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low rated
SamMagel: I wonder if all those celebrities who said they will leave USA if Trump becomes the president have left already.
That would make a great reality show. Documenting the rich people who first-world-problemed their way out of the US.
low rated
Today: 15 Nov 2016 - 65 days to office
First hour - Obama warns of <i>crude</i> form of Nationalism... while other news says globalism doesn't exist. Media pushing race war. College students handed out play doh and coloring books (arrested development), Megyn Kelly '<i>year of the bully</i>', Defcon threat lowered, Putin and Trump '<i>we will destroy ISIS</i>'. Google &amp; Facebook to restrict '<i>fake news</i>' (but this wouldn't restrict Schumer's fake article, so likely more censorship). AT&amp;T &amp; NSA Drone tracking system. Demonizing nationalism, , [url=]Chomsky '<i>Republic party has become most dangerous organization in history</i>', Doctrine America First, Culture war with Globalism taking over, British The Great Game, Obama pushing US to give up sovereignty, Scientists & Nazi Germany, Centralized control, Claims of Bannon & Jones racist. Win/Win civilizations, non-zero sum gain, a 360 win. Psychological wounds. Trump like a sheepdog. Their identity is being victims.

Second hour - What is wrong with [you] millennials? DC/Wiki Leaks and Whistleblowers. Classical liberals. teaparty insurrection, huge repudiation. Anthony Freda: Tribal mentality, Jones's standard of presidents, getting out of the Echo chamber, dehumanization/demonization campaign, 'once you compare someone to hitler you lost your argument', 1984 playbook & projection, Clinton more comparable to Hitler than Trump, everything is uʍop ǝpısdn, ceasefire over fighting resumed. China owns Hollywood now, in all movies China is the hero and saviors. Cult of fascist liberals & blackballing. Hysteria, Attack plan on Trump, doubling down, pure deception pool, they have blood on their hands, race-war, 'let's focus on policy and reality', '<i>don't anoint bolton</i>', Communist protestors arrested in Austin. Planned for relentless false flags and demonization, dedicated to narrative that Trump supporters are Nazis. Race war predicted 10 years ago.

Third Hour - Amy Schumer '<i>Vow to leave country was a joke</i>', Freda: They are doubling down and hoping to rip our country apart, and use every trick in the playbook. Childish false flags. It's so fake. 'Some of them think they will get deported for having a taco'. 'You can attack your opponents (in elections) but not their supporters'. Stonewalling (this doesn't exist) and double-think., $10 Trillion in carbon taxes every year, Compilation NWO/Globalism, Articles: Another New world order, Banks face 'New world order' consolidation report, The new world order a map, Globalist Henry Kissinger outlines "New World Order", Obama's 'New World Order' quote will creep you out, Fact or fiction? Us Media says New World Order in Jeopardy with Trump Presidency, US will not be at the heart of a new world order after this election, GRMC conference: New world order for global cities, New World Order pushes back on Brexit Revolution, Financial times: And now for a world government, There'll be nowhere to run from the New World Government. William Jasper: bold-faced denial, Global Tyranny step by step taken from newspapers and books, Global governance to override nation states, erode then destroy national sovereignty. The theme & false narrative for several generations. Migration, Peter Sutherland, George Soros, Naked authoritarianism, Socialist International, Carl Marx, Unholy alliance between heads of social groups and NGO's, in bed with wall-street globalists. Riots & Demonstrations synthetic funded by Soros and others. 1950's investigating tax exempt foundations, massive AstroTurf. UN Climate change '<i>unstoppable</i>', dissolve nation militaries and bring in UN armies, EU Leader Van Rompuy calls for Global Governance, Goldwater, Chicago declares itself a permanent sanctuary city, Technocrats to run the world (Bankers), Everyone should watch EndGame, restraints, Third Try at World Order. Who will Trump appoint? Should not appoint globalist Elites. 1980 Regan, Bush a member of Trilateral commission, going back 70 years the shadow government, they will try to sabotage Trump or get rid of him, get enough patriots in. Most Portland protestors (<i>70%, familiar with Charlotte?</i>) were paid and didn't vote. Obama's Legacy, Media/establishment meltdown over Brexit & Trump election. 'We're in a huge battle that's been building for a long time'.
low rated
Fourth Hour - Massive victories. Lou Dobbs Warns about Paul Ryan (<i>back-stabber/snake</i>), Goblins Remix. Hillary became physically violent when she realized she lost the election. Mashable - article (<i>changed and failed journalism</i>). Trump's contract with America most items can't happen til Jan 20th. Hillary / Anti-Trump supporters blocking Ambulance, Father of 4 yearold girl dies, this all mirrors post Brexit vote. SPLC. Hateful violent activity towards Trump and supporters. CEO fired for threatening to kill Trump (Previously noted to have been put on executive leave). Donald Sutherland '<i>I'm ashamed for being a white male</i>' and women's rights are gone?? (WTF?) Clinton now blames white women (Already blamed the media for being pro-trump, Comey, and most of America, and probably Russia, may as well blame Australia and penguins and global warming). Women's rights and treatment by Saudi Arabia and Qatar (both whom funded Clintons). Tapper Triggered after citing video of black mob attacking white Trump voter, while Claims of attacks on Muslims never happened. Ohio man charged with sending threatening tweets but remember it's Trump supporters who are violent/hateful... Film director calling for Violence. Sweden gets hotline for '<i>mansplaining</i>' (Huh?) meanwhile 85% of rapes are done by Migrants (You'd think they'd have something more important to do). Twitter adds tools to filter posts, Twitter going the way of MySpace. Majority of Portland Protestors didn't even vote. Established media says everything apart from itself is fake, Rigged media, 70% of people rejected news media bias, Morons react to Trump Winning.

Full Audio Podcast (<i>3 hours</i>)
Full (<i>3 hours</i>)
Daily Headlines

Nightly News - Most of Portland Protestors didn't even vote or register to in Oregon, Clinton to make first appearance post-election for Children Defense Fund; Sandusky ran a children's organization, Hillary part of Satanic Network, . [url=]Clinton &amp; Obama created ISIS, Sex Slavery, Hillary lied about taking fire in war zone, Victims of Bill &amp; Hillary. Blowup match between Hillary and Bill over who to blame, Remember 500,000 children died under Clinton's watch. First Amendment and free speech with the media, Citizen's United, IRS targeted conservatives, Iran deal, Google/Facebook restrict ads on '<i>fake</i>' news sites, but established media says everything (besides itself) is fake. The new Scam! War on fake news; They will try to block you getting to 'fake' sites and flood with fake news, Amy Schumer ad/fake clipping, Globalism double-think, plans to analyze fake news and chronicle it. Bowne report: The law and immigrants becoming citizens, in 2006: 12 Americans killed daily by illegal aliens and now 20 a day. 7 million votes were likely invalid during election. Putin &amp; Trump phone call. George Soros, Colour Revolution a form of warefare. FreeThought checks if this is a grass-roots organic protest, Clinton's involvements, Senator McCain. Will humanity survive? Jack Posobiec: Served in Navy, Bowe Bergdahl desertion case to be dismissed? Trialed already delayed multiple times, 6 Soldiers DIED looking for him, shifting the blame, Fellow Soldiers call Bowe a deserter not a hero, 'most shameless act', Taliban Five. Trump supporter attacked on campus for MAGA hat, Ignored reports and followup, hate crime, filed at police station for criminal report afterwards. "Hillary Clinton stated several times that if she’s president we’re going to attack Iran. She also said she’d be willing to attack countries physically for a cyber attack. I don’t think that’s military doctrine anywhere in the world. She scares me. I have little brothers who are draft age. My girlfriend is draft age. I don’t want them to get drafted. I don’t want $10 a gallon gas. Really, out of anti-establishment and against continuation of all Obama’s foreign wars".
low rated
Today: 16 Nov 2016 - 64 days to office
First hour - Things are already improving for the better. Dollar value went up, new oil found, 1979 magazine (out of oil in 8 years they proclaimed), peak oil. Soros is a James Bond Villain (Actually bond villains based on guys like him), the [media] war is on, They still want a global governance/NWO. Climate change used to change Doomsday clock to 3 minutes to midnight. Media has hissy fit Trump went to dinner without them! (How dare he!). Climate change 'agreement' was unstoppable; Kerry and his no AC plan and going to Antarctica. Executive order to amend treaty, Trying to regulate cow farts to avoid CO2... Whistle-blowers. Obama locked up more whistle blowers than all other presidents combined. style [url=]censorship (<i>Facebook, Google and Twitter</i>), hoax news sites.

Second hour - Censorship, Black mirror & Social score, Is the internet broke? Why do we need to fix it? The Great Firewall of China. Trump Racist?. Glen Beck 'Alt Right terrifying', Bannon &amp; helping with policies (no racism in article), difference of terrorism and religion, Sharia Law (<i>warning!</i>). Peak oil, climate change scientist 1° temperature apocalyptic? Pence kicking out Lobbyists from transition team, ACTA SOPA PIPA CISA, Adviser kicked off, Meta data, Cohen, $1 Trillion infrastructure investment plan? might work if it's transparent, toll roads and crony capitalism, federal level taxes, ALEC, the PPP, war against the people. Suggestion: Use the Constitution; Cut taxes and leave local government/states/people do it.

Third Hour - Fake news analysis center. Mercedes bends, Human drivers bullying robot cars, controlling transportation, renting. There's no coexistence it's either robots or human drivers. American Dream. War on 'Fake news'. Newsweek Madam President magazine printed, shipped and in stores, BEFORE election was done. 'Conspiracy Theory' label is failing. 1979 energy crisis, $900 Billion in crude oil in Texas, second largest reserve of oil in the world. Global warming, a key device to tax for global governance. Rockefeller, Peak Oil 1919, 1960, 1979, Time Energy Mess. Saudi Arabia warning not to block oil imports. The Internet remembers. Nolan chart. Glen Beck & Bundy Ranch Standoff. Twitter purging/banning accounts destroying free speech, the bakery &amp; gay cake.

Fourth Hour - Major social media outlets censoring, don't buy into the linguistic terms, shake off 'alt-right' and call ourselves libertarians. Use their rules/terms against them. Roger Stone: Durham county and election/governor stealing, Stone 2 Boyce 0. 'Fake News' what defines it? Pivotal decision, foray to Michigan and Wisconsin. 680,000 emails. Demonstrations/groups are fake/paid for. Death spiral of old media. Neo-cons boarding party. Pence cut lobbyists out of transition team. 'We have a president who can't be bought/bullied: Music to my ears'. The personal attack on Steve Bannon. Rules for Radicals #13. 1988 speech pre-NAFTA and trade agreements. 'They hate Bannon because he's effective'. Secretary of state and other positions. Giuliani, Boltan, Sen Corker, Rand Paul, Christie out in connection with George Washington Bridge closing, Attorney General: Sessions? 4 Nominations for Supreme court.

Full Audio Podcast (<i>3 hours</i>)
Full (<i>3 hours</i>)
Daily Headlines

Nightly News - Spot the Racist, Larry Pinkney (Black Panther group): These protestors are anti-democracy. Hypocrites. Hidden hand of Soros. Ahistorical. Illegal Entry. 820,000 convicted illegal criminals. 40% federal sentences/crimes by illegal immigrants, costs $113 Billion/year. Chicago Mayor 'will always be a sanctuary city'. Time will tell. Absurd, where is the common sense? 'Stop being dupped', Larry in the 60's had to be 'neutralized' because he could bring together people of all races. Iodine. Proof Media is lying about Trump. Twitter Shadow Banning. Brittany Pettibone: Wikileaks, Spirit cooking & Pedophile rings, SPLC. Gab an alternative to Twitter that respects free speech. George Soros a major player in geopolitical markets. Split personality? Soros Justifies rounding up Jews for Nazis. Soros & Hillary visited in the 90's.
Post edited November 17, 2016 by rtcvb32
low rated
rtcvb32: .
Thank you for making me feel good about myself.
low rated
Today: 17 Nov 2016 - 63 days to office
First hour - Mainstream media a cult of racist mind control, Gizmodo 'fake news' Fixing Rankings (<i>Alexa</i>) and now Censoring purge (<i>Quantcast</i>) accelerating. Trump breaking globalist convention. Removing lobbyists. The last two generations haven't seen a working economy. Hillary Re-emerges (looks deathly ill), MSM, Soros and friends doubling down. From '<i>Hate speech</i>' to '<i>Fake news</i>', Sandy hook and questioning media, Professor making '<i>fake news</i>' list, Tapper &amp; Black mob attacks, gas-lighting, Beck. Media promoting fake racism (<i>and hiding real racism</i>).

Second hour - Melissa Zimdars, Massive Censorship intensifying, Chelsy Clinton lobbying Trump to try and get Clintons from being prosecuted. Marc Morano: They will say 'global governance' and then deny it. Armed Climate Police censoring. Climate Hustle, city/state model, scare stories/campaigns 'TRUST NO CLIMATE DATA FROM US' for 4-6 months, Economic warfare, The more the media ramps these things up the more it will backfire. The 1988 Trump we who we are getting. The country is under such attack. Jamming the public. (Alex ranting against Media while pushing BFP).

Third Hour - Manufactured & imaginary racism, 'that's some legacy', Jesse Ventura (): [url=]Marijuana Manifesto (<i>book</i>), 'I hope Donald brings in new people and drains the swamp', 'If the government could charge you for breathing the air they would, Marijuana you can grow in your back yard and poor could have access to it', 'It's the most amazing plant in existence', 'get us out of the wars and bring all our soldiers home', 1930's Germany, corporate shills. Stronger defamation laws, corruption and judges. 'I can't say Donald's better than Hillary until i see him govern', nonsense news, 2020 dream ticket 'The Rock may go for President', The deal with Russia.

Fourth Hour - Alternative media banned off Google Chrome. Unbelievable since the election. Hundreds of Trumpers attacking without a single shred of evidence (but plenty of Hillary Supporters/rioters). Trashbin of history. Cumio predicts: Downward spiral of health within 6 months. Clinton being irrelevant. 'Will Trump accept the result of the election?' pushed over months, and who isn't accepting the result? Silent Majority, Left doubling down on tactics that got Trump in. University holds '<i>cry in</i>', Hundreds of vague 'supposed' Trump supporters attacking. 'hate fact'. Steak Dinner & hissy media. Hollywood Elites and glitter audience.

Full Audio Podcast (<i>3 hours</i>)
Full (<i>3 hours</i>)
Daily Headlines

Nightly News - '<i>Crude sort of nationalism</i>', Diversity == Division & Diversion. Lame duck Obama and '<i>taking democracy for granted</i>', Trifecta of Globalism, shoving out regulations 527 pages in a day, 81,640 pages for 2016 and pushing 1,000 a week. Jesse Jackson & Clinton Pardoning? Illegals demanding pardons from Obama (<i>but that wouldn't give them citizenship</i>), Clapper & illegal surveillance state. Paul Ryan's '<i>always supported term limits</i>' after getting 10th term. Colorado pushing electoral college of other states to vote against Trump (Faithless electors). Trump playing nice with Preibus and Ryan until Inaugurated? Tale of two cities. Wayne Madsen: Colour Revolution through Soros, Street demonstrations overthrew Ukraine government (2004, 2013-2014), themed revolution Bulldozer, Rose in Georgia, Arab Springs, Jasmine & Lotus, green, ceder, olive tree, goes on and on. Same tactics against Trump right now; Clintons purple tie/shirt, attempting purple revolution. Obama hyping up Merkel & UK, and failed trade deals. Soros and Clinton on Albania, gas-lighting. Logan act. Quancast blacklisting Infowars as having '<i>fake news</i>' along with Google/Chrome, outperformed '<i>real</i>' news. A desperate plea for attention?
rtcvb32: A desperate plea for attention?
I concur, that's exactly what this thread is.
This song sums of the whole thread:
low rated
Sargon: This song sums of the whole thread:
It's a holiday in Cambodia,

Where people dress in black.

A holiday in Cambodia,

Where you'll kiss ass or crack.
Kleetus: It's a holiday in Cambodia,

Where people dress in black.

A holiday in Cambodia,

Where you'll kiss ass or crack.
One of their best songs for sure. Can you believe that Levis wanted to use it for a commercial?
low rated
Today: 18 Nov 2016 - 62 days to office
First hour - Attorney general Senator Sessions. '<i>Fake news</i>' narrative imploding which actually means 'disagrees with us', mass purging of twitter accounts. What trump is doing 'It's beautiful!'. Ford announcing to keep plants/businesses in US. Apple looking to move some plants to the US. The US dollar value is up! 'The Fake News Media', Quantcast re-listed Infowars and admits it isn't fake news; Was #160 something last week, now #126. 'A Beautiful American system'. V for Vendeta 'waiting for you'. . In 10-15 years US will be 70% Hispanic. Old antiquated broken playbook. [url=]Trying to prop up globalism, '<i>We're not letting EU go</i>', yet NYT says globalism is a '<i>conspiracy</i>', Bilderburg Tech firms pressed to '<i>police internet</i>' (Elite pushing to censor internet), Energy plants and factories returning. 4 Austin Texas Plants had been turned off. China loaded 700 million US phones with spyware. Police <span class="bold">Forced</span> 80 year-old Italian hotel to house African Migrants.

Second hour - Middle East: Woman gang raped, <span class="podkreslenie">then arrested</span> for '<i>extra-marital sex</i>', Migrant washing using fountain. James O'Keefe: 'We're beyond the tipping point, social media is greater than the mainstream media', 'The game has changed, we are more powerful than they are', 'They are losing their control over the voter, so they make mistakes', 'The liberty movement has expended to like a bloodsport, where politics is fun again'. How do they strike back? Judge by actions not by titles. 'Do the job, expose, and people will go to the real journalism'. Proof of no ID for voting, No good deed/truth goes unpunished, 'We set the narrative now', Bannon is a trailblazer. 'People are going to do the opposite of what the media says', Return of America. Reddit crowd sourcing. 'This is moving to watch'. 'Ordinary people doing extraordinary things, much hope for the future'. Pre-installed Spying software on cellphones. Roger Stone: 'I'm very pleased, the right man for justice, General Flynn for NSA', 'a team of nationalists', Secretary of State considerations, Confirmed: 'Chelsy HAS reached out to Trump family for Clintons to not be prosecuted', Defense considerations, Hillary heavily sedated, Violent fit election night, attacked Mook & Podesta, Huma Abedine, Pro Trump demonstration vs paid agitators, Leftists Smears. Bannon's effective and doing a great job. 'Their long term gameplan was censorship'.

Third Hour - Self preservation & common sense is better than brain-washing. Modern Liberals. Tripling down with race war. Steve Pieczenik: 'It's really an American Revolution', 'To be called a truther/conspiracist is a badge of honor', 'we've gone against the system and it's upside down now', 'He mustered the wrath of the american people to get elected', Bannon history, Emanuals, multiple passports, , '<i>Trump understands what America is about</i>', '<i>De-evolution of power</i>', EU/Brussels, '<i>Spain <span class="podkreslenie"><span class="bold">WILL</span></span> break out</i>', The pound &pound;, '<i>The media is basically bankrupt but they don't want to admit it</i>', [url=]1973 DARPA/Social media &amp; Trump using it effectively. 'Democrats were a cult, not a movement', fake polls, refusing to listen. Civilian Coup, counter coup. Assange & Snowden, Sandy hook story phony as a $3 bill. Gangs/created groups. De Blasio - Everything about him is fake. Callers: 'Adopt one of these Liberals/immigrants and help them/deprogram them', These wimps, Kissinger.

Fourth Hour - Callers & What to do: 'Go to multiple cities/states and form teams with good groups', Ron Paul, Ventura, Michelle Obama & Fear in her eyes. The two cities. God is coming back into the world. Quoting Jefferson, 'we're all crew on this movement of liberty', "Trump: Not out to get you". NPR & NC. Google/Youtube and metrics. Personnel Picks, Possibly Benny to replace Clapper? Alex Jones's final/official response to Sandy Hook event and skepticism to the official story, Explosive Debate 2014. Sessions read the TPP & made presentations.

Part 2
Post edited November 19, 2016 by rtcvb32
rtcvb32: Today: 1 Nov 2016 - 62 days to office
Are you going to be doing this every day, now? You're so excited about Trump that now you're literally just COUNTING DOWN to when he's president?

For a short time, I thought you were getting somewhere and actually starting to think for yourself, but now? You need to seek some sort of counseling, man. This is just beyond ridiculous.
Post edited November 19, 2016 by zeogold
low rated
Today: 18 Nov 2016 - 62 days to office
Part 1

Full Audio Podcast (<i>3 hours</i>)
Full (<i>3 hours</i>)
Daily Headlines

Nightly News - '<i>Fake News</i>' Narrative &amp; Quantcast, Reid says Comey is a republican operative and that's why Clinton lost. Left calls Flynn &amp; his son a racist (and I don't think anyone is listening anymore). Actual attacks on Trump supporters, Starbucks calls police for man requesting '<i>Trump</i>' written on cup. Reporter fired for celebrating on private Facebook page, Anti-Trump threatens to put bullet in Michigan elector's head, Life goal to kill trump, Students union to stop fascism <span class="podkreslenie">ban</span> newspapers from: Daily mail, sun and express. Jon Bowne Report, aftermath. ex-Reporter Scarlett Fakhar: 'Until further notice i'm not allowed to be on air', 'we are terminating your contract, you broke your social media clause', '<i>This wouldn't have happened if i was a Hillary supporter</i>', Hate comments, 'They are trying to paint a picture of anyone supporting Trump as Racist', To those bullied: 'You have to stand up for what you believe in. There are facts to support what we're saying. I've been bullied for what i said that wasn't anything other than my opinion on the election'. Larry Pinkney & Ashley: "You're on a plantation, you haven't considered 'what has this gotten me?'". What can i say to these people?: 'Remind them, this is suppose to be a democracy. I put it out there where i am coming from, People right now are unable or unwilling to digest the obvious'. Infowars has made a tremendous impact and social media is taking over. 'Whether people like Trump or not, he gives the impression he knows how to talk WITH the people, not down at them. While Killary Clinton did the opposite'. 'The dialog is what it's all about. If they don't want to engage in forthright discourse, so be it'. All power to the people. 'Be critical thinkers. Think it through!'. News subscribers and numbers. China pressed Tech companies to '<i>police internet</i>' pushing china Styled Censorship on the web. CNN Smearing trump supporters calling <span class="podkreslenie">everyone</span> Racist, We're not letting the EU go.
low rated
zeogold: Are you going to be doing this every day, now? You're so excited about Trump that now you're literally just COUNTING DOWN to when he's president?
Umm... no... I have no clue how long I'll be doing this. Actually I'm in the middle of two games now (FF8 & Space Rangers HD).

I'm mostly keeping up on the news, and as long as I'm watching it, it doesn't take too much energy to summarize it at the same time (although does add a good hour to the time).

I don't see a reason to quit just yet, although tomorrow there's unlikely to be anything unless it's really interesting or stands out.
low rated
zeogold: I am so stupid I had to cheat in survey course my freshman year
It isn't just United States and it isn't just Trump.

Globalism is over and by that extent beta males like yourself

Nations will finally rebuild themselves and why the liberals and third world countries fear that so much is because
those in third world countries so happen to be 'minorities' that are incapable of developing civilized societies or plunder white nations anymore. France is not far off.

They hate "white nations" so much than go build their own.

Better news....
Turkey has now made it legal to rape children if you are married to them.
Who do you think makes those laws? A robot?
It is the same garbage libtards wish to embrace.

BTW it was discovered 3 million Illegal immigrants voted for Trump
Hillary won the Popular vote by 1 million.

not sure how does that math work out?
Post edited November 19, 2016 by Regals