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low rated
catpower1980: Speaking about refugees in Germany and hoaxes, I had read about the wage of "integration jobs" for them in the German press but I had two different numbers: 1,05€ per hour on one side and 0,80 per hour on the other side
To my knowledge, what our government calls "integration jobs" (re-)integrate you into the world of productive labor. It's a program for the long time unemployed, including especially and possibly exclusively German citizens, and has existed since 2005 (the program may or may not still be hogwash). The FAZ is usually a borderline reliable source, so if you have information that points a finger at gross refugee mistreatment, I'd be glad to read it. The exceptions for the general 8.50€ minimum wage are thankfully far and few between, but they do exist (in particular, the press is evidently allowed to exploit workers like paper deliverers, as the freedom of the press may well infringe on the freedoms of others over here).
Vainamoinen: To my knowledge, what our government calls "integration jobs" (re-)integrate you into the world of productive labor. It's a program for the long time unemployed, including especially and possibly exclusively German citizens, and has existed since 2005 (the program may or may not still be hogwash). The FAZ is usually a borderline reliable source, so if you have information that points a finger at gross refugee mistreatment, I'd be glad to read it. The exceptions for the general 8.50€ minimum wage are thankfully far and few between, but they do exist (in particular, the press is evidently allowed to exploit workers like paper deliverers, as the freedom of the press may well infringe on the freedoms of others over here).
I think catpower is talking about the Ein-Euro-Jobs and in fact refugees only get 80 cents instead of 1,05 euro when the jobs are done inside the refugee shelters.
richlind33: Very few people understand that everything we perceive exists only in our minds. How accurately these perceptions reflect objective reality is determined by how well we understand ourselves.
That was so profound, Deepak Chopra.

Mind if I call you Deep for short?
low rated
richlind33: Very few people understand that everything we perceive exists only in our minds. How accurately these perceptions reflect objective reality is determined by how well we understand ourselves.
Kleetus: That was so profound, Deepak Chopra.

Mind if I call you Deep for short?
You can call me Max. Max Dewshery.
richlind33: You can call me Max. Max Dewshery.
Yes, Mr Dewshery.
low rated
richlind33: You're so obsessed with "monsters" that you've become one yourself. And it doesn't bother you the least little bit.

If you ever manage to defeat them you'll quickly come to the realization that they'll need to be replaced, because without them you'll have no identity, and no purpose.
Breja: That is a very apt description of the conspiracy nutjobs. I don't think Vainamoinen is one of them. Quite the contrary in fact.
Politics is synonymous with conspiracy. The rules that are utilized by those who have mastered it can be found in Sun Tzu's The Art Of War, not poly-sci textbooks written for those who serve them. As far as they are concerned, the role played by those you deem "conspiracy nutjobs" is no less important than the role played by someone such as yourself. You may be more intelligent than they are, but that means practically nothing. All that really matters to them is that both you, and they, work together to maintain the dichotomy that shapes the reality in which you live, and both you, and they, submit yourselves to this pathetic and denigrating existence that diminishes the societies in which you live.

So while you and Vainamoinen are not "one of them", at bottom you are all relatively the same: two stupid forces whose primary function is to be in opposition to each other -- and that you all do very, very well.
Post edited October 08, 2016 by richlind33
Choices choices choices.

With current events, I'm seriously wondering if I should apply and re-join the military again (assuming they'd take me, I do have certain physical disabilities they are aware of), National Guard, or Police Force. Mind you I have no interest in any of the three organizations, but joining one of the three could offer more measures of helping. At the same time this does mean that if I get accepted I will have to cut back and maybe not keep up on this thread nearly as much as I am now..

I never, ever thought I'd consider going back to the hell I knew as the army. But, I wonder if it would be the best choice. Then again, maybe I could get retrained in something I can actually use this time.

Comments and criticisms?
low rated
Vainamoinen: To my knowledge, what our government calls "integration jobs" (re-)integrate you into the world of productive labor. It's a program for the long time unemployed, including especially and possibly exclusively German citizens, and has existed since 2005 (the program may or may not still be hogwash). The FAZ is usually a borderline reliable source, so if you have information that points a finger at gross refugee mistreatment, I'd be glad to read it. The exceptions for the general 8.50€ minimum wage are thankfully far and few between, but they do exist (in particular, the press is evidently allowed to exploit workers like paper deliverers, as the freedom of the press may well infringe on the freedoms of others over here).
PaterAlf: I think catpower is talking about the Ein-Euro-Jobs and in fact refugees only get 80 cents instead of 1,05 euro when the jobs are done inside the refugee shelters.
Yup, that's what I was looking for. Thanks for the article ;)
rtcvb32: Comments and criticisms?
Working in the army means working for your government whether or not you approve their decisions (in France we just had a general who got kicked out because of his political views). If you wanna be helpful, go work as a fireman or in an health emergency service.
Post edited October 08, 2016 by catpower1980
low rated
richlind33: two stupid forces whose primary function is to be in opposition to each other -- and that you all do very, very well.
All riiiiight, let's try lethargy instead.

catpower1980: Yup, that's what I was looking for. Thanks for the article ;)
In this case, at least some of your questions can be answered.

First, the few remaining German "One-Euro-Jobbers" get the so called Arbeitslosengeld II ("unemployed/welfare money II") in addition to the 1.05 € per hour. That means that this Euro per hour is received in addition to what the government deems enough to house and feed you (an online calculator gave me ca. 750 € monthly if I received ALG II right now. Difficult, but doable. I'd defo take another 35€ per week thank you very much).

Second, the SZ article doesn't tell you if the refugees would receive similar basic welfare money. Maybe our government thinks that with the refugee shelters that feed and provide basic health services, our guests do not need further money to sustain themselves. That I would call a hazardous assumption.

Third, the 80 cents are for jobs that don't require travelling, i.e. jobs directly in the shelter.

Fourth, while Mrs Nahles' proposition has come into effect recently, it's unknown how many of the proposed 100,000 jobs are even offered. To me, it sounds like the requirements are VERY specific. To start, how many jobs can you offer at a shelter anyway?
Post edited October 08, 2016 by Vainamoinen
low rated
richlind33: two stupid forces whose primary function is to be in opposition to each other -- and that you all do very, very well.
Vainamoinen: All riiiiight, let's try lethargy instead.
Is that your only alternative?
low rated
richlind33: Is that your only alternative?
It's the only alternative you leave.

As you've directly declared our function (or cause or goal, as opposed to form or method) to be stupid, we must assume function is what you would like to be abolished.

To put it in your own words, if we "maintain the dichotomy that shapes the reality in which we live" even by just confronting conspiracy theories, we most definitely cease to maintain that dichotomy when we cease the confrontation, or better yet, cease to communicate altogether. Optimum state: utter lethargy.
low rated
richlind33: Is that your only alternative?
Vainamoinen: It's the only alternative you leave.

As you've directly declared our function (or cause or goal, as opposed to form or method) to be stupid, we must assume function is what you would like to be abolished.

To put it in your own words, if we "maintain the dichotomy that shapes the reality in which we live" even by just confronting conspiracy theories, we most definitely cease to maintain that dichotomy when we cease the confrontation, or better yet, cease to communicate altogether. Optimum state: utter lethargy.
You misread: the function, for both Right and Left, is to be in opposition to each other, and stupidly so in the sense that wind and rock are frequently in opposition to each other.

It's sad to my eyes because both groups have far more in common than their differences, and their energies are squandered because neither has the wherewithal to defeat the other outright. Meanwhile, those who pit you against each other go their merry way continuously enriching themselves, even though they already control most of this world's natural wealth.
Post edited October 08, 2016 by richlind33
low rated
Breja: That is a very apt description of the conspiracy nutjobs. I don't think Vainamoinen is one of them. Quite the contrary in fact.
richlind33: Politics is synonymous with conspiracy. The rules that are utilized by those who have mastered it can be found in Sun Tzu's The Art Of War, not poly-sci textbooks written for those who serve them. As far as they are concerned, the role played by those you deem "conspiracy nutjobs" is no less important than the role played by someone such as yourself. You may be more intelligent than they are, but that means practically nothing. All that really matters to them is that both you, and they, work together to maintain the dichotomy that shapes the reality in which you live, and both you, and they, submit yourselves to this pathetic and denigrating existence that diminishes the societies in which you live.

So while you and Vainamoinen are not "one of them", at bottom you are all relatively the same: two stupid forces whose primary function is to be in opposition to each other -- and that you all do very, very well.
Keep trying. I'm sure eventually one of your responses to that post will make some sort of sense AND sound as smart as you hope it does.
rtcvb32: Choices choices choices.

With current events, I'm seriously wondering if I should apply and re-join the military again (assuming they'd take me, I do have certain physical disabilities they are aware of),
Hopefully they'd do some mental check-up too. And then you're really screwed.

rtcvb32: if I get accepted I will have to cut back and maybe not keep up on this thread nearly as much as I am now..
Do it! Your country needs you!
Post edited October 08, 2016 by Breja
low rated
richlind33: Politics is synonymous with conspiracy. The rules that are utilized by those who have mastered it can be found in Sun Tzu's The Art Of War, not poly-sci textbooks written for those who serve them. As far as they are concerned, the role played by those you deem "conspiracy nutjobs" is no less important than the role played by someone such as yourself. You may be more intelligent than they are, but that means practically nothing. All that really matters to them is that both you, and they, work together to maintain the dichotomy that shapes the reality in which you live, and both you, and they, submit yourselves to this pathetic and denigrating existence that diminishes the societies in which you live.

So while you and Vainamoinen are not "one of them", at bottom you are all relatively the same: two stupid forces whose primary function is to be in opposition to each other -- and that you all do very, very well.
Breja: Keep trying. I'm sure eventually one of your responses to that post will make some sort of sense AND sound as smart as you hope it does.
How intelligent is it to fight against people who aren't the source of what troubles you, Mr. rep ranger? ;p
richlind33: How intelligent is it to fight against people who aren't the source of what troubles you, Mr. rep ranger? ;p
I have no idea what any of that meant. Here, take this.