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OldOldGamer: Anyone noted a drop in new interesting games?
I own most of what I m interested in (probably all of them).

But new intersting gamea are hard to appear... But I will not give money to steam
What kind of games are you looking for? I know I periodically think there's nothing interesting popping up, but then I look at my wishlist of 70+ games, as well as being suddenly surprised by a string of unexpectedly good games and I stop worrying about it.

The other thing to consider is you bought all the games that interest you for now. So the amount of choice is necessarily limited due to the small amount of releases each week and the fact that your interests are not always going to be represented during each release cycle.
ZFR: What type of games are you itnerested in? Someone here might suggest something you haven't played yet.
ZFR: What type of threads are you itnerested in? Someone here might suggest something you haven't read yet.
ZFR parodying himself? O_o
Is this a sequel to the "GOG did not release any good games in 2017" thread?
high rated
Strijkbout: SOLUTION:

Just lower your standards.
That's what I tell all the women I date!
ZFR: What type of threads are you itnerested in? Someone here might suggest something you haven't read yet.
Grargar: ZFR parodying himself? O_o
I like how he kept the typo in the second iteration. That's commitment to the bit!
OldOldGamer: Anyone noted a drop in new interesting games?
I own most of what I m interested in (probably all of them).

But new intersting gamea are hard to appear... But I will not give money to steam
Well if you buy up all the interesting games out there, then there is going to be a lack of interesting games for awhile. :)
1st More simulation would be cool. Especially military/driving simulator. Even DOS simulator (Tornado/F-14/TFX...)
2nd Some open-world game. I just recently come across Sleeping Dogs. Is cool.
3rd Something different from indie platformers.

macuahuitlgog: Well if you buy up all the interesting games out there, then there is going to be a lack of interesting games for awhile. :)
Obviously on GOG. I can still found lots of interesting games on the open (or less open) market.
Post edited May 06, 2017 by OldOldGamer
high rated
How about playing those you already have? I know, I know. Madness ;)
high rated
My problem:
Lack of time to play interesting games
kbnrylaec: My problem:
Lack of time to play interesting games
So true it just seems like you never have time to play what you want to play
OldOldGamer: Anyone noted a drop in new interesting games?
I own most of what I m interested in (probably all of them).

But new intersting gamea are hard to appear... But I will not give money to steam
Yes, most definitely, since end of last year. Indevs, indiecrap, dlc's, "enhanced" versions etc. Very little of interest, though I am saving a fortune.
kbnrylaec: My problem:
Lack of time to play interesting games
Same here!
OldOldGamer: Anyone noted a drop in new interesting games?
nightcraw1er.488: Yes, most definitely, since end of last year. Indevs, indiecrap, dlc's, "enhanced" versions etc. Very little of interest, though I am saving a fortune.
Sounds like medieval times…
Post edited May 06, 2017 by thomq
OldOldGamer: 1st More simulation would be cool. Especially military/driving simulator. Even DOS simulator (Tornado/F-14/TFX...)
2nd Some open-world game. I just recently come across Sleeping Dogs. Is cool.
3rd Something different from indie platformers.
Relatively recent releases that may relate to what you want:

Saints Row 4
Delta Force series
Army Men RTS
Hidden and Dangerous 1 & 2
Caesar 1 and 2
Emperor ROTMK

This probably isn't what you wanted, though. You may just have to use other services, though I'd suggest messaging GOG Support with your feedback. ("I want more simulator and open-world games to buy.")
Post edited May 06, 2017 by tfishell