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If someone, like myself, has limited funds, he has to wait till the end of the sales, last day, else he risks buying something and then something "better' coming along and not having the funds to buy it.
Release the whole list the first day!
Post edited December 13, 2017 by trusteft
I'm with you, but at least it's better than that Insomnia bullshit.
Agree 100%.
Not to mention that each day, if you have many games on your wishlist, you have to search again and again what games were added. No easy way to see what exact games were added each day.
It's almost like they don't want you to buy games.
Post edited December 13, 2017 by trusteft
trusteft: It's almost like they don't want you to buy games.
It's almost like they want you to come here frequently during the sale. ;) What's the point of having a two week sale if customers buy everything they want during the first day?
trusteft: It's almost like they don't want you to buy games.
InkPanther: It's almost like they want you to come here frequently during the sale. ;) What's the point of having a two week sale if customers buy everything they want during the first day?
What, they live off the ads on the side of the page?
Isn't the whole idea to sell games? Isn't that their whole way of making profit?
And if they want to sell games, why not release them all at the same time? IF they want to sell games, why do they make it IMPOSSIBLE, to see what exact games they release each day by checking your wishlist? They get a warning/message HEY LOOK GAMES IN YOUR WISHLIST WERE ADDED ON THE SALES! But they don't even let you see which are the ones that were added today.
Just stupid design IMO.
Post edited December 13, 2017 by trusteft
trusteft: What, they live off the ads on the side of the page?
No, they live off selling games to grumpy gamers.
trusteft: It's almost like they don't want you to buy games.
InkPanther: It's almost like they want you to come here frequently during the sale. ;) What's the point of having a two week sale if customers buy everything they want during the first day?
I agree 100% with the OP. Especially when on a tight budget, people may come frequently during the sale but that doesn't mean they will be buying frequently during the sale. I will wait for the very last day of the sale too (if there's any budget left).
trusteft: If someone, like myself, has limited funds, he has to wait till the end of the sales, last day, else he risks buying something and then something "better' coming along and not having the funds to buy it.
Release the whole list the first day!
Believe it or not, when they've done sales in which every game on sale was on sale from day one, some people were complaining that it was boring. But yes, it's a boredom I'd rather deal with, than that of going through the list of games for sale several times. In sales like these I just wait for the complete set to be released before bothering. I know of more fun activities than shopping.
The more time you spend browsing the sale, the more chanches you get tempted to buy something you normally wouldn't. That's why they try to keep things interesting with flash/mistery/time limited deals etc.

Just come back at the end of the sale? It's not like they're forcing you to do anything.
tinyE: I'm with you, but at least it's better than that Insomnia bullshit.
hah yeah. good from a promotional standpoint but they overused it. should have been a once a year thing. no more than that.

I was kind of surprised when I saw that they're rolling out stuff as they go along in this sale as well. made me wonder if Steam is going to do something soon or if we've discovered a new type of collage.

I don't miss the days of sales being basically catch the chicken. Steam does it better now.

What with all the DLC, pre-order bonuses, multiple day one editions, in-game microtransactions and gameplay alteration to facilitate them, including healthy doses of best-effort social-engineering ham-fisted into the game (menus? never! social space where we open our crates in front of eachother!), cross-game promotional leveraging, ready and frequent presence of lock iconography, short-term re-releases and bundle releases, roadmapped convoluted pricing strategies leveraging DLC and rereleases, I can slowly feel myself turning into a Russian videogame user.

imagine going to a 3D movie but not getting every scene in 3D because you didn't pay the extra price? instead, a lock icon showed up in the bottom corner and you saw that portion of the movie in 2D until it was finished. imagine seeing in real-time how many people are blinking 3 times at the lock icon in order to immediately purchase the current scene in 3D (slight mark-up from pre-purchase ticket price). if we hit a certain number of buy-ins, we show a little icon representing each person or number tally. happy green guys for buy-ins, blase red guys otherwise. if we don't hit a certain number, we hide the thing of course.

or maybe there's no really good reason for the staggered roll out. how about that new Destiny 2 patch. really excited for these hot new releases.
trusteft: What, they live off the ads on the side of the page?
InkPanther: No, they live off selling games to grumpy gamers.
I was waiting for this comment to pop up.Nailed it ;).Cheers
trusteft: If someone, like myself, has limited funds, he has to wait till the end of the sales, last day, else he risks buying something and then something "better' coming along and not having the funds to buy it.
Release the whole list the first day!
Completely agree. I was ready to purchase a couple games yesterday, and then thought why buy now, when there is always a 24-48 "Last Chance" to get any of the games from the sale.

Gog gives no incentive to purchase early when a buyer can simply wait till the end and cherry pick the games they want.

The other factor is, most sales have the same games over and over, and newer games thrown in at their original offering sale point.

EDIT: typo
Post edited December 13, 2017 by Faithful
just like the current Steam sales, then. so don't worry, gOg will copy it in a year or two
That's just life, the ability to get over it is useful. Been this situation one too many times haha.