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I currently use a spreadsheet to keep tabs on my growing collection, and have detailed information on price paid, date of purchase, retail savings, etc.

Ideally I'd like to create a piece of database/cataloging software that has all the features I want, but until I have the time to actually work on it some things I have tried and found pretty good (but not perfect):
Free, open-source, simple, light but highly customizable game collection software
Not free, perhaps a bit expensive but lots of bells & whistles, fairly extensive though perhaps slightly less completely customizable
Web-based game collection management. Of the many different web-based offerings out there, I've found this one to have most of the features I'd like and with a decent interface, although not all.
Easy.Get rid of your Steam collection :D
Niggles: Easy.Get rid of your Steam collection :D
but i havent even played a quarter of the fuckers
Magical Inventory Fairies of course. :P
What I really want is a catalogue app that I can log into whatever digital stores I use and copy my libraries into the catalogue. i haven't found anything to do this yet. But, it must be possible for most sites, yes? Steam's API allows it. GOG's does as well, judging by the wiki library pages. Heck just those two would get me so far toward solving the problem I wouldn't mind doing the rest by hand, especially since so many other sites mostly are places I just bought a Steam key.
misteryo: What I really want is a catalogue app that I can log into whatever digital stores I use and copy my libraries into the catalogue. i haven't found anything to do this yet.
I have not looked much for something like it but IsThereAnyDeal deals with my Steam catalogue/wishlist and other people has created scripts to upload my Humble, GOG libraries and other ones. I know some people has recommended other sites...
snowkatt: but i havent even played a quarter of the fuckers
Haven't played one-tenth of mine. ~.~
Wow, more responses than I expected haha!

I'm not particularly anti-steam, so I'm going to go with whichever platform is going to give me a better deal-you can always offline mode steam and I've never had any problems with it, and haven't heard of any recent problems with anyone. Maybe someone can prove me wrong but to my eyes it's consistently failed to live up to the doom and gloom we ascribed it, and has plenty of good things to it as well. Looking forward to Galaxy, hopefully going to be the best of both.

I wonder if an Excel spreadsheet or Notepad would be better-I imagine with some knowledge you could sort out an Excel spreadsheet to be self-sorting, has anyone had any luck with this?
I have one word for you...


Solar1313: I just realised looking through my game forums on here that I've purchased a couple of games on Steam which I already own here, and was wondering how on earth people who use both platforms keep track of which games are on which? Especially given the extent of shared content these days, and the ever-growing size of both of my collections >.<
Now that you've realized it, next time you go to buy a game on one, check the other to see if you already own it.

Onward from that, it seems like it could be a memory thing? So I would suggest to play some memory-exercise games to get that noggin' joggin'.
Hell. You think double purchases are bad? I've bought second copies of games from the SAME SERVICE because the game looks awesome and I forgot that I have it. INSTALLED currently even... That was embarrassing. Fortunately it was a sale that was too good to pass up.
Solar1313: I just realised looking through my game forums on here that I've purchased a couple of games on Steam which I already own here, and was wondering how on earth people who use both platforms keep track of which games are on which? Especially given the extent of shared content these days, and the ever-growing size of both of my collections >.<
drealmer7: Now that you've realized it, next time you go to buy a game on one, check the other to see if you already own it.

Onward from that, it seems like it could be a memory thing? So I would suggest to play some memory-exercise games to get that noggin' joggin'.
Between the two platforms I have well over three hundred games. Probably at least two hundred of which are available on both. ^.^ Thats not even taking into account how many games GoG has bundled into single packages.
Post edited December 23, 2014 by Solar1313

I'm all ears for someone that automates the process,,,

As others has suggested a text file or creating a spreadsheet is a way to track your inventory.

The way I do it with each game I purchase since I'm going to have to create a directory for patches, tips, info on the game is I create a directory in which info to that game goes along with:

Screenshots made during the purchase and activation process.
Pdf, and XPS of Receipt for transaction.
Screenshots found on net for xyx game
Videos found on net that show in game footage as I might buy a game and it be a while till it gets installed.
Info on game, tips

Directory given a name like:

GMG=Place purchased from, EG: GreenManGaming
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX= key-activation-confirmation code if no key

*Note for games that have not been purchased, or key has not been used I try to work that into the directory file name.
Additionally for screenshots, the receipts I will edit them with the key code as soon as possible.
Fallout_3_-_GMG_STEAM_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX_Storepage (showing price)
Fallout_3_-_GMG_STEAM_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX _KEY (Screenshot during prior to activation- with webpage for game pulled up, STEAM being in small mode that shows the "F"s... where Fallout will be once activated.)
Fallout_3_-_GMG_STEAM_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX_ACTIVATED (Ditto, with pop-up showing successful activation, and Client showing game in library.)

Next step is printing a RECEIPT, in PDF, and XPS format for games you manually activate but that feature has been BROKEN since Aug-2014.


Post edited December 23, 2014 by WeAreNotAlone
Ok, I lied... two words

"spreadsheets and tabs"

Mine has a master list, my games, games gifted, games I will eventually gift, trades, games I have (or will gift my son), and currently, the Secret Santa tab...

I'm usually very religious about transposing every purchase and bundle onto the spreadsheet but not so much lately. I foresee a long weekend of organizing in my near future...

Oh and my game list has title, platform, source and key (I didn't use to keep keys listed but it is super helpful when I go on a total organizing mission...especially since some bundles add Steam keys later on)
I don't look at that the same way. I sometimes intentionaly buy a duplicate if I want a DRM free version. Or sometimes even opposite. *ducks*

What I do mind is having (DRM free) duplicates on GOG and Humble Bundle. That happens occasionaly.