complain about.
didn't liked second game.
nightcraw1er.488: TBH, I have so many consoles + games, I don't know if I have it on console. If you say that about the mods then I will consign this to never playing.
I don't get it.
What did you think was bad about the PC port? I can't see a single thing that would be better in the console version if you could just as well plug in your PS3 controller and download a mod that changes the button prompts from the XBOX design to a PS design.

It is a bad PC port but what would be better about the PS3 version if your computer isn't too weak for the game?
Probably Dead Space 2 (couldn't get through the opening portion), given the rehashed style. So I don't know how the later parts of the game turn out.
Post edited September 23, 2015 by odinfan
nightcraw1er.488: TBH, I have so many consoles + games, I don't know if I have it on console. If you say that about the mods then I will consign this to never playing.
0Grapher: I don't get it.
What did you think was bad about the PC port? I can't see a single thing that would be better in the console version if you could just as well plug in your PS3 controller and download a mod that changes the button prompts from the XBOX design to a PS design.

It is a bad PC port but what would be better about the PS3 version if your computer isn't too weak for the game?
No, I really hated everything about it it for the 30 mins or so * 2 I played it, once with mods, once without. Graphics, interface, lack of story, autoaiming, spinning camera in menu mode (once I found menu). I assumed that as it was built for console it might work on console, but you are probably right.
nightcraw1er.488: Graphics,
Not great, but you can get texture mods, push the distant blur to a further distance, get great sweet-FX mods, 60 fps.

nightcraw1er.488: interface,
Is moddable as well

nightcraw1er.488: autoaiming,
You don't have to use auto-aiming for close combat and for bows. Crossbows and spells can't be handled properly without auto-aiming.

nightcraw1er.488: spinning camera in menu mode
I don't know what you mean
Empire Earth 2
Ikari Warriors 2
Contra 2
Track & Field 2
Red faction 2 (not new at all)
Serous sam 2
Duke nukem forever
Mass effect 2

Maybe super Mario Bros 2?? :)

I think i dont need to write why those games sucked badly.
Post edited September 23, 2015 by Shofixti1227
The Witcher. I didn't even start it but went straight back to the books soon as I learnt how its storyline starts.
Post edited September 23, 2015 by ZFR
Lords of the Realm 3. Twice so far. Maybe third is a charm.