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awalterj: That sounds like a great plan, a great plan because... I had the very same plan, ha! But I already know I don't have the patience for Caesar or Pharao so I'm toying with the idea of skipping right to Emperor once it goes on a deep sale, that's the one in the series I completely missed so far. Feels like if I play that one, I can finally put the city builder genre to rest, for good.

(It's the typical "one more game of this type to complete my gaming educaton" illusion, many suffer from it)
The question is, why do you want to put the city builder genre to rest for good?? But yeah, getting completely through these games take a lot of patience which I'll admit I've lost a bit of already :P I haven't played C3 in many weeks, but I do plan to start again soon. At least unlike some of the other time sinks I've gotten myself mixed up in (Cataclysm : dda), a C3 level is ideal for one gaming session. When you've completed one you simultaneously feel fulfilled and willing to end your gaming session for the day.
Granted I do want to put the Sierra city builders to rest eventually as well, but not for good! Just for 10, 15 years or so :) My ultimate goal is to capture every single city of each game in a single massive composite screenshot. But I can already tell I won't have the stomach for it. I captured 2 cities and it took forever :\
I've never had potato salad, but I want to try it sometime.
Marioface5: I've never had potato salad, but I want to try it sometime.
Good luck, there are like 500 different kinds. :P
Post edited March 16, 2017 by tinyE
tinyE: Up here people make french fries with [sweet potatoes].
TwoHandedSword: Most of my local diners offer these, for a small upcharge. Better than regular fries, IMO. I can (and often do) eat them as-is, no ketchup needed.
Do they offer curry mayo as a dip? Unbelievably good.
Great beer batter fries up here too but I would imagine you can find those all over the country.
tinyE: sour cream

Of course, sour cream goes good on pretty much anything.
I agree! I like it too!
I love sweet potatoes (i like yams better though). Four though? You are going to be on the toilet for a long while, especially if you ate the skins too. That's a TON of fiber!

I love roasting them the best. mmmmmm. i also use them instead of potatoes when i make breakfast bowls (sausage, eggs (fake, i can't eat regular eggs :( ), peppers, onions).
brussels sprouts tonight, yo!
fortune_p_dawg: brussels sprouts tonight, yo!
Enjoy, but don't overdo it again! We don't want you to explode. ( But if you do, at least catch it on camera. )
Dalswyn: This has to be some sort of message.
tinyE: He is one of my favorite guest but kind of an kooky old guy.

He spent his entire career in the Canadian Air Force and evidently made some rank just short of god; loaded with tons of medals and stuff.
OK, now I'm curious. How old is he, and have you actually seen his medals? Is he some sort of Canadian James Bond?
Post edited March 30, 2017 by CharlesGrey
fortune_p_dawg: brussels sprouts tonight, yo!
Didn't something bad happen the last time you had those? I swear I remember there being a thread about it.
Crewdroog: I love sweet potatoes (i like yams better though). Four though? You are going to be on the toilet for a long while, especially if you ate the skins too. That's a TON of fiber!
Thread's two weeks old. I think (nay, I HOPE) they're out of his system by now. =D

Crewdroog: [...] eggs (fake, i can't eat regular eggs :( )[...]
:0 Your life must be hell. Eggs are awesome!
Then again, I've never had fake eggs (well, not knowingly), so I don't know how good/tolerable/nauseating they are.

Marioface5: I've never had potato salad, but I want to try it sometime.
o.0 It's pretty hard to avoid in much of the Midwest (probably elsewhere, too).

If you really wanted to try some, you could try this guy's tactic. Or just go to pretty much any grocery store deli and buy some. I guess that could work, too. =)
Post edited March 30, 2017 by HunchBluntley
HunchBluntley: If you really wanted to try some, you could try this guy's tactic.
Well, proof positive that there are at least 6,911 completely stupid, no hope for redemption, people on this planet...
fortune_p_dawg: brussels sprouts tonight, yo!
Marioface5: Didn't something bad happen the last time you had those? I swear I remember there being a thread about it.
Yes, I had a horrible horrible day lol. But right now I actually feel pretty good.
Marioface5: Didn't something bad happen the last time you had those? I swear I remember there being a thread about it.
fortune_p_dawg: Yes, I had a horrible horrible day lol. But right now I actually feel pretty good.
Glad to hear things are going well this time!
fortune_p_dawg: brussels sprouts tonight
Do you buy them or sprout your own?