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Win an autographed, physical copy of Lords of Xulima: Collector's Edition!

Scratch your old school RPG itch with a 70% discount on Lords of Xulima - Deluxe Edition, and the edition upgrade!

If we had to say one thing about Lords of Xulima it would be that it's huge - over 100 gameplay hours of completely original fantasy roleplay huge. With a mix of isometric exploration and first-person turn based combat - it's all the good old school gameplay you know and love to scratch that unique RPG itch. Lords of Xulima - Deluxe Edition includes exciting extra content: Talisman of Goldot DLC and the Special Digital Rewards package. The DLC includes three artifacts of epic giving power to help you on your journey, while the digital rewards are a package of impressive bonus content including an Original Soundtrack, a detailed Bestiary & Mythology of Xulima, Map of Xulima, and more! The promo lasts until July 19, 11:59 AM GMT.


If the promo wasn't a good enough reason to explore the lands of Xulima, we're also happy to announce a contest for you all!

You've shown us time and time again that you’re all other kinds of creative. If you're anything like us, than about half of every extended classic RPG session was spent rolling and adjusting every possible stat on that perfect party. That's the side of RPG gaming joy that really doesn't get enough credit - so this week we want to bring it to the forefront in the most classic style!


Design (write, draw, paint, photoshop, photograph) your very own RPG character sheet. Pen and paper style. Show us the coolest, funniest or just most creative character you can think of! Is it you? Is it your cat? Is it your grandmother, vanquisher of the empty stomach? We *need* to know.


We will pick 2 winners, who will receive their very own physical (and signed!) copy of Lords of Xulima - Collector's Edition. These editions are brand new and pretty unique collectors' items featuring a world map, and two hardcover books: Secrets of Xulima Game Guide and Bestiary & Mythology of Xulima. We'll also throw in 4 game codes worth $9.99 each!

Knowing how these things go, there'll be plenty of runners up as well - so don't hesitate to enter even if you don't think you'll be numero uno.


-- We're allowing only one entry per user, so make sure it's the one you love.
-- Submit your creation as a .jpg image as a forum reply to this post. Make it an attachement, or host it on
-- We're accepting entries until Tuesday, July 21st, at 23:59 GMT.
-- We’ll be posting our favorite entries on our social media profiles, so get ready to get some fame - we promise to credit you by your user name.

Have fun with it!
Fonzman: I recently made a new "Call of Cthulhu" character sheet for my group (we are playing by Saga rules).
I hope you don't mind that its German :-)
If anyone is interested in it, I can also translate it to English! Just write me a note!

Here you go ...
You'd probably be better off posting it in the German forum, then ;) Here is where you'll be read and understood!
Oh boy... I am ashamed to admit how much time I put in it ^_^

First I have started it to make a joke post but then I really got into it...
And so I present you guys and girls my ultimate character for this contest.

* The character is based loosely on me :D

TheBigL Character

Good luck to all in the competition!

* Edit - Edited link.
Post edited July 16, 2015 by TheBigLLS
I'm In!

Here's my entry! I went with the character of a pretentious teen nerd. I even tried to capture that with the handwriting ;)

melllvar.jpg (333 Kb)
catpower1980: OK, I'm dumb so could you explain how you do a RPG character sheet "pen&paper style". Must it be like a template of D&D rpg? Are stats obligatory? Can we go freestyle like this guy for his character on GTA Online:

And also,must it be set in strict fantasy typical D&D/LOTR-like world or can it go into another setting like Vampire The Masquerade or Fallout? So many questions awaiting answers.... :o)
Ciris: The reason we’ve set literally no requirements as to what to include is because we want to see how creative you can get - use a pre-existing template, or don’t, or make up your own :) As long as it’s a character you’d want to play in a pen&paper setting of Lords of Xulima, it’s good to go - whether high fantasy, cyberpunk, inanimate, historically inspired, or other still!
OK, I've spent six hours on this today, I hope it will fit the expectations of the contest :o) I still have the making-of to write and an administrative thing to do and it will be up on Saturday. The downside is that it could be unsuitable for social medias.... Teasing ;)
Here's Tito Fernadez, a ladies man.
I've had so many characters in my head over the years, I'd have to think about which one would be the most fun to enter the contest with.
My idea probably doesn't have much in common with the game universe but, I thought it was a nice idea with the character sheet. I've also included a small back story to my character.


Humanity pretty much followed the path that Orwell had predicted ...

After the Great Nuclear War 20 years ago, life on Earth was close to extinction. No matter how strong the great minds of our time opposed the idea of a nuclear confrontation, our greed and never ending thirst for power ignored everyone and everything ... and plunged the world into a planetary genocide.

The fact that we have survived today is just a miracle, if one can still believe in such a thing. Life after the war was the very definition of a nightmare: death, chaos and no hope.

For a moment, humanity caught a glimpse of light in all the darkness, when the first world government was formed, everyone was hoping, that this will be the start of a new era.

Life, has a strange sense of irony ... We found ourselves struggling, in what was called a totalitarian planetary state. Of course, they didn't call it that. They called it ... The United People of Earth.

Everyone ended up as slaves, with basically no rights whatsoever. We were told that this was for a better future, a new hope for our children ... the eternal illusion. Life was as bad as before, with death watching your every move, with no hope.

Those who resisted were either "terminated" or sent into "correctional facilities". I was one of them. In one of these prisons I've met the man who would change ... everything.

He was a normal man on the outside. But later on I found out that he was the only person which resisted all of the "indoctrination sessions" we were forced into. This of course, drew the attention of the authorities, which, in turn, intensified their methods of breaking a man. Each day I could hear him in his cell asking himself
a single question ... "What is the point of all this ?" ... every day.

On a rainy morning I woke up and to my surprise, that man was in my cell. Somehow I was shocked ... it was impossible, but at the same time, something was calming me, I was not afraid. He stood up, looked me in the eyes and said ... "I am one with the Universe". Of course, it made no sense to me at that time.

Minutes later, he was setting everyone in the prison free. I can't describe what I saw, it was impossible. They tried to stop him with brute force, but somehow, he was invincible, he was absorbing every violent attack thrown in his direction. Everything was unreal.

Years after this event, I found out that this man, somehow, achieved a new level in human consciousness ... something new, something amazing, something ... universal. He quickly became feared by the authorities, the oppressed saw him as a supernatural being. He told us at one point: "I am only a man, just like you, you just have to forget everything you were taught about your existence, only then, you will be able to experience the beauty of our Universe ..."

He started roaming the world, trying to teach people how to overcome their fears, their barriers ... His purpose was not conquest or power, he wanted to help us reach a new step in our existence, a new consciousness, a new philosophy, a philosophy based on understanding life, based on our creativity ... a philosophy of our Universe.

From this moment on, everything was about to change ..."
Post edited July 17, 2015 by SpaceShikyo
catpower1980: OK, I've spent six hours on this today
Welp, with that kind of effort my 60 seconds lethargic trance followed by a belch and epiphanatical delineation is a bit whargarbled into forfeiture. It doesn't help that they (the judges of this event) all hate me either though, but still. :P
SpaceShikyo: snip....
Well done! Out of curiosity, could you tell us about the making-of your artwork, I like this DOS-era style you've chosen ;)
MaximumBunny: It doesn't help that they (the judges of this event) all hate me either though, but still. :P
That's what you get for spamming their PM box with messages like "All hail Lord GabeN our savior!" ;)
Post edited July 17, 2015 by catpower1980
And another contest for artistically talented users only. Sigh...

Anyway, good luck :-)
SpaceShikyo: snip....
catpower1980: Well done! Out of curiosity, could you tell us about the making-of your artwork, I like this DOS-era style you've chosen ;)
Well, it's called pixelart and it's basically a style that tries to imitate the look found in old games. You draw the image at a low resolution, for example 300x150, and at the end you scale it up, x2, x3, ending up with the pixelart style. The idea is that you have to draw everything at the pixel level, zoomed in on the drawing.

You can find tons of examples on pixelart around the internet.
Post edited July 17, 2015 by SpaceShikyo
ok.. couldn't resist... finally grabbed this one... hope I find time to play it ;}
Here's my submission: Brostraka, an old hag I've played in a short-lived Warhammer RP campaign. She was so awesome.
Post edited July 18, 2015 by Nnesk
I didn't see any rule about editing, so I decided to edit mine. I had an image that the original author said was fine to use, but I needed to include links for licenses and whatnot. That's just annoying. So I use a GOG Witcher 3 storefront image. Hope that's ok with the judges!

I put the new link in the edited post and I'll post it here:
SpaceShikyo: From this moment on, everything was about to change ..."
Very well done!