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anothername: yeah, no idea either. These days its like every 2nd link I see got the letters SJW crammed into it.
tinyE: It's a good catch word. Ultimately it means nothing. It might have once but not anymore. And if you'll notice, it most often pops up when someone has no argument to offer. Back them into a corner and sure enough, "SJW!"

It's easier than having to come up with an actual answer.
... I know... its just such a stupid use for a hyped buzz word because of that exact reason that I sometimes think it might actually stand for something entirely different than Social Justice Warrior but nobody told me. Supremacist Jerk Wanker? At least that would hit as an insult and not result in a confused "err... ok?" reaction 50% of the time :P
drmike: I'm staying away from this discussion. I hate politics. I could sit here and rant for page after page and I keep deleting what I'm writing.
Ha, I believe it; personally, I have to go through my posts a second time before submitting them to remove all of the profanity whenever politics comes up. The only people who ever float to the top are the hollowed-out sociopaths willing to cross any line to get there, so every election boils down to trying to figure out which is the lesser of two still-significant evils (and the cults propping them up as though they have any actual insights or redeeming qualities).

There aren't enough wood chippers in the world.

tinyE: It's a good catch word. Ultimately it means nothing.
Bitter arguments become more whimsical when you imagine that it's a type of sandwich, though.
drmike: I'm staying away from this discussion. I hate politics. I could sit here and rant for page after page and I keep deleting what I'm writing.
227: Ha, I believe it; personally, I have to go through my posts a second time before submitting them to remove all of the profanity whenever politics comes up. The only people who ever float to the top are the hollowed-out sociopaths willing to cross any line to get there, so every election boils down to trying to figure out which is the lesser of two still-significant evils (and the cults propping them up as though they have any actual insights or redeeming qualities).

There aren't enough wood chippers in the world.

tinyE: It's a good catch word. Ultimately it means nothing.
227: Bitter arguments become more whimsical when you imagine that it's a type of sandwich, though.
Salami Jam and Wurst
I feel like I need to come in here and post some kind words about NeoGAF. In my opinio, it is by far the best forum I have found on the internet. I'm not much of a poster there, more of a lurker, but I found the discussions there very informative and intelligent and the reactions to news very entertaining. I thought they did an amazing job with the moderation since I never came across posts where people were attacking each other and when I would spen time in the off-topic section, I found people's opinions very insightful, even when I disagreed with them and very civilized and respectful. It was one of the few non-toxic communities I've seen on the web, and I wish that there existed forums of that calibre for topics other than video games. Granted I haven't been to many different sites, but reddit for example is a far inferior alternative in terms of format and quality of posts.

On the other hand I had to block NeoGAF on my computer since I was spending too much time on it, so I didn't notice that it wasn't available, but that would definitely be a huge loss for the gaming community. I hope things work out and they can bring the site back online .
Good riddance.

tinyE: It's a good catch word. Ultimately it means nothing. It might have once but not anymore. And if you'll notice, it most often pops up when someone has no argument to offer. Back them into a corner and sure enough, "SJW!"
Things have come to a pretty pass our romance is growing flat, 'cause you like this and the other, while I go for this and that. Goodness knows what the end will be, oh, I don't know where I'm at, it's plain to see we two will never make one. Something must be done! You say "SJWs" and I say "GamerGaters", You say "Antifas" and I say "Alt-Righters"... let's call the whole thing off.
Gonchi: Good riddance.

tinyE: It's a good catch word. Ultimately it means nothing. It might have once but not anymore. And if you'll notice, it most often pops up when someone has no argument to offer. Back them into a corner and sure enough, "SJW!"
Gonchi: Things have come to a pretty pass our romance is growing flat, 'cause you like this and the other, while I go for this and that. Goodness knows what the end will be, oh, I don't know where I'm at, it's plain to see we two will never make one. Something must be done! You say "SJWs" and I say "GamerGaters", You say "Antifas" and I say "Alt-Righters"... let's call the whole thing off.
Antifa is a bunch of dorks. :P
There were occasional "breaking news"-type threads where the NeoGaf community would uncover things, these were interesting to me, but as somebody whose views slant more to the right, I could never be a part of such a community. Or a place like Kotaku.

So ... meh, I guess.
An "elitist" gaming site sounds pretty ridiculous anyway...
tinyE: It's a good catch word. Ultimately it means nothing. It might have once but not anymore. And if you'll notice, it most often pops up when someone has no argument to offer. Back them into a corner and sure enough, "SJW!"

It's easier than having to come up with an actual answer.
Indeed. These days, I almost automatically ignore or unceremoniously cut off any debate with anyone who uses the terms "SJW", "snowflake", "cuck" or "globalist" in any context other than parody or criticism of the terms themselves, because quite honestly, people like that don't have the intellectual capacity to debate sensibly or rationally and simply want their egos stroked. My time is simply too valuable to be wasted on idiots like that.
Pheace: I don't know what half these things are supposed to even mean but I'm assuming it happened in threads that weren't about games to begin with?
anothername: Well... the comic version of Green Arrow is a self proclaimed Social Justice Warrior. But while he has a thing for ladys in black leather and fishnet outfits hes more likely to shoot a rapist/childpornographer than to be one. So...

yeah, no idea either. These days its like every 2nd link I see got the letters SJW crammed into it.
SJW is a style of fighting!
Neogaf is indeed a far left liberal echo chamber but I did like reading the gaming aspect of the site sometimes minus game threads that had a hint of politics involved. One should never get trapped into a world where you only talk to like minded individuals.
I have now googled this Tyler Malka person, and he does indeed look like a total creep.
Post edited October 23, 2017 by morolf
low rated
anothername: yeah, no idea either. These days its like every 2nd link I see got the letters SJW crammed into it.
tinyE: It's a good catch word. Ultimately it means nothing. It might have once but not anymore. And if you'll notice, it most often pops up when someone has no argument to offer. Back them into a corner and sure enough, "SJW!"

It's easier than having to come up with an actual answer.
It's actually gotten to the point where, if someone uses the term "SJW", I can safely assume that the person in question is not fair minded. In fact, I will actually downvote every post I see that use that acronym. (Note that I follow the use-mention distinction here; in particular, the post that I am replying to, as well as the one that it is a reply to, only mention the acronym rather than actually use them.)

tinyE: It's a good catch word. Ultimately it means nothing. It might have once but not anymore. And if you'll notice, it most often pops up when someone has no argument to offer. Back them into a corner and sure enough, "SJW!"

It's easier than having to come up with an actual answer.
_ChaosFox_: Indeed. These days, I almost automatically ignore or unceremoniously cut off any debate with anyone who uses the terms "SJW", "snowflake", "cuck" or "globalist" in any context other than parody or criticism of the terms themselves, because quite honestly, people like that don't have the intellectual capacity to debate sensibly or rationally and simply want their egos stroked. My time is simply too valuable to be wasted on idiots like that.
I would say I do as well, and in particular, that I downvote such posts when I see them. (Although I don't do that to "globalist", but then again, I haven't seen that term used much.)

(Of course, in a discussion about snow, the term "snowflake" is certainly legitimate. Context matters.)

Slurs I treat in a similar manner, except that I will report posts that use them.

BKGaming: Neogaf is indeed a far left liberal echo chamber but I did like reading the gaming aspect of the site sometimes minus game threads that had a hint of politics involved. One should never get trapped into a world where you only talk to like minded individuals.
One problem: Sometimes, talking to people with opposing viewpoints can be bad for your mental health. This is especially true if the person you're talking to doesn't believe a trait or condition that you have is real, or if that person doesn't believe that people like you deserve rights.
Post edited October 23, 2017 by dtgreene
Pheace: Nearly half the US elected a president that openly admitted to sexual assault so yeah it's not surprising how endemic it is.
Well we live in a world where sex sells people (women especially) are always being objectified in some way or another.

I just have to say that if Trump really did sexually assault anyone (or did something even worse) then I hope he is fully held accountable and is legally prosecuted if possible.

However, I also have to say people who say this are not being objective at all and are rather condemning him for something you have no idea if it's true. He said:

"When you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.” which does imply possible consent. People act like groupies who throw themselves at you don't exist when you are wealthy and powerful. They do.

People act like gold diggers and women that want the fame that comes with being with a powerful man don't exist. They do and they will let you do anything to get it.

So to say he "admitted to sexual assault" is a bit much based on the context of what was said, not that it is okay what he said mind you, because it isn't. But the person he was talking about turned him down, which he also stated. I also don't think that person ever claimed he assaulted them either (but I could be wrong).

I also find it crazy when people make the claim that this "wasn't locker room talk". My question to those people is have you been in a locker room in America or even a bar? Men boast all the time privately among male friends about this sort of stuff, stuff they would never say openly or actually ever do. It's never taken serious. Not saying it's right because it isn't or nor am I trying to justify it, but to not acknowledge it would also be wrong.

Hell even women are known to sexually objectify men among their girlfriends...

As far as the accusers, I just feel in these situations both the accuser and the person being accused should be given equal scrutiny because just because somebody says something happen, doesn't mean it did and I don't think people should have their lives ruined based only on he said she said. Especially when the person being accused is wealthy or in a powerful position when the motive may be financial gain or something else.

I do find it a bit curious though that all of Trumps accusers all came out nearly the exact same time and all quietly disappeared after the election

I also find it curious that now Rose McGowan (one of the actress involved in the Harvey Weinstein scandal) is claiming Lisa Bloom (who was one of the attorneys leading the charge against Trump) offered her 6 million dollars to say Harvey Weinstein had changed. Who is to say money (or something else) wasn't also offered to these accusers because of the Access Hollywood tape in an attempt to throw the election to Hillary?

As far as Trump I'm just talking all of this with a huge grain of salt personally until actual evidence is presented... in which case I will then be right there condemning him with you.

dtgreene: One problem: Sometimes, talking to people with opposing viewpoints can be bad for your mental health. This is especially true if the person you're talking to doesn't believe a trait or condition that you have is real, or if that person doesn't believe that people like you deserve rights.
Well on the other hand just because you believe a trait or condition is real, doesn't mean it is. That's the thing about science, one day something is believed and the next day something is discovered that completely changes how we look at things. Nothing is set in stone.

As far a deserving rights, well that comes back to if it's a real trait or condition doesn't it. Not my place to judge that.

But while you think you deserve certain rights, other people equally think they deserve the right to believe what they want and not have those beliefs (that you have) forced onto them nor be forced into accepting situations they disagree with.
Post edited October 23, 2017 by BKGaming
llamas: I feel like I need to come in here and post some kind words about NeoGAF. In my opinio, it is by far the best forum I have found on the internet. I'm not much of a poster there, more of a lurker, but I found the discussions there very informative and intelligent and the reactions to news very entertaining. I thought they did an amazing job with the moderation since I never came across posts where people were attacking each other and when I would spen time in the off-topic section, I found people's opinions very insightful, even when I disagreed with them and very civilized and respectful. It was one of the few non-toxic communities I've seen on the web, and I wish that there existed forums of that calibre for topics other than video games. Granted I haven't been to many different sites, but reddit for example is a far inferior alternative in terms of format and quality of posts.
Same opinion I have too. Damn shame if it dies and if the allegations are true.
tinyE: It's a good catch word. Ultimately it means nothing. It might have once but not anymore. And if you'll notice, it most often pops up when someone has no argument to offer. Back them into a corner and sure enough, "SJW!"

It's easier than having to come up with an actual answer.
_ChaosFox_: Indeed. These days, I almost automatically ignore or unceremoniously cut off any debate with anyone who uses the terms "SJW", "snowflake", "cuck" or "globalist" in any context other than parody or criticism of the terms themselves, because quite honestly, people like that don't have the intellectual capacity to debate sensibly or rationally and simply want their egos stroked. My time is simply too valuable to be wasted on idiots like that.
Same here, there's no discussion to be had.
Post edited October 23, 2017 by Lucian_Galca