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MarioFanaticXV: I KNOW it's best for humanity; capitalism is the only thing that allows the poor to rise out of poverty instead of just being serfs or slaves to a select few elite. It encourages people to grow and improve themselves, whereas socialism only teaches people to be slaves. Socialism is just an oligarchy with a friendlier face.

Also, how does profit "**** other people over"? Are you denying wealth creation? Tell me, if you gathered all material wealth in the world today, would it be worth more or less than all the material wealth a hundred years ago?
monkeydelarge: The part about not being serfs or slaves sound good but it's not just the way it works in real life. You believe in an illusion. If what you said is actually true, a lot of intelligent people wouldn't be for socialism and all the Scandinavian countries would be more like the USA. And does capitalism really help people grow and improve themselves? I don't see how having more material possessions and more expensive appetites, makes people grow. And is improving your money making capability, really improving yourself? Even if the system works the way you say it is working, it still throws too many people under the bus like those with mental problems, health problems and the outcasts.
If you think it's just about the money? Then no, you probably won't improve yourself- and you're probably not going to get that money either. This myth that all business owners are comparable to Wal-Mart CEOs is really wearing thin, most of them don't have that much personal funding, the majority of it goes to keep their business afloat. They put their life into making their business successful because of what they learn from it, from what they gain from the success not only in material wealth, but in learning and growing as a human being. I wouldn't expect one motivated solely by money to understand this.
Mr. D™: Can someone explain to me why all those people fond of capitalism immediately start to be aggressive as shit when someone questions capitalism?
Let's see... first post "rightwing nuts". Isn't that an insult?

Post 19 by itchy goes with "idiot" and "right wing hatred".

Then we get started on capitalism with Crossmando's 29 "completely despicable". Not that he stops there he goes on with "fuck the poor" and finishes on the traditional yet lighter "selfishness and greed".

Potzato on 33 also assumes intent, but with a much lighter "self centered by definition"

Itchy returns on 39 with the also traditional "the rich will take from you" he doubles down on that on post 48 with the rich people never worked trope.

Monkey jumps in, and on 46 has "deceive others into seeing them as the "good guys"". Way to beg the question that. :) Goes on to the capitalist jungle, people dying on the streets stuff :) On 51 he says Crossmando has not over generalized! Brings out the slavery and dehumanization tropes.

Need I say more? How's the saying about not being entitled to your own facts? Translatable into German I hope? :) And yet some people find SJW to be an insult, no context required...

Interested to see, as of post 64 where you decry the agressiveness of the pro capitalist camp, what are the bad tone examples you can point out? I guess post 60 about "socialist wienies"? To me you guys really set the tone and lead us right where you wanted... congrats. You yourself were not aggressive and you even called out crewdroog for being angry, which to me seemed to not be the case... but I don't see you complaining anywhere about itchy and crossmando... funny that :)
yogsloth: Can we please get back to how an unknown cataclysm is coming that will disappear our oceans and leave both our soil and atmosphere bereft of moisture?

I'm a little more concerned about that part.
We don't need water anymore. We've got Gatorade now. It has electrolytes!
Navagon: We don't need water anymore. We've got Gatorade now. It has electrolytes!
The thirst mutilator!!!!
Mr. D™: Can someone explain to me why all those people fond of capitalism immediately start to be aggressive as shit when someone questions capitalism?
Brasas: Let's see... first post "rightwing nuts". Isn't that an insult?

Post 19 by itchy goes with "idiot" and "right wing hatred".

Then we get started on capitalism with Crossmando's 29 "completely despicable". Not that he stops there he goes on with "fuck the poor" and finishes on the traditional yet lighter "selfishness and greed".

Potzato on 33 also assumes intent, but with a much lighter "self centered by definition"

Itchy returns on 39 with the also traditional "the rich will take from you" he doubles down on that on post 48 with the rich people never worked trope.

Monkey jumps in, and on 46 has "deceive others into seeing them as the "good guys"". Way to beg the question that. :) Goes on to the capitalist jungle, people dying on the streets stuff :) On 51 he says Crossmando has not over generalized! Brings out the slavery and dehumanization tropes.

Need I say more? How's the saying about not being entitled to your own facts? Translatable into German I hope? :) And yet some people find SJW to be an insult, no context required...

Interested to see, as of post 64 where you decry the agressiveness of the pro capitalist camp, what are the bad tone examples you can point out? I guess post 60 about "socialist wienies"? To me you guys really set the tone and lead us right where you wanted... congrats. You yourself were not aggressive and you even called out crewdroog for being angry, which to me seemed to not be the case... but I don't see you complaining anywhere about itchy and crossmando... funny that :)
Oh i'm super angry *throws test tubes* ;)
Crewdroog: Oh i'm super angry *throws test tubes* ;)
Maybe some hot tea and cookies will help? :D

Seriously, I'm sorry the scientific part of the thread got wholly derailed. I think you do realize the political content was what Mr D intended, he was derogatory from the very title. As far I noticed he never posts anything that's not political. I think he hopes for an echo chamber though...

Which is a longwinded way of saying, open a thread specific to discuss the scientific exploration aspects. I trust you'll be happy :)
monkeydelarge: The part about not being serfs or slaves sound good but it's not just the way it works in real life. You believe in an illusion. If what you said is actually true, a lot of intelligent people wouldn't be for socialism and all the Scandinavian countries would be more like the USA. And does capitalism really help people grow and improve themselves? I don't see how having more material possessions and more expensive appetites, makes people grow. And is improving your money making capability, really improving yourself? Even if the system works the way you say it is working, it still throws too many people under the bus like those with mental problems, health problems and the outcasts.
MarioFanaticXV: If you think it's just about the money? Then no, you probably won't improve yourself- and you're probably not going to get that money either. This myth that all business owners are comparable to Wal-Mart CEOs is really wearing thin, most of them don't have that much personal funding, the majority of it goes to keep their business afloat. They put their life into making their business successful because of what they learn from it, from what they gain from the success not only in material wealth, but in learning and growing as a human being. I wouldn't expect one motivated solely by money to understand this.
People can grow and improve themselves with socialism too. It's not like people will be allowed to just stay home, watch TV and smoke pot and receive what they need if they are 100% healthy mentally and physically. Those who can work will have to work and because money is not so much a factor, they will be able to do the jobs that are right for them. And they will grow and improve. Socialism doesn't mean draconian government control and not being able to make money. People can still be business owners too. Socialism really means community. Since the beginning of time until a recent point in time, our ancestors believed in socialism. They believed in real communities with people who care for each other. If it weren't for socialism, a lot of us wouldn't be here today because our ancestors would of died. People need help, time to time. Good people who aren't just trying to mooch off others their whole life need help time to time. There is a reason why it said, you should never go into the wilderness alone not matter how intelligent and physically fit you are...
Post edited September 30, 2015 by monkeydelarge
Brasas: you even called out crewdroog for being angry, which to me seemed to not be the case... but I don't see you complaining anywhere about itchy and crossmando... funny that :)
Like, funny how it reminds you of Brasas ?
Crewdroog: Oh i'm super angry *throws test tubes* ;)
Brasas: Maybe some hot tea and cookies will help? :D

Seriously, I'm sorry the scientific part of the thread got wholly derailed. I think you do realize the political content was what Mr D intended, he was derogatory from the very title. As far I noticed he never posts anything that's not political. I think he hopes for an echo chamber though...

Which is a longwinded way of saying, open a thread specific to discuss the scientific exploration aspects. I trust you'll be happy :)
Hahaha i'm sure it will :) tea makes everything better. always.

And I knows (political content), but I was hopeful for a little bit. I mean all the stuff happening with mars is amazing, I was hoping for at least a small discussion on something, anything. And then when MarioFanaticXV said stuff about genetics and heredity, I assumed he was maybe hinting at a discussion on Lemarkism, but obviously he has no interest in that, and might have been saying evolution was a pseudoscience b/c of religious beliefs, like I first believed. Oh wells.

I got my hopes up, silly me.

Maybe I will open a thread.
Post edited September 30, 2015 by Crewdroog
MarioFanaticXV: If you think it's just about the money? Then no, you probably won't improve yourself- and you're probably not going to get that money either. This myth that all business owners are comparable to Wal-Mart CEOs is really wearing thin, most of them don't have that much personal funding, the majority of it goes to keep their business afloat. They put their life into making their business successful because of what they learn from it, from what they gain from the success not only in material wealth, but in learning and growing as a human being. I wouldn't expect one motivated solely by money to understand this.
monkeydelarge: People can grow and improve themselves with socialism too. It's not like people will be allowed to just stay home, watch TV and smoke pot and receive what they need if they are 100% healthy mentally and physically. Those who can work will have to work and because money is not so much a factor, they will be able to do the jobs that are right for them. And they will grow and improve. Socialism doesn't mean draconian government control and not being able to make money. People can still be business owners too.
You obviously don't understand how socialism works; in socialism, people are forced to do whatever job the government decides they need to do, they don't get to do the job that's right for them. That's a privilege we have with the free market that you seem to curse.

Also, how can someone be a business owner with the state owns everything?

If you won't read On the Wealth of Nations and the Communist Manifesto, at the very least give Animal Farm a read.
monkeydelarge: People can grow and improve themselves with socialism too. It's not like people will be allowed to just stay home, watch TV and smoke pot and receive what they need if they are 100% healthy mentally and physically. Those who can work will have to work and because money is not so much a factor, they will be able to do the jobs that are right for them. And they will grow and improve. Socialism doesn't mean draconian government control and not being able to make money. People can still be business owners too.
MarioFanaticXV: You obviously don't understand how socialism works; in socialism, people are forced to do whatever job the government decides they need to do, they don't get to do the job that's right for them. That's a privilege we have with the free market that you seem to curse.

Also, how can someone be a business owner with the state owns everything?

If you won't read On the Wealth of Nations and the Communist Manifesto, at the very least give Animal Farm a read.
In the Scandinavian countries, people can choose the kind of work they will be doing. And socialism, doesn't mean the state owns everything. You need to stop thinking socialism = USSR and North Korea. That is just propaganda you were exposed to.
Brasas: you even called out crewdroog for being angry, which to me seemed to not be the case... but I don't see you complaining anywhere about itchy and crossmando... funny that :)
Telika: Like, funny how it reminds you of Brasas ?
In a easier to know one when you are one way? Maybe... As a thought experiment why not apply that logic to your ease with identifying racists?

There, was that enough bite on that hook? Or more of a nibble? :)
monkeydelarge: People can grow and improve themselves with socialism too. It's not like people will be allowed to just stay home, watch TV and smoke pot and receive what they need if they are 100% healthy mentally and physically. Those who can work will have to work and because money is not so much a factor, they will be able to do the jobs that are right for them. And they will grow and improve. Socialism doesn't mean draconian government control and not being able to make money. People can still be business owners too.
MarioFanaticXV: You obviously don't understand how socialism works; in socialism, people are forced to do whatever job the government decides they need to do, they don't get to do the job that's right for them. That's a privilege we have with the free market that you seem to curse.

Also, how can someone be a business owner with the state owns everything?

If you won't read On the Wealth of Nations and the Communist Manifesto, at the very least give Animal Farm a read.
Whenever I say socialism, I really mean this

Sorry, I should of been more clear. But If I had to choose between the current system and communism, I'd choose communism.
Post edited September 30, 2015 by monkeydelarge
Brasas: As a thought experiment why not apply that logic to your ease with identifying racists?
Yeah, maybe you should investigate a bit more your convenient ease to dismiss it.
MarioFanaticXV: You obviously don't understand how socialism works; in socialism, people are forced to do whatever job the government decides they need to do, they don't get to do the job that's right for them. That's a privilege we have with the free market that you seem to curse.

Also, how can someone be a business owner with the state owns everything?

If you won't read On the Wealth of Nations and the Communist Manifesto, at the very least give Animal Farm a read.
monkeydelarge: In the Scandinavian countries, people can choose the kind of work they will be doing. And socialism, doesn't mean the state owns everything. You need to stop thinking socialism = USSR and North Korea. That is just propaganda you were exposed to.
European countries have been declining ever since they began adopting socialist policies, and the US isn't far behind. Look at what happened to Greece, and the effect it's had on the EU as a whole. It's not as though the USSR was the first time socialism starved a nation, nor was it the last.

Also, you can't cite elements of capitalism in a mostly socialist society as evidence that socialism works.