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Who do you think would win in a fight between an army of kittens armed with laser beams and Gog?

Forums members could argue with them, and downvote them as well. The blues would have to fight for their lives agains't the onslaught.

It would be tragic.
Post edited March 20, 2016 by bad_fur_day1
I would totally pay to see this.

I want so say the kittehs, but they are very tiny, and if the lasers are mounted on their heads, mostly they'll be taking the gog staff's legs and feet. but most importantly, the kittens will be killing each other on accident.

hmm, but if gog loses its' legs they will be prone and more likely to be hit by the kittens. Ok, yeah, kittens win for sure, though there will be much blood on both sides.
Kittens. GOG's top men showed up to the fight six months late and still in beta.
Breja: Kittens. GOG's top men showed up to the fight six months late and still in beta.
now come on, would they show? really?

although if they don't show, the kittens are just gonna kill each other off on accident or simply starve to death, so perhaps gog would win. huh.
Crewdroog: I want so say the kittehs, but they are very tiny,
Yeah, but so is our resident tentacle-head, and look where he's gotten.

I gotta hand this one to the kittens.
Crewdroog: I want so say the kittehs, but they are very tiny,
zeogold: Yeah, but so is our resident tentacle-head, and look where he's gotten.

I gotta hand this one to the kittens.
do you have a crush or something on tinyE? all you do is talk about him like some goofy, giggly teenage girl. Just ask him out or kiss him already.
zeogold: Yeah, but so is our resident tentacle-head, and look where he's gotten.

I gotta hand this one to the kittens.
Crewdroog: do you have a crush or something on tinyE? all you do is talk about him like some goofy, giggly teenage girl. Just ask him out or kiss him already.
Not true.
I also talk about myself.
Besides, I'm obliged to be one of the people to run his cult since I put forth the grand banning challenge that made Konrad step up and attempt to become the Almighty Ruler of All GOG.

Edit: Good luck actually figuring out everything I referenced.
Post edited March 20, 2016 by zeogold
Crewdroog: do you have a crush or something on tinyE? all you do is talk about him like some goofy, giggly teenage girl. Just ask him out or kiss him already.
zeogold: Not true.
I also talk about myself.
Besides, I'm obliged to be one of the people to run his cult since I put forth the grand banning challenge that made Konrad step up and attempt to become the Almighty Ruler of All GOG.

Edit: Good luck actually figuring out everything I referenced.
yup, we got a smitten kitten.
Crewdroog: do you have a crush or something on tinyE? all you do is talk about him like some goofy, giggly teenage girl. Just ask him out or kiss him already.
zeogold: Not true.
I also talk about myself.
Besides, I'm obliged to be one of the people to run his cult since I put forth the grand banning challenge that made Konrad step up and attempt to become the Almighty Ruler of All GOG.

Edit: Good luck actually figuring out everything I referenced.
to the "edit: good luck actually figuring out everything I referenced": um, no. honestly, i don't care to and don't want to and second, i think you got a bit of an ego starting here. you are not the king of the forum. chill out.
Post edited March 20, 2016 by Crewdroog
An informal poll on Cats vs Skynet ( came out overwhelmingly in Cats' favor, and I don't see gOg staff being meaner or tougher than Skynet. That said, proper tactical utilization of string and laser pointers could turn the tide.
Crewdroog: *crewdroog noises*
I'm joking.
HereForTheBeer: An informal poll on Cats vs Skynet ( came out overwhelmingly in Cats' favor, and I don't see gOg staff being meaner or tougher than Skynet. That said, proper tactical utilization of string and laser pointers could turn the tide.
lol i forgot about that thread, good find!
Next thread:
who would win between bad_fur_day1 and a flock of geese armed with nailguns?
Easy peasy, Gog would win. You just have to fight fire with fire: grab a laser pointer and - OH, LOOK FELLAS, A MOVING SPOT! LET'S CATCH IT!
This thread would be great if I still did drugs. :P
tinyE: This thread would be great if I still did drugs. :P
Ah, but would those drugs be great if you still did threads?