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Hope those games don't get remove, since they're already censored/SFW. I'm worried that games that I already purchased (i.e. Hyperdimension Neptunia, Assassin's Creed, Far Cry) and wishlisted will be next in the chopping block. I already signed the petition, though it seems like favoritism in Valve's part, since the Western games, like the Witcher series, GTA, Assassin's Creed, and such are not being send takedown notices, but anime style games are.

Because if Steam sides with the ultra-Conservatives/couch fainting feminsts, I'll just move here to GoG and Uplay for my pc master race fill, I already have accounts both here and at Uplay.

What's strange is that I'm hearing that it's just one guy reporting these games to PayPal and there's an ultra-Conservative group claiming that they're responsible (I dunno if the latter did anything, they sound like terrorist groups claiming they're the guilty party for a bombing, even though they didn't). Waiting until I find more information.
low rated
Telika: Of course, coming from you, "those who do defend freedom of expression on principle" mean the golden dawn neonazis, white-skin (ideally orthodox) ethnic cleansers, and greek junta nostalgics. The absolute essence of Fight for Freedom. The most marvellous historical proponents of civil rights. As all the intellectuals and artists that your idols had locked in the Makronisos, Trikeri, Hios or Giaros political camps could certify.

Truly, the extreme-right martyrology (including the documented one from the 30s) never ceases to amaze me. But the reality is that nobody ever honestly defends full freedom of expression. It's just not compatible with fights against propaganda, indoctrinment and disinformation. Whether it is fascists demanding "freedom of expresion" under a liberal regime, or democrats demanding "freedom of expression" under a totalitarian autocracy, it's always contextual. A struggle to get power back, from which to monitor society towards or away from obscurantisms, through different tolerance thresholds and criterias. Always.

In all the in-between cases (our current imperfect democracies, managed by imperfect -and mutually manipulable- citizens), we navigate between petty acts of censorships (huniepop, hollywood cigarettes, naked breasts on classic statues, etc) and somewhat legitimate ones (rights of privacy, defense against calomny, laws against incitations to murder, etc). But seeing neonazis and dictatorship nostalgics wave the "freedom of expression" flag should remind us of this : while nice-sounding at a very superficial level, Absolute Freedom Of Speech Advocacy is always a scam, and should always always ring an alarm bell.

And now back to the ridiculous case of videogame tits versus holy spirit. But without the dishonest extrapolations.
richlind33: It goes without saying among those having a modicum of intelligence that "freedom of expression" is not a license to abuse your fellow human beings. And it *should* go without saying that those who are willing to sacrifice freedom for the sake of security invariably end up with neither.
And goes without saying that spouting vague generalities lead to nowhere. "Oh no i would sacrifice my freedom of movement for the security of a seatbelt ? I'd end up with neither !".

If there is no "license to abuse" then there is "limitation of freedom", if there is no "limitation of freedom", there is "license to abuse". Even anarchist political theories, based on the (rousseau-ian) assumed goodwill of people (when they're not "corrupted by society/ownership"), imply some behaviour expectations and some enforced constraints against the thugs who transgress them. Basically, the (failed) peer-pressure self-moderation that gog used to expect from us.
Post edited May 20, 2018 by Telika
Another emotional lunacy that our society seems to love wallowing in.

Hell, I even actually played HunniePop after everybody got so profusely positive about it. Yeah, the mini-game is fun for a few (short) hours. The characters and "story," though? Heh. Witcher it certainly is not.

But if somebody gets off on some cheap tintilization, where the fuck is any harm in that?

Tired of the religious-law-throwbacks demanding the entire world conforms to being their "safe space." Think it's about time my country actually got to that "separation of church and state" part of its fundamental values because while we still carry Puritanical laws in effect if not letter, we certainly aren't going to go anywhere as society.

As an aside, Steam has been way too big for a long time now. If they double-down on "porn" titles, that's all the more likely to keep things at what I assume is currently common "pubescent-fantasy" level of presentation (dunno, not exactly an expert on that field, just going by the titles I've ran into browsing Steam catalogue).

Sexual content, no matter how explicit, needs not be there just for cheap kicks. Uncensored version of [url=] Kite [/url] is all that much more powerful because the "porn" scenes are a crucial building block of the story, and having them explicit is part of establishing Akai's character. Implications can be ignored. Explicit presentation is there on purpose, not to serve as sexual stimulation.

If that's not "art," I sure as hell don't know what else is (certainly not most of "modern art," though, that much I can tell).

(Edit: For some reason can't get that wiki link to parse in. Mrrgh.)
Post edited May 20, 2018 by Lukaszmik
pmcollectorboy: I should've done so earlier, but "toxic masculinity" is my official cue to check on out of here.
It's also a great name for a punk rock band.
Post edited May 20, 2018 by Breja
Hm, interesting:

This kinda fits my first impression on the whole mess that it could be a new algorithm which automatically flags games.

if it analyzes discussions, reviews, tags or a mixtrue of those it's likely to mainly hit games which either have uncensore patch or an uncensored version elsewere because certain phrases or Tag are more commonly used in such cases and overlap with statistics from what the code was actually supposed to search for even if the Steam-version is fine. It'd also explain the vague nature of the mails.

Mangagamer got the same response from steam.

edit 2:
And Sekai Project too.
Post edited May 20, 2018 by JinKazaragi
pmcollectorboy: I should've done so earlier, but "toxic masculinity" is my official cue to check on out of here.
Breja: It's also a great name for a punk rock band.
The Toxic Maleborn Event
PrincessIda: Hope those games don't get remove, since they're already censored/SFW. I'm worried that games that I already purchased (i.e. Hyperdimension Neptunia, Assassin's Creed, Far Cry) and wishlisted will be next in the chopping block. I already signed the petition, though it seems like favoritism in Valve's part, since the Western games, like the Witcher series, GTA, Assassin's Creed, and such are not being send takedown notices, but anime style games are.

Because if Steam sides with the ultra-Conservatives/couch fainting feminsts, I'll just move here to GoG and Uplay for my pc master race fill, I already have accounts both here and at Uplay.

What's strange is that I'm hearing that it's just one guy reporting these games to PayPal and there's an ultra-Conservative group claiming that they're responsible (I dunno if the latter did anything, they sound like terrorist groups claiming they're the guilty party for a bombing, even though they didn't). Waiting until I find more information.
The big thing about the other games it that they all have ESRB ratings. They have M ratings so if Valve says that Witcher 3 is Adults Only CDPR can just say it was officially rated M by the industry self regulatory board. Valve could always tell the ESRB to fuck off but I don't think they want that kind of fight - after all the ESRB has the support of most of the gaming industry as well as lobbyists who can make Gabe's life a living hell.
tinyE: Kind of shit generalization.

I'm an involuntary celibate (22 years now), but I'm not a psycho and I don't hate society or women. I love them. Problem is girls don't dig me,which is my fault, not theirs.
morolf: No, you don't understand, they're an organized movement. They're not just normal people who don't have any sex.
I think it's you, who don't understand. Hentai and adult games it's how people who don't get sex cope with it. Take those away and "Involuntary celibates" WILL unite to go for a kill and rape.
morolf: No, you don't understand, they're an organized movement. They're not just normal people who don't have any sex.
LootHunter: I think it's you, who don't understand. Hentai and adult games it's how people who don't get sex cope with it. Take those away and "Involuntary celibates" WILL unite to go for a kill and rape.
if you take away my smut I assure you, I am not going to go kill and rape anyone. :P
richlind33: It goes without saying among those having a modicum of intelligence that "freedom of expression" is not a license to abuse your fellow human beings. And it *should* go without saying that those who are willing to sacrifice freedom for the sake of security invariably end up with neither.
Telika: And goes without saying that spouting vague generalities lead to nowhere. "Oh no i would sacrifice my freedom of movement for the security of a seatbelt ? I'd end up with neither !".

If there is no "license to abuse" then there is "limitation of freedom", if there is no "limitation of freedom", there is "license to abuse". Even anarchist political theories, based on the (rousseau-ian) assumed goodwill of people (when they're not "corrupted by society/ownership"), imply some behaviour expectations and some enforced constraints against the thugs who transgress them. Basically, the (failed) peer-pressure self-moderation that gog used to expect from us.
When you're consumed with fear, everything that addresses externalities leads to nowhere. And only the immature equate freedom with an absence of restraint or consequence, because such a thing is impossible in an open system that is subject to the dictates of time and space

Rousseau addresses the "thugs" you reference in Political Economy -- our "leaders", who hold themselves to be above the law, and consequently fail to perform their most important function: to lead by example -- which is the source of the corruption you also reference.

Perhaps you should ask yourself why you are so preoccupied with petty thugs, rather than the ones who are truly responsible for the deplorable state our world is in, because the answer would be of significant benefit to you.
richlind33: Perhaps you should ask yourself why you are so preoccupied with petty thugs, rather than the ones who are truly responsible for the deplorable state our world is in, because the answer would be of significant benefit to you.
But, man, how can he worry about the Soros-es and Clintons of the world when there are incels under the bed?

It's hilarious how easily the left are led around by the amygdala by the people who have the real power in the world. Just point-and-shriek and the left all go 'Wah!'

And amusing to see someone who presumably wants to play anime titty games complaining about governments who want to protect their countries from the kind of people who'd throw him off a tall building for playing anime titty games.

I can only hope I wake up one day and discover this whole decade was just some crazy nightmare.

Back more on topic, if this encourages more competition for Valve, that can only be a good thing. They're already far too big and powerful in the gaming industry. I don't think I own any of the games whose developers they're threatening, but I will be buying more games here in future, just in case.
LootHunter: I think it's you, who don't understand. Hentai and adult games it's how people who don't get sex cope with it. Take those away and "Involuntary celibates" WILL unite to go for a kill and rape.
tinyE: if you take away my smut I assure you, I am not going to go kill and rape anyone. :P
And if I also take away your "free speech" permission, so you won't offend anyone with your jokes? And after that your job, so you won't harrass any female employees (or potential employees)?

Of course, I personally won't do anything of the sort, but you've read the Newsweek article on the previous page - female activist there is already proposing to fire all "incels" from "Silicon Valley", just to be on the safe side.
HuniePop dev says he got an email from Valve saying he should disregard the previous email :

Don't know if other devs got it. The mystery deepens?

EDIT : another dev seems to have got it too :
Post edited May 20, 2018 by Shadowstalker16
low rated
LootHunter: I think it's you, who don't understand. Hentai and adult games it's how people who don't get sex cope with it. Take those away and "Involuntary celibates" WILL unite to go for a kill and rape.
I think this is way disturbing. He is literally making terrorist threats. On ridiculous grounds, to be sure. Yet, I didn't detect any ironic distance in the writing.

Not the first video game related terrorist threat either. When someone from the Gamergate movement threatened with mass shooting, Anita Sarkeesian decided to cancel her speech at Utah State University. The person behind the threat named himself "Marc Lépine", which is the name of a guy who shot 14 women in 1989, with the rationale that "I will write my manifesto in her spilled blood, and you will all bear witness to what feminist lies and poison have done to the men of America,"

Incel is short for involuntary celibates. So we have a group of men who define themselves as victims and are using this to justify their hatred. Four of those committed mass murder. To me, this fits pretty well with the "extreme-right martyrology" mentioned by Telika.
Post edited May 20, 2018 by KasperHviid
KasperHviid: Not the first video game related terrorist threat either. When someone from the Gamergate movement threatened with mass shooting, Anita Sarkeesian decided to cancel her speech at Utah State University.
She's sent herself threats on twitter before. She's a professional victim.