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The JRPG Days are not over yet!
You've been playing Zwei: The Arges Adventure and Legrand Legacy: Tale of the Fatebounds while snagging genre classics on the cheap from our jRPG Days sale. Now it's time to take a look behind the scenes: team leader Ken Berry and localization producer Thomas Lipschultz have taken some time to chat with us about how XSEED handles the release and localization of their beloved JRPG series.
The interview is broken down into two parts, for convenience. Stay tuned for Part 2 tomorrow, January 30.

So, let's start with a quick year in review – from your professional point of view, has 2017 been good to Japanese games in the West?

Ken: Yes, I would say that 2017 has been a very good year for Japanese games in the West. The obvious big winner is Nintendo with their extremely successful launch of the Switch, as I remember some Japanese executives being concerned whether the idea of one machine being both a home console and a portable machine could succeed in North America where public transportation is not nearly as prevalent as Japan.
The PC platform also continues to get more support from the Japanese gaming industry. Not only are you seeing more instances of simultaneous PC launches with the console release, but they seem to be gradually accepting the idea of DRM-free on PC as well, which had always been a huge challenge in the past because they would often mistakenly equate “DRM-free” to “free.”

A lot can be said about different sensibilities in Japan vs. the West. In the past year, maybe more than ever, sexuality, sexualization, and consent, are talked about in mainstream Western culture – taboos are being broken and lines being drawn. Has this had an impact on your approach and your work?

Tom: As a company, I think it’s definitely made us stop and take stock of a game’s content a lot earlier in the process than ever before, so we know well in advance whether there will be any potentially problematic content, and can prepare ourselves to deal with that content as production ramps up.
For me specifically, it’s been kind of an inner struggle, as I think a lot of people are aware that I have a personal zero-tolerance policy for censorship in video games, along with a fairly broad definition of what constitutes censorship (for me, it consists of any content changes made not out of legal or contractual necessity, but solely in an attempt to avoid offending or upsetting members of the target audience). Despite this, I do fully understand that from a business standpoint – and even from a moral standpoint – it’s always best to avoid upsetting your fans, because obviously, an upset fan is not going to remain a fan for very long, and signing off on upsetting or troublesome language or imagery is never something anyone wants to do!
The problem I have, though, is that I truly do consider video games – ALL video games – to be art, and just as it wouldn’t feel right to me if someone painted over offensive material in a painting, edited out offensive material in a book, or cut offensive material from a film, I don’t want to see anyone (least of all us) editing out offensive material in games. My thought is, if it’s that offensive, then we probably shouldn’t be releasing the game at all – though that’s obviously not always a realistic option.
Recently, however, with all the news that’s come out about systemic sexual harassment and abuse in Hollywood and elsewhere, as well as the issues being faced by the LGBTQ community in this modern political climate, it’s become much harder to justify maintaining a zero-tolerance approach – and with a lot of Japanese games starting to really push the boundaries of “good taste” more and more, the looming threat of censorship has become much larger and more imposing than ever, and certainly more of a beast to fight on multiple levels. And it’s really not a battle I WANT to fight – I’d rather just localize games that everybody can enjoy!
I still hold firm in my belief, however, that if we want video games to be classified as an art form on par with books, films, and paintings, we need to maintain zero tolerance for censorship in localization, no matter how offensive the content we’re localizing may be. And if there’s any positive to be gained by doing so, it’s that the presence of offensive content in localized titles will spark much-needed discussion about those topics, and hopefully lead to a dialogue on the state of the industry in Japan, possibly even resulting in creators being a little more cognizant of people outside their tight-knit circle of acquaintances when designing new titles from here on out.
But for the immediate future, I believe content alteration will occur a little more often in the West than it has before (hopefully not by us, but regrettably, that isn’t outside the realm of possibility!), while little else will change for the industry overseas. My solace lies in the thought that we’ll just keep getting more games like the Zwei titles to work on: superb examples of classic action JRPG design with content that’s often snarky and a little mischievous, but never crosses the line into offensive territory, and thus isn’t at any risk of being toned down in localization. Those remain a joy to work on, and the more games of that sort I’m given, the less worried I’ll be about censorship moving forward.

The titles. We need to talk about the game titles...
What is it that makes Japanese naming conventions so different? How do you approach localizing a game's title, and what does it take to make it work in the West?

Tom: I don’t think most Japanese naming conventions are all that different, honestly, save for the fact that they’re usually much longer than the names we tend to see here (with subtitles on top of subtitles, e.g. “Corpse Party: BloodCovered: …Repeated Fear”). Which, I believe, is mostly attributable to some general differences in the way games are advertised in Japan, with more text meaning a bigger poster on the wall and more space allotted to discuss the game in print… not to mention the ability to strike a pose and rattle off a long name, looking and sounding kind of dorkily awesome in the process!
In the Western world, though, we’re definitely all about succinct naming: something short and to the point, that rolls off the tongue, with one or two words being the ideal. Especially if it’s unique enough to be Googlable! We want the name to be easy to remember so that prospective fans can always find information on it at a moment’s notice, even if they haven’t heard anyone talking about the game for quite some time.
I assume you’re speaking more in terms of translations, though (“Sen no Kiseki” → “Trails of Cold Steel”), as well as the rare addition of subtitles (“Zwei!!” → “Zwei: The Arges Adventure”). In the former case, the goal is to come up with something that remains relatively true to the original Japanese but still sounds snappy and natural in English, with bonus points for picking a name that perfectly fits the tone and content of the game (as “Trails of Cold Steel” most definitely does).
And in the latter case, we were really just trying to avoid drawing attention to the fact that we were releasing “Zwei II” before “Zwei” – a luxury afforded us by the fact that the two games tell standalone stories, and necessitated by the fact that Zwei II was finished and ready for release quite a bit sooner. We considered numerous possible subtitles for both games, but ultimately chose “The Ilvard Insurrection” for Zwei II because… well, it preserved the acronym, “Zwei:II”!
We attempted something similar with the first game, but despite our best attempts, we couldn’t come up with any viable names that would form the acronyms ONE, EINS, or even WAN, nor any single-word subtitles beginning with the letter I. We settled on AA to preserve the double lettering of Ilvard Insurrection, and because A is the first letter of the alphabet… and also because the first Zwei is a pretty tough game, so we anticipated a lot of people would be saying “AAAAAA” when playing it!
Post edited January 29, 2018 by maladr0Id
high rated
Good, i want my localisations to be only as accurate as possible to the artists original vision I don't need someone dumbing down the experience and if they do it's 75% off or skip.
low rated
these are some pretty bold comments about people who just want to indulge themselves in trashy shallow fanservice that they don't even think twice about the implications of, i mean, as seen by these messages the sexy fanservice wasn't thought provoking at all and regardless of controversy you guys are still sheltered and wonder why people think you guys are weird
Post edited January 29, 2018 by masterfox3000
high rated
Hey. Tom here! I'll be answering more questions in the forums once part 2 goes up, but I'm seeing a lot of discussion about my censorship answer, so I wanted to address some of what you guys are saying now, to avoid confusion.

First off, I totally agree with you all about what a huge problem censorship is in the gaming industry. Like I said, my stance on censorship is absolutely zero tolerance! The reason I wrote the answer the way I did is because a lot of people seem to assume that when I defend a game's content, it's because I personally enjoy that content, when that's actually very rarely the case. Given the choice, I likely wouldn't play a lot of the games with content I've defended over the years, as they simply aren't my style. I often wish I didn't HAVE to defend a game's content, too, particularly when the content in question is totally extraneous -- when there's gratuitous fanservice that adds nothing to a game (so note that I'm NOT talking Senran Kagura here, where the fanservice very much lies at the game's core), or potentially offensive symbology that was inserted into the game either unknowingly or solely to raise eyebrows, arguably without adding anything of substance.

Most of the time, when I see something like that in a game I'm working on, it stresses me out, because I know somebody's going to raise a stink and suggest it get censored (and cite those very reasons as justification for doing so) -- and I'll wish it weren't there in the first place, because as much as I may not personally like the content, and as much as I may sympathize (and even agree) with what those who want it removed are saying, I absolutely cannot ever justify removing it, as a matter of principle. I will always defend content like that, regardless of my personal feelings, as I feel it's genuinely important to do so.

But deep down, I will often wish the developers had had the good sense not to include it in the first place (again, when it truly is extraneous), and wish I were working on something a little less controversial instead. Because for all my argumentativeness, I HATE being embroiled in these kinds of debates. I feel like I have to, because I believe censorship of any kind is an extremely slippery slope; but I also can't help often saying to myself, "Really, developers? REALLY?!" ;)

Tl;dr version, when developers add controversial content either without realizing that it might offend others, or specifically just to make waves, without it actually adding anything of substance to the original work, I generally kind of wish they HADN'T done that; but nonetheless, I will always do my damnedest to ensure it stays present in the localized version, because once you start justifying the removal of content, it's hard to know where to stop.

Post edited January 29, 2018 by wyrdwad
thanks for these! :o)
high rated
But you're advocating for self censorship in Japan how is this helping games be art when the artist aren't free to create what they want. I'm honestly very disappointed you feel that way. This kind of thinking leads to the intolerance we have today rather than trying to learn to live and let live which is what needs to happen.
high rated
Im fully supportive of a 0 tolerance approach to censorship, I dont understand why some people find it acceptable to sweep controversial stuff under the rug when it comes to videogames localization, its not acceptable for any other form of media, why should games have to suffer when the cultural sensibilities of a third party are being hurt? Its an old point, but it still resonates true every time a discussion like this pops up.
I certainly would be mad if I found a book I was reading got the same treatment some games have suffered.

And by the way, why should Japanese developers be mandated to appeal to those same cultural sensibilities anyways? whats the point of trying to neuter them from the source? Something like Nier Automata would never have happened if the creators had kept an eye on whats considered good taste overseas. (let me add that Im not taking shots a you Tom, but I do disagree big time with that kind of talk)

To be fair stuff like Breath of The Wild and RE7 did alright when tackling design choices with wider appeal, but I do think the world will be poorer if crazy people like Joko Taro are snubbed or lost in translation.
Post edited January 29, 2018 by lunaticox
high rated
bluekamikaze: But you're advocating for self censorship in Japan how is this helping games be art when the artist aren't free to create what they want. I'm honestly very disappointed you feel that way. This kind of thinking leads to the intolerance we have today rather than trying to learn to live and let live which is what needs to happen.
I am most assuredly not advocating self-censorship! If someone really feels the need to include such content in their game, they should always be free to do so.

I just want to see a world where people naturally find themselves NOT feeling the need to include such content. I believe games are a reflection of society, and I think if society gets its act together, people will stop WANTING to stir the pot, so to speak.

That's what I'd like to see. Not someone who wants to include something scandalous, then censors him/herself from doing so... but someone who never had the inclination to include something scandalous in the first place.

EDIT: I'm also not referring to things like Nier, where the controversial content in question absolutely, unarguably has tremendous artistic merit! Artistic impropriety is amazing, and I adore it. When I refer to gratuitous fanservice and offensive content, rest assured, I'm probably not referring to the kinds of things you're thinking of here! I'm a South Park fan, after all, and you can't love South Park without appreciating a little old-fashioned pot stirring in the name of social satire and good art. ;)

Post edited January 29, 2018 by wyrdwad
high rated
We should learn to be less offended in general.
More so from videogames. I'd like the idea of games containing every type of content without limitation. There should be no law about it and there should be no pandering to certain group by censoring that content. As long as it is properly advertised, it's the player that choose if he likes it or not and in the end determine if the game has success or no.
I really dislike the idea of self-censoring to bring the game to a broader audience, as we don't know that audience in the first place and usually end up giving the ones interested in it a lesser version of that game.
high rated
Well, i am barely "cultured", so there is no "culture clash". I was always loving those traditional RPGs, especially JRPGs, although i was for many parts a niche-gamer. I guess i look at my world with a big heart instead with way to much prejudiced mind. Censorship in general is offending to me and i never ever had a issue not even with the most weird words ever spelled out in human history. As long as those words got a big heart they can never be wrong because the truth will be strong as long as the heart is strong. Being right or wrong is a matter of the perspective, there is no general term. Unfortunately the new generation is becoming weaker with words in general, this is a sensitive spot for traditional RPGs because they are sometimes heavy on words. I simply hope there is still enough gamers able to appreciate good gameplay and good story.
Post edited January 29, 2018 by Xeshra
high rated
bluekamikaze: But you're advocating for self censorship in Japan how is this helping games be art when the artist aren't free to create what they want. I'm honestly very disappointed you feel that way. This kind of thinking leads to the intolerance we have today rather than trying to learn to live and let live which is what needs to happen.
wyrdwad: I am most assuredly not advocating self-censorship! If someone really feels the need to include such content in their game, they should always be free to do so.

I just want to see a world where people naturally find themselves NOT feeling the need to include such content. I believe games are a reflection of society, and I think if society gets its act together, people will stop WANTING to stir the pot, so to speak.

That's what I'd like to see. Not someone who wants to include something scandalous, then censors him/herself from doing so... but someone who never had the inclination to include something scandalous in the first place.

EDIT: I'm also not referring to things like Nier, where the controversial content in question absolutely, unarguably has tremendous artistic merit! Artistic impropriety is amazing, and I adore it. When I refer to gratuitous fanservice and offensive content, rest assured, I'm probably not referring to the kinds of things you're thinking of here! I'm a South Park fan, after all, and you can't love South Park without appreciating a little old-fashioned pot stirring in the name of social satire and good art. ;)

Offensive content is a very subjective thing, and this opens a big a can of worms. I feel like this is just as much a slope as censorship itself.
high rated
Be it the innocence of Recettear, the maturity of Persona 4, or the lurid antics of HuniePop, I want to be able to fully enjoy all of them.

The calls for self-censorship is something that I view as inherently corrupt and vile.

with a lot of Japanese games starting to really push the boundaries of “good taste” more and more, the looming threat of censorship has become much larger and more imposing than ever, and certainly more of a beast to fight on multiple levels.
minneyar: Tom is definitely one of the most well-spoken guys I know of in the localization industry, and I generally agree with everything he says, but I think it's important to note here: if you genuinely think something is in bad taste, you don't have to localize it. If (and by "you" mean all translators, not specifically XSEED) you find something so objectionable that you would not be willing to publish it in the USA without censoring it, you can simply not do so and go work on something else instead. In fact, I don't think I would trust a translator who feels like they must change the intent and meaning of something in order to make it palatable for western audiences.

Anyway, thanks for fighting the good fight, and I'll continue to support XSEED.
I think a more complex look at the issue would be that there is more going on than good or bad "taste."

There are quite a few games out there with solid mechanics, but then get loaded up with ecchi (or flat out Hentai) elements that serve no other purpose than to cash in on the Japanese porn game industry ... which helps game sales in Japan, but would hinder the title in the west.

Other such issues could be cultural things like age of consent and how the Japanese media will portray sexual assault as being kinky instead of rape.

It is easy to just say "well, then don't pick up the title" except that while the decision of what ultimately gets translated (and how) may be up to him, I doubt he gets much say so in what games his bosses decide to pick up (such things are typically done based on how much money they have made in Japan, with very little thought as to how palatable they will be in the west). So then what is the answer after that? refuse to work on the game and get fired? censor the game and then catch flack about how the game is not authentic? ship the game as is and get backlash from how the game promotes pedophilia?
high rated
So you wish the entirety of japanese culture would change so the gaijins these games aren't made for originally don't get their fee fees hurt?
Have you seen the outrage and anger towards westerners when Square decided to censor Star Ocena 5? Snd that was only 1 character's panties. Japanese gamers won't take it lightly if they have to give up on things they enjoy (and aren't considered offensive there) purely for the sake of the gaijin's feelings. Japanese fandoms can wreck companies if they are displeased, this is not going to end well for anyone but the people who don't like nor play videogames, the SJWs, the ultra conservatives, soccer moms and others who want full control over what entertainment people consume.

Sorry but how am I supposed to continue trusting Xseed? I mean I feel I can trust SEGA now more with doing good localizations than you. Sure you are still many miles away from becoming a 2nd NISA (and I'm certain you would have done a much better job with Ys VIII), but I really don't know if I can continue buying Xseed games on release insted of waiting for confirmation that the game is indeed uncensored.

I wish there was gov intervention with these kind of things, something like an Art and Entertainment Media protection act that makes censorship and deliberate false translations of other people's works simply illegal.
As i said, right or wrong is a matter of the perspective and censorship is not excluded from it. I simply have to ask myself if the majority should always be the ones with the priority on voice and support. The current economic system is always striving for sheer numbers and quantity. Thus even willing to sacrifice a art itself; be it the scale of a art or simply "how it was meant to exist". I do not recommend making to much sacrifices on the heart of a art because it will weaken the truth. Believe me, not even the worlds biggest money and biggest civilization may be able to fight the truth in long term, because it will come directly from someones heart and the unique signature will last for all eternity. Even at the time when the money is already being grabbed by a mass of centered force, the art and truth itself will last way beyond this line.
MusouTenseiZ: I wish there was gov intervention with these kind of things, something like an Art and Entertainment Media protection act that makes censorship and deliberate false translations of other people's works simply illegal.
To be honest, the roots of the issue is much deeper than this. In my mind there would be the urgent need in order to implement a "ethic commission" in order to prevent acts mainly centered on economical reasons. Unfortunately, the economical bonds of almost anything in the whole world has never been that strong as of nowadays. Those bonds are ruling almost every single action a human is capable or able of. I do consider it a critical time, however; the potential for great changes has never been that great. Maybe some minority voices may contain more powerful truth than a mass can be capable of, the hope is not gone and never will.
Post edited January 29, 2018 by Xeshra
high rated
bluekamikaze: But you're advocating for self censorship in Japan how is this helping games be art when the artist aren't free to create what they want. I'm honestly very disappointed you feel that way. This kind of thinking leads to the intolerance we have today rather than trying to learn to live and let live which is what needs to happen.
wyrdwad: I am most assuredly not advocating self-censorship! If someone really feels the need to include such content in their game, they should always be free to do so.

I just want to see a world where people naturally find themselves NOT feeling the need to include such content. I believe games are a reflection of society, and I think if society gets its act together, people will stop WANTING to stir the pot, so to speak.

That's what I'd like to see. Not someone who wants to include something scandalous, then censors him/herself from doing so... but someone who never had the inclination to include something scandalous in the first place.

EDIT: I'm also not referring to things like Nier, where the controversial content in question absolutely, unarguably has tremendous artistic merit! Artistic impropriety is amazing, and I adore it. When I refer to gratuitous fanservice and offensive content, rest assured, I'm probably not referring to the kinds of things you're thinking of here! I'm a South Park fan, after all, and you can't love South Park without appreciating a little old-fashioned pot stirring in the name of social satire and good art. ;)

Post edited November 25, 2018 by Axelay24