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high rated
Really, nothing.
Maybe my now 260 points here in the forums... or 365 games on my shelf... or that I registered 481 days ago and enjoyed this community quite a bit so far.

Anyway, I don't need a reason. I have some spare keys and no use for them (since I own them all already (obviously) and bought them for this and other giveaways), so maybe you would like to have one of them?

These are the games (all of them are GOG keys, of course):
Gothic 2 Gold Edition
Gothic 3

I have two keys for each game, so four keys to give away in total.

And here are the rules:
01. You must only enter for one of these two games.
02. You may enter for another participant, increasing his or her chances of winning the game (wow, what a nice person you are).
03. No minimum reputation or join date.

I will select the winners randomly on 24th February.
If a winner doesn't respond to my private message with the key within three days, it will be passed on to another participant.

Oh, and to spice things up a bit again, you could... hm, tell me something about your socks. Yes, your socks. This is not necessary of course, you can enter without writing anything besides "I'm in!" too.

Okay, enough, let's get started.
I have the Gothics but I wanted to thank you and bump this.

I'm now wearing double socks because of the cold.
Not in, +1!
Thanks for the socks

I am in for Gothic 2 Gold Edition
Thank you and +1. I'll take a stab at Gothic 2.

I went off to Walmart last week ago to buy 12 pairs of socks since I only had five individual socks left in the house. Maybe their holes got so big that they just disappeared.
I'm in for Gothic 2. Thanks for the opportunity.

My socks are just like your avatar, this site and morality in decent RPGs - grey. Oh, and life. Keep forgetting that one.
Urnoev: Oh, and to spice things up a bit again, you could... hm, tell me something about your socks. Yes, your socks. This is not necessary of course, you can enter without writing anything besides "I'm in!" too.

Okay, enough, let's get started.
OK here goes:

For some reason, lots of people are under the impression that cotton socks are best for hiking to prevent or reduce the chance of blisters. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Cotton is the worst material when it comes to causing blisters. Anything else you get is probably better at preventing them. What exact socks you get depends on how much hiking and in what conditions you do. Consider getting special hiking socks from a sports store; they might be a bit more expensive but they will last forever and most probably outlive your pair of shoes.

I've got two types that I use. I do heavy mountain hiking (7-10 hours) and the ones I wear are 75% wool and 25% synthetics. The other type is lighter that I use for warmer weather or when I wear lighter shoes for shorter walks.

I'm not in for myself, but I'll edit my post to enter for someone else. I'm such a nice person.

EDIT: in for gogamess.
Post edited February 20, 2015 by ZFR
Ack. OK, I'll be in for Ciapcian since he was the first to enter.

I'm currently wearing thick, fuzzy socks with a zebra pattern to keep my feet warm here at home -- my feet get cold so easily! ^__^
Count me in for Gothic 2 Gold, thank you!

Used to hate when my parents gave me socks for birthdays when I was younger, but now I can really appreciate a good pair of socks!
Urnoev: Gothic 2 Gold Edition
Gothic 3
Still waiting for the G1 to appear... :P
I'll (probably, if I won't forget about this) edit my post to be in for someone else later. Wow, what a nice person I am.
Hm, socks? I hate socks. Or, to be more exact, I hate my socks being stolen by my brothers. And because of this, I do them the same.

EDIT: Oh. Since there was no ending bump, I (of course) did.
Post edited February 24, 2015 by helpo1
I'm in for Gothic 3, please.

I'm wearing winter socks because of the cold.

Thank you for this GA and +1 :)
gogamess: I'm in for Gothic 3, please.

I'm wearing winter socks because of the cold.

Thank you for this GA and +1 :)
I'm in for gogamess.

I liked his entry in one of my other giveaways, plus he wanted BG, which is my favourite game. Edited my post.
Not in Urnoev, just passed by to say thanks. :-)
I'm in for Gothic 3. Thank you for the chance. +1

And about the socks... I don't care too much about them.
Post edited February 20, 2015 by DracoMagister
genkicolleen: [...] my feet get cold so easily! ^__^