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Activity Feed • Gameplay Stats • Personalization

UPDATE: We've added a new option to the Privacy settings in GOG Profiles - from now on you can turn off your profile on GOG entirely, so no one can see any kind of information that is shown on the profile page. This also means that when you turn off your profile, you won’t be visible on your friends’ friends lists, even if they decide to keep their profiles visible.
The option to enable/disable your GOG Profile can be found in your account „Privacy & Settings” options, under „Privacy” tab.

We just introduced a new feature on GOG.COM: User Profiles – a social way to share what you and your friends are up to. See what your friends on GOG are playing, achieving, and sharing across four sections – Feed, Profile, Games and Friends.

Your Feed is the centerpiece of your Profile. Here, you’ll see which games your friends have been playing, all sorts of achievements and milestones, as well as general thoughts, screenshots, and forum activity. You can dispense your approval at whim and share your own stuff as well!

Your Profile is all about you and your gaming accomplishments. It's a summary of your activity, like the time you've spent in your games , your latest achievements (and just how rare they are among other users), as well as a glimpse at what your most active friends have been up to.

If you want to know more about your Games, you need to hit the the third tab. It contains a list of all the games you own on GOG, together with stats like time spent in-game and your progress towards unlocking the achievements. Sort the list, compare stats with your friends, and get some healthy competition going.

Finally – your Friends: get a general summary of their achievements and hours played. Here you'll also see which games are the most popular among your friends right now, so you can join them in multiplayer or find something you might enjoy yourself.

Of course, your profile comes with some sweet personalization options, choose a wallpaper from your game collection and share a few words with the world.

User Profiles are available for all GOG.COM users. Your personal gameplay stats like achievements, time played and milestones depend on GOG Galaxy, but if you’re not using the optional client you can still use the feed, post in it and interact with your friends.

Launching profiles also means adding new privacy settings on our end. You'll find three new Privacy options in your account's „Privacy & settings” area. These settings allow you to set the visibility for your profile summary, your games, your friends, etc.
So what are you waiting for? There's so much room for activities!
low rated
Tauto: Yes,and it is always the same one's.I think they should link it to Facebook,just for
Jeysie: I mean, you have people who are like "Everyone can see how many games everyone has and if using Galaxy also how many achievements he reached and how long he played games." as if it's the most terrible thing that's ever happened to them, and I'm like, really, what must it feel like to have a life so blessed that you can feel that way. Or I mean, if you're so ashamed of being a gamer that the thought of a rando on the internet finding out you game now and then terrifies you, perhaps you should get a hobby you find more respectable?

Or the notion that the EU is going to give two flips about GOG doing what Steam and many other other digital gaming distribution sites have made available as options. What, is the EU going to try to fine and sanction the entire gaming industry now? Hold on, let me get my popcorn?

I just continue to be unable to take otherwise reasonable requests about default privacy seriously when they're wrapped in several layers of hysteria and hyperbole.
Some of the posts I've read,Gog is being slapped and abused and it must be a Gog policy to turn the other cheek.Me,now that's different and I would love to wield the ban hammer for five minutes:)
I'm glad it's optional, not enforced! I never use things like that, or use the sites where I buy games as any kind of social media. As long as we have a privacy option to disable it and prevent it from including any information at all, I'm fine. (Though for me it is like GOG Galaxy, or "achievements" - something I have no interest in and will never use, and suspect drains time and money from the organisation that I'd have preferred was spent elsewhere.)
Post edited April 23, 2018 by kdgog
low rated
I can't understand all those who complain that other people can now see how many games you have and how long you have played them. Privacy is important to me, but we are still talking about computer games and not about highly sensitive personal information.

I do like the new player profiles and I'm sure GOG will work on the current and upcoming issues and will improve the new features further in the coming weeks.
Post edited April 23, 2018 by Advanced89
It'd be nice to have the option to select recently played games since some of us only use Galaxy as a downloader. My recently played list seems rather random - some games I've never played, some I haven't played in a long time, and it's not based on purchase order or recent downloads.

And can we get a Morrowind wallpaper please?
high rated
kdgog: I'm glad it's optional, not enforced! I never use things like that, or use the sites where I buy games as any kind of social media. As long as we have a privacy option to disable it and prevent it from including any information at all, I'm fine.
Well, we haven't. I know that you own 393 games, have 3 achievements and 12h played games (seems that you're not using Galaxy all the time).
low rated
ssokolow: (The ability to set "Your full game library can be seen by" to "everyone" like "Your wishlist can be seen by" so that can implement collection syncing without relying on the import userscript I maintain.)
Yeah, for me, the entire reason I wanted your game library to be shareable is because "what games do you own/play" is a topic that comes up relatively often with my friends, not all of whom have or want GOG accounts. And I also remember having the same frustration when I signed up for ITAD, which combined with GOG now doing their own email notifications for your wishlist now is part of why I eventually deleted my account at ITAD.

So finding out sharing game libraries is locked to GOG users only is like, one step forward, two steps back.

Tauto: Some of the posts I've read,Gog is being slapped and abused and it must be a Gog policy to turn the other cheek.Me,now that's different and I would love to wield the ban hammer for five minutes:)
I don't want to ban anyone, I just wish I could convince people to be a bit more sane and less hysterical in their complaining.
high rated
We need more privacy options. Instead of "Your profile page including activity and active friends can be seen by" we should have separate options for "profile", "activity" and "friends".
Planescape Torment EE background is borked.

Add your own pics ???

If by magic it's fixed.....nice.
Post edited April 23, 2018 by DampSquib
high rated
SpeedBo: Ugh. No thanks, I'll stick to DRM free offline games, and retain my privacy.
Same. Fully DRM-free offline games ( and working VG Classics ), are the reason I still prefer GOG over their competition, when given the choice. If I ever feel the urge to participate in all the social media craze, online gaming and virtual pissing contests, I may as well use Steam or other competing services for that, as they do it better. I understand why GOG has to offer these features, as the average modern gamer seems to be into it, but it's pretty much the opposite of what makes GOG appealing to me.

Edit: Just read the promo text of this post...

"... Here, you’ll see which games your friends have been playing, all sorts of achievements and milestones, as well as general thoughts, screenshots, and forum activity. You can dispense your approval at whim and share your own stuff as well!"


"Your Profile is all about you and your gaming accomplishments. It's a summary of your activity, like the time you've spent in your games , your latest achievements (and just how rare they are among other users)..."


"... together with stats like time spent in-game and your progress towards unlocking the achievements. Sort the list, compare stats with your friends, and get some healthy competition going."


"... Here you'll also see which games are the most popular among your friends right now, so you can join them in multiplayer or find something you might enjoy yourself. "


In many ways these lines, intended as advertisement, sum up why I don't care for any of this. I don't want to stalk other people, I don't care about video game "achievements", I don't feel any urge to compare my "1337 gaming skillz" with others, and I don't want to play games just because they're the latest popular flavor of the week. Hooray for modern gaming?
Post edited April 23, 2018 by CharlesGrey
high rated
classic-gamer: Well, we haven't. I know that you own 393 games, have 3 achievements and 12h played games (seems that you're not using Galaxy all the time).
Oh, that's frustrating. It's not even something I wanted to know - I wouldn't want other people to know it either. Sigh, I take back my equanimity. It's frustrating to see GOG spending time on things that we can't opt out of, and which end up causing irritation.
high rated
Advanced89: I can't understand all those who complain that other people can now see how many games you have and how long you have played them. Privacy is important to me, but we are still talking about computer games and not about highly sensitive personal information.
It's the principle of the thing. If I set everything to private, then everything should be private.

This "Privacy is important to me but this isn't really all that important so whatever" way of thinking is exactly what allows for this ongoing rapid erosion of privacy. This isn't important, that isn't important, there's no harm in everyone knowing this little thing, and before long nothing is private anymore.

"It's not that I have something to hide. I just have nothing I want you to see". That's how real privacy works. Just because something isn't important, incriminating of sensitive, doesn't mean it ok to have it be made public without your express permission.
Post edited April 23, 2018 by Breja
This feature's usefuleness seems to be very situational. It is catered to those who use GOG Galaxy, if you don't then it's mostly "0 hours played".

The forum activity seems to contain only the threads you have started, not those you have participated in (unless I am missing something). Not that I mind that much about other people's posts, but I was hoping to see a list of mine.
low rated
classic-gamer: Well, we haven't. I know that you own 393 games, have 3 achievements and 12h played games (seems that you're not using Galaxy all the time).
kdgog: Oh, that's frustrating. It's not even something I wanted to know - I wouldn't want other people to know it either. Sigh, I take back my equanimity. It's frustrating to see GOG spending time on things that we can't opt out of, and which end up causing irritation.
Don't worry,I wont tell.
high rated
Interesting, though probably odd timing to announce this as it is configured. Surprised they didn't opt to enforce the privacy settings by default given recent circumstances with Steam and data privacy laws.
Of course you couldn't do it without breaking stuff... Now chat doesn't works from mobile.