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I usually just stop playing once I reach 3rd town. I like to start over with another race. Must have gotten up to 3rd town two dozen times.
I've finished it a dozen of times with pretty much all the clans :)

Great game I can say :)
Ermm, yeah...?!
Several times.
I always get stuck in 3rd town cause there's no clue where to go. That and that zombie killing thing in graveyard I cant beat.
deathknight1728: I always get stuck in 3rd town cause there's no clue where to go. That and that zombie killing thing in graveyard I cant beat.
The zombie killing thing is a tremendous pain in the ass. Figuring that unless you've got a serious combat-oriented badass, you're not going to get through it.
But thankfully, they do provide an option of getting the local groundskeeper/zombie murderer a prostitute so he doesn't have to leave.
uh yeah
at least 7 times so far
deathknight1728: I usually just stop playing once I reach 3rd town. I like to start over with another race. Must have gotten up to 3rd town two dozen times.
I've beaten it :) The last parts are a definite stretch but I beat it :D
I don't even succeeded in install the game. I've the 3 cd version and when i've to change to one cd for another the install software don't like it at all.

Lost the game even before starting it.
Just once.
deathknight1728: I always get stuck in 3rd town cause there's no clue where to go. That and that zombie killing thing in graveyard I cant beat.
Zombie killing is only an option with a Celerity. Otherwise you're just too slow. But that's the good thing about the game. Things you can or can't do depend on your choice of clan and your build. Choice and consequences.

And yes, beaten it, and looking forward to the next time (first time Ventrue, currently Toriador, next time Malkavian).
Once. It was a Friday.
CarrionCrow: But thankfully, they do provide an option of getting the local groundskeeper/zombie murderer a prostitute so he doesn't have to leave.
Or if you're playing a female character with high attractiveness... giggity.
Yes, as Tremere and it rocked.
"Blood boil" is a mean spell. :D

Second playthrough was as Nosferatu but I had to abort it due to technical problems with my system back then.
Several times with several clans. Malkavian was most fun! But don't try that as first play-through!
Beat it once. Would probably beat it again if on GOG.