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God bless your generosity kultpcgames, thank you so much for the giveaway.

SvitlaSveta4: And there are no available keys. By the way thanks for the game keys that I asked and received even with your insolent attitude towards me. I have my own dignity and I am not ashamed to say thank you for the games. And will you have the strength to apologize and thank me for my dignified attitude towards you?
Please stop your bad attitude. Instead of insisting so hard to make enemies, you could make friends. There are a lot of good people here, gift yourself that opportunity. Remember, peace begins with ourselves.
late to the party, but nonetheless thank you, kultpcgames, for your generous giveaway!
altosy: God bless your generosity kultpcgames, thank you so much for the giveaway.

SvitlaSveta4: And there are no available keys. By the way thanks for the game keys that I asked and received even with your insolent attitude towards me. I have my own dignity and I am not ashamed to say thank you for the games. And will you have the strength to apologize and thank me for my dignified attitude towards you?
altosy: Please stop your bad attitude. Instead of insisting so hard to make enemies, you could make friends. There are a lot of good people here, gift yourself that opportunity. Remember, peace begins with ourselves.
That is your second account or third? Sometimes I thinks that you made a bunch of accounts to make as much noise as possible. So how many accounts do you have here? :))))
mk47at: What's a dignified attitude?

Anyhow… I don't know how passive-aggressive behaviour is something that anyone should be thankful for in any situation.
You did not answered my question. So 2-nd chance for you. That is your second account or third? Sometimes I thinks that you made a bunch of accounts to make as much noise as possible. So how many accounts do you have here? :))))
SvitlaSveta4: You did not answered my question. So 2-nd chance for you. That is your second account or third? Sometimes I thinks that you made a bunch of accounts to make as much noise as possible. So how many accounts do you have here? :))))
Sorry, I only got one account. And you didn't ask me anything before.
altosy: God bless your generosity kultpcgames, thank you so much for the giveaway.

Please stop your bad attitude. Instead of insisting so hard to make enemies, you could make friends. There are a lot of good people here, gift yourself that opportunity. Remember, peace begins with ourselves.
SvitlaSveta4: That is your second account or third? Sometimes I thinks that you made a bunch of accounts to make as much noise as possible. So how many accounts do you have here? :))))
How many Altosy have you seen? I am the only one. I would like to know the noise you mention. The topic I posted the most was about Amazon Prime Gaming and I stopped to follow the updated code of conduct.

May it be my turn to ask? Are you sober drugs free?
Wow I can't believe I just saw this now.

Community giveaway returned?

all hail the new master kultpcgames!
Post edited 7 hours ago by drxenija