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Will buy it after few hour.
Sorry, I don't buy Groupees bundles any more. As far as I know they still haven't restored the downloads for the earlier bundles to our accounts. Admittedly, it's been a long time since I checked but even that was far too long after they disappeared.
hummer010: Wow! That sounds like a lot of work! Do you get a cut?
It was WAY more work than I though it would be, lol. And yes, I get a very small cut, but I anticipate losing money on the bundle. I spent quite a bit out of my own pocket and still have to ship the prize packages. God help me if the winner is in Mongolia or something.

Maxvorstadt: Ambient metal? What the hell is ambient metal? And what is tech metal?
Ah young padawan, much to learn have you.

mrkgnao: Don't worry. Noise moves me --- to the other room.
Still, for a buck, I might give it a try.
There's some mellow, melodic stuff in there for even an old guy like you. :)
Enjoy your 5 minutes of fame. Hope they're not the last ;)
Although I like blues but for a gog member i can try some metal.
mrkgnao: Don't worry. Noise moves me --- to the other room.
Still, for a buck, I might give it a try.
yogsloth: There's some mellow, melodic stuff in there for even an old guy like you. :)
Bought it.

I wonder, did all the bands you approached agree to be in the bundle or did some refuse?
Uh.. how does Groupees work?
How much is the bundle and how many songs does it contain?
From which store are the music files?
Are there previews?

Damn, I want a GoM section.
Post edited July 21, 2015 by phaolo
mrkgnao: Bought it.

I wonder, did all the bands you approached agree to be in the bundle or did some refuse?
Thanks - that's very cool of you. You'll hate some of it, but I hope there's a release or two that can give you some enjoyment. I'll steer you towards those when they reveal tomorrow.

I only had one flat rejection and a couple of brushoffs. I was stunned, however, that literally all of my very top choices said yes. Some instantly. I couldn't be more thrilled.

phaolo: Uh.. how does Groupees work?
How much is the bundle and how many songs does it contain?
From which store are the music files?
Are there previews?

Damn, I want a GoM section.
Similar to GOG. After you buy the bundle, it will be added to your "My purchases" section, where the files will be available for download, either directly or via torrent. (Although my understanding is the torrents are usually inadequately seeded.) Yes, there will be previews of every song in the entire bundle when it goes live tomorrow.
yogsloth: Similar to GOG. After you buy the bundle, it will be added to your "My purchases" section, where the files will be available for download, either directly or via torrent. (Although my understanding is the torrents are usually inadequately seeded.) Yes, there will be previews of every song in the entire bundle when it goes live tomorrow.
But are there classics or only new indies?
Are there limits to downloads (like only with client, or max 3 and then poof).
Anyway, I'll check it tomorrow, thanks.
SirPrimalform: Sorry, I don't buy Groupees bundles any more. As far as I know they still haven't restored the downloads for the earlier bundles to our accounts. Admittedly, it's been a long time since I checked but even that was far too long after they disappeared.
The first bundle I bought from them was the Sherlock Holmes Charity bundle of may 2013. It is back, and so are all of the others, or so it seems.
Well done yogsloth!
phaolo: Are there limits to downloads (like only with client, or max 3 and then poof).
All the music (and games, unless some requiring a third-party account, which was explicitly stated) I bought through Groupees has been available for re-download directly from them.
Post edited July 22, 2015 by Dalswyn
Dalswyn: The first bundle I bought from them was the Sherlock Holmes Charity bundle of may 2013. It is back, and so are all of the others, or so it seems.
Thanks for letting me know! That was definitely one of them, and when it wasn't back after over a year I just gave up on them.
Sigh, ok, i'll do it, even if it is just to bad-mouth your music taste.
Kudos to you, yogsloth. Putting your money (and time) where your mouth is. :D
Off to reserve a bundle now.
Post edited July 22, 2015 by Getcomposted