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Most of users already know that Planescape: Torment is one of the best games ever created. What's even cooler about it, fans of the game made it even better with lots of mods and enhancements, but it's pretty difficult to figure out what modifications and in which order they should be installed. Thanks to Johnny Walker aka ThunderPeel2001, who originally posted this article a detailed description of the fastest and easiest way to get the best of Planescape: Torment.

STEP 1: Install Bigg's Widescreen mod
IMPORTANT NOTE: Installing this mod will invalidate your existing savegames, so be prepared to start over once it has been installed! If you're in the middle of a game, and don't want to lose your progress, you should stop now (come back when you're ready to play a new game!).

What it does:
This awesome patch allows you to play Planescape: Torment at a higher resolution, making the game look a whole lot better, especially on flatscreen monitors.

How to install:
Download Bigg's Widescreen mod (it doesn't matter whether you actually have a widescreen monitor or not). If you want to learn more about the mod, or if the previous link is broken, please check <a href="" target=blank>the official site</a>.
Double-click on widescreen-v2.60.exe (it doesn't matter where it is) and Browse to the directory on your computer where Planescape: Torment is installed (this is the directory where torment.exe lives, default by GOG it's: C:/Program Files/ Click "Install" once you've done this.
When the new window opens, choose to install "Component [Widescreen Mod]" -- even if your monitor is not widescreen -- by typing "I" and pressing ENTER.
When asked for your X-coordinates enter the number of pixels wide you'd like the resolution to be. When asked for your Y-coordinates enter the number of pixels high you'd like the resolution to be.
If you have an LCD monitor, then you'll probably want to run the game at your monitor's highest resolution to achieve the maximum sharpness of graphics. Here's a list of common resolutions for those who feel unsure of what to type. You can keep experimenting until you find one that looks best for you.
- CRT monitors (X/Y): 800/600, 1024/768, 1280/960, 1280/1024
- Widescreen monitors (X/Y): 1280/800, 1440/900, 1680/1050, 1920/1200
Once you're happy with your selection, type 'Y' to install.
Note: You MUST follow the next step in order to fix the graphics at this new higher resolution!

STEP 2: Install Ghostdog's incredible UI mod
What it does:
Unfortunately, increasing the resolution of the game will knock many special graphical effects out of place, put videos in the top left corner of your screen, make the menu screens look really ugly, and possibly even make the text really hard to read. Luckily this mod fixes ALL the above problems... It's really quite amazing!

How to install:
This mod is a little trickier to install, but it's worth it, and all of the mods in the later steps are installed in the same way...

Download <a href=";showfile=683" target=blank>Ghostdog's mod</a>.

When you've downloaded it, open it up (just double-click on the file). Now extract the entire archive directly into the game directory (this is the directory where torment.exe is - default by GOG it's C:/Program Files/
Once you've done this, double-click on the setup file 'Setup-GhostDog's-PST-UI.exe' from within the game's directory.
In the window that opens you will then get five options:
- Install the mod with the default fonts
- Install the mod with 20% bigger fonts
- Install the mod with 40% bigger fonts
- Install the mod with 80% bigger fonts
- Install the mod with 120% bigger fonts
It's a pretty hard thing to gauge from just looking at the numbers, but luckily Ghostdog has also provided <a href="" target=blank>a screenshot</a> to help you decide. Take a look at the preview to see what size is easiest to read on your monitor.
To pick an option, just type a number associated with it and press 'ENTER'.

Note: If you're running Windows 7 and AVG anti-virus and you get a "permission denied" error, you may need to disable AVG's "Resident Shield" before this mod will install successfully.
Note: Don't worry! As with all of the mods below, you can always run the setup file again in order to change your options. So if you don't like the font size you picked, simply run the Setup-GhostDog's-PST-UI.exe again and pick a different option!

QUICK CHECK! Before moving on, try running Planescape: Torment and ensuring that it loads correctly. If it doesn't, then you need to redo the steps above before applying the patches below

STEP 3: Install the Ultimate Fixpack
What it does:
Fixes hundreds of bugs left in the game. You definitely want this installed before playing the game.

How to install:
As with the previous mod, download the <a href=";showfile=647" target=blank>Ultimate WeiDU Fixpack</a> (click the "Download File" button) and extract the entire archive to the game directory (this is the directory where torment.exe resides - default by GOG it's: C:/Program Files/
Then double click on the set-up file 'Setup-PST-Fix.exe' from within the game directory.
In the window that opens, enter your language number (for example, enter "0" for English) and press ENTER. Then choose "N" (you can view the readme later if you want).
You'll then get the option to install the following items:
- Ultimate WeiDU Fixpack, by Qwinn
- Dialogue Spelling/Grammar Corrections (English Only)
- Subtitled Cutscenes
You should choose to install all three of these items, one-by-one. To do this, just type "I" and press ENTER for each one.
Explanation of the things you've just installed options:
- The Ultimate WeiDU Fixpack is, as you'd expect, a ton of bug fixes for the game. You definitely want this.
- The second option, Dialogue Spelling/Grammar Corrections, again corrects mistakes in the game's text (some serious, some not so serious, but all recommended).
- The final option, Subtitled Cutscenes, is also recommended as there's some very important stuff said during the cutscenes -- that you don't want to miss!
- You can now play a bug fixed, generally improved, version of Planescape: Torment, but why stop there when there's so much other great stuff to add...

STEP 4: Install Unfinished Business
What it does:
The Unfinished Business patch adds many missions back into the game that the designer's didn't have time to finish. These are missions that should be in the game, but time and money constraints meant they were left out, despite being close to completion.

How to install:
Download <a href=";showfile=648" target=blank>Qwinn's Unfinished Business patch</a> (click on the "Download File" link).
Extract all files to the game directory (where torment.exe lives) and double-click on 'Setup-PST-UB.exe'.
You will then be asked, as before, which items you want to install. All recommendations in this guide assume you're a new player to Planescape: Torment.
The first two SHOULD be installed:
- All Recommended PS:T Unfinished Business Components
- Expanded Deionarra's Truth Mod<span style="display: block; height: 7px;"></span>Do NOT install the following:
- Restored Cheat Items

STEP 5: Install Tweaks Pack
What it does:
This patch tweaks and re-balances elements of the game. These are things that make the game more enjoyable to play, and have been requested by players since it was released.

How to install:
Download <a href=";showfile=649" target=blank>Qwinn's PS:T Tweak Pack</a> (click on the "Download File" link).
Same as before, extract all files to the game directory. Then run 'Setup-PST-Tweak.exe'.

As a new player you SHOULD install the following:
- Banter Accelerator (30 mins)
- Add Quickload (adds Quickloading to F9 or F10 - not totally necessary, but you might as well)
- BG2-Style THAC0 Display (makes your stats slightly easier to understand)
- Stackable Rings, Charms, Bracelets, Scrolls
- Explore City Areas<span style="display: block; height: 7px;"></span>Do NOT install:
- Scale of Souls<span style="display: block; height: 7px;"></span>You SHOULD install:
- Save Nordom! Tweak<span style="display: block; height: 7px;"></span>Do NOT install:
- Disabled Stat Minimums

You SHOULD install:
- Maximized HP Per Level for TNO and Party
- Maximized Friends Spell
- These are very minor changes.

I recommend NOT installing them, but it's up to you:
- No Battle Music
- Use Floating Text Font Globally

Do NOT install:
- Identify All Items
- Early Glabrezus Tweak
- Power Action Leprechaun Annah, by Black Isle
- Easter Egg Morte, by Black Isle
- Rest Anywhere
- Tome Of Cheats

Note: You can change your mind and add/remove any of these items later by running 'Setup-PST-Tweak.exe' again.

And that's it. Now you can play and enjoy the best version of Planescape: Torment there is!

All of these wonderful things are possible thanks to the hard work of the following Planescape: Torment fans: Qwinn, scient, GhostDog and Biggs. I've also used additional help constructing this guide from Jake, Air, Jeff Vader and others. Thanks a lot!

The Planescape: Torment mods guide by Johnny Walker aka ThunderPeel2001. For troubleshooting please <a href="" target=blank>check ThunderPeel2001 blog</a>!
Post edited November 03, 2010 by Cook
Downloaded GhostDog's PS:T UI mod v2.2 but can't seem to open it. I have 7-zip and it just gives error "Can't open file as archive"?

EDIT: So I downloaded it from another source (from just a few posts up) and it worked. I guess the file is/was broken from the link in main post.
Post edited March 25, 2016 by Bluedemonfox
Bluedemonfox: Downloaded GhostDog's PS:T UI mod v2.2 but can't seem to open it. I have 7-zip and it just gives error "Can't open file as archive"?

EDIT: So I downloaded it from another source (from just a few posts up) and it worked. I guess the file is/was broken from the link in main post.
Can you give me a link? All the links I can find are sadly broken
Try this one
high rated
LINUX GUIDE for WeiDU and Widescreen mod

I had a heck of a time getting these mods installed into GOG's linux version of Planescape: Torment. Here's what I did to get it to work.

0. Install the game as normal. For the purposes of this guide, we'll say it installed to:

/home/user/GOG/Planescape Torment/

Note that GOG provides a wine wrapper to run the game. THE MODS NEED TO BE INSTALLED INTO THE WINDOWS GAME DATA FOLDER. By default, that would be:

/home/user/GOG/Planescape Torment/prefix/drive_c/GOG Games/Planescape Torment/

***you can save yourself some headache right now if you make every folder name in that path lowercase right now***

1. Download the linux version of the widescreen mod direct from the gibberlings website. Follow the provided README, but in summary:

Untar the contents, and place the weidu, weinstall, and tolower executables into a directory on your $PATH (like /usr/bin)

2. Place the extracted /widescreen folder into the game data folder ~/.../prefix/drive_c/GOG Games/Planescape Torment/ .

At this point, you would normally be able to install the mod by running ">weinstall widescreen" in the terminal while in the game data folder. HOWEVER, in linux file paths and filenames are case sensitive, and in windows it didn't matter! This is the core of the problems with installing Infinity Engine mods made for windows onto a linux box. As a hacky solution, the linux version of the mod includes the "tolower" executable.


3a. Run ">tolower" in the game data folder. Say Yes when asked to create "linux.ini", which "weinstall" will use to locate .bif files it needs from the ~/.../data/ subfolder.

You will need to modify "linux.ini" in a moment.

3b. Also run ">tolower" in ~/.../data/. Say No when prompted to create "linux.ini" in here.

3c. "weinstall" will assume that the path to the ~/.../data/ folder is all lowercase.

IF IT ISN'T, INSTALLATION WILL FAIL with an error that contains:

"ERROR: BIFF [./AR0100.BIF] cannot be loaded".

If you didn't change the path to lowercase earlier and don't want to change it all now (cause it'll mess with your directory organization or something), you can create a symlink like so:

>mkdir -p /home/user/gog/pst/
>ln -s "/home/user/GOG/Planescape Torment/prefix/drive_c/GOG Games/Planescape Torment/" "/home/user/gog/pst/"

This places the "Planescape Torment/" game data folder into a symlinked folder. This has to be lowercase too: change its name to "planescape torment/"

4. Modify "linux.ini" so that each line points to the actual game data folder. This is where you'd put your symlink path. The top two lines for example would read:

CD1:=/home/user/gog/pst/planescape torment/
CD1:=/home/user/gog/pst/planescape torment/data/

5. Run ">weinstall widescreen" and select your options as normal.

The key to solving this pain in the butt was a post on the gibberlings forum (entitled "PST GOG Linux edition - case issue on install?"), so all credit for the actual solution goes to them: I just couldn't find any linux mod help on gog and figured there would be others who were floundering.
Installed Plane Scape Torment plus recommended mods and it worked fine.

The print was a little small, so I went back to change it from 40% to 80%. This caused a flickering at the top of the screen when I was in the game.

So I went back and changed the text back to 40%, but the flickering remains.

Any solution?

Do I need to uninstall everything and start from scratch?

NEVERMIND: Figured it out. I have a Dell and Windows 10. The top of the screen was flickering constantly in PST. In the top middle of the Dell Desktop, there is this thing called a Dock. Turn it off and your flickering during PST will go away. Hope this helps somebody.
Post edited April 03, 2016 by BunRabs
nerdlight: i got a very bad mouse trail when i installed the first two moods. The cursor blinks with high frequency and leave a blinking trail after it over the whole scrren, and the characters have ghost shadows almost like they have ghost twins, anyone have gotten this ? I can post a screenshot if that helps explains my problems, and i got a error message saying, when i exit the program, saying that the program stopped working
I had this same issue and fixed it by running setup-ddrawfix.exe and choosing the first option (Force DirectDraw Emulation) instead of the second option. Then I had to re-run setup-widescreen.exe to get the game back to the resolution I wanted. Lastly I re-ran Setup-GhostDog's-PST-UI.exe just to make sure everything was working.
Excellent guide so far. Glad I stumbled across it. Unfortunately I'm having trouble installing the GhostDog UI mod. I have Bigg's Widescreen mod installed and tested. So that's good. I can download and extract the GhostDog files, but when I attempt to run Setup-GhostDog's-PST-UI.exe I get the error "The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable."

I *think* I followed the instructions correctly. I extracted the Ghostdog files so Setup-GhostDog's-PST-UI.exe is in the same directory as Torment.exe. Then double clicked the Setup-GhostDog's-PST-UI.exe.

I also tried downloading a few different verisons of the Ghostdog v2.2 mod from different sites in case just the one file was corrupted. I tried disabling virus scanner and various compatibility modes on the installer, but I keep getting the same error.

Would appreciate any help. :)
stellalune: Excellent guide so far. Glad I stumbled across it. Unfortunately I'm having trouble installing the GhostDog UI mod. I have Bigg's Widescreen mod installed and tested. So that's good. I can download and extract the GhostDog files, but when I attempt to run Setup-GhostDog's-PST-UI.exe I get the error "The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable."

I *think* I followed the instructions correctly. I extracted the Ghostdog files so Setup-GhostDog's-PST-UI.exe is in the same directory as Torment.exe. Then double clicked the Setup-GhostDog's-PST-UI.exe.

I also tried downloading a few different verisons of the Ghostdog v2.2 mod from different sites in case just the one file was corrupted. I tried disabling virus scanner and various compatibility modes on the installer, but I keep getting the same error.

Would appreciate any help. :)
Weird, I just installed all correctly on my system. Have only tested for about 15 minutes, but it looks like everything did ok. All I can recommend is redownloading the mod you mentioned, and then reinstalling it again, being sure to follow each step as instructed.

I just want to give a HUGE Thank You to the creators of this mod, and GoG, for providing such a much-needed update to this classic game. I am so stoked to get to play this again, and with these enhancements, I'm sure it will be even better. Great work!!
Post edited June 12, 2016 by ParfocalGOG
stellalune: Excellent guide so far. Glad I stumbled across it. Unfortunately I'm having trouble installing the GhostDog UI mod. I have Bigg's Widescreen mod installed and tested. So that's good. I can download and extract the GhostDog files, but when I attempt to run Setup-GhostDog's-PST-UI.exe I get the error "The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable."

I *think* I followed the instructions correctly. I extracted the Ghostdog files so Setup-GhostDog's-PST-UI.exe is in the same directory as Torment.exe. Then double clicked the Setup-GhostDog's-PST-UI.exe.

I also tried downloading a few different verisons of the Ghostdog v2.2 mod from different sites in case just the one file was corrupted. I tried disabling virus scanner and various compatibility modes on the installer, but I keep getting the same error.

Would appreciate any help. :)
ParfocalGOG: Weird, I just installed all correctly on my system. Have only tested for about 15 minutes, but it looks like everything did ok. All I can recommend is redownloading the mod you mentioned, and then reinstalling it again, being sure to follow each step as instructed.

I just want to give a HUGE Thank You to the creators of this mod, and GoG, for providing such a much-needed update to this classic game. I am so stoked to get to play this again, and with these enhancements, I'm sure it will be even better. Great work!!
Yeah, sometimes just starting over is the way to go, but that's a weird error. Did you verify the directory and maybe create a text doc in it to makes sure you can write to it. I typically right click - install as administrator when I do the installs, so you can try that. Otherwise I would uninstall and start over from scratch being careful to follow each step as listed. There a lot of steps and the order and details are important. Also cross your fingers and hold your left foot in the air during the install... ;-)
Just wanted to say that I had to install Aqrit's DDrawFix, despite the objections of the original guide (the one that is on the blogspot). Without it, I had terrible performance and crazy visuals glitches.
So if you are done with the game and uninstall it, will it remove every mod with it or do i have to do manually by deleting the directory since all the files are there(right?)
Most links are dead. I hope they do come back up later, because the game is unplayable atm.
D3va.444: Most links are dead. I hope they do come back up later, because the game is unplayable atm.
Use google to search for any your having trouble finding, there are many sites - gibberlings3, sorcerors place etc to find these.
D3va.444: Most links are dead. I hope they do come back up later, because the game is unplayable atm.
nightcraw1er.488: Use google to search for any your having trouble finding, there are many sites - gibberlings3, sorcerors place etc to find these.
I found several of them on Search for them individually.
You can find all the mods in the very first downloadspage of moddb for the game here: