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One cannot be unamazed by an illusion they've never seen.
Oh shit, Darvond has been watching The Empire Strikes Back again!
Telika: As I'm migrating my games to a new computer, I have to make these two constatations :

1° GOG installers are really well done. I love how transparent they are about keeping saved games, for instance. Uninstalling many games from many sources, and the GOG ones are the most consistently hassle-free.

2° Oh how SHIT it is to re-download huge Steam games instead of simply reinstalling them from GOG's once downloaded backup files.

So yeah, seriously, all these Steam games, I wish I had them on GOG instead.
You do know you can make backups of your downloaded Steam games, right? I do that all the time instead of re-downloading. It's very useful on exceptionally large games, like GTA5 (which is over 80GB or so). The only downside is it can take a few minutes for Steam to compress and backup a game, but once it's done you can just store it on an external hard drive.
liltimmypoccet: You havent even mentioned one thing that you dislike about Steam. Valve doesnt make games and neither does GOG or any other competitor.
Well GOG is part of CD Projekt, just as Steam is part of Valve... and CD Projekt do make some games, you might have heard of them...
Nope, in fact I find myself going to Steam more and more often for games these games because GOG rejects them here (most recent example being Aeon of Sands, an amazing CRPG which would fit perfectly here). I'm talking about indie games that by all rights should be here. The person who is in charge of GOG's "curation" has some seriously shit taste, so many awful pretentious games here with artstyles that look like ass. I used to be "GOG or nothing" but these days I couldn't care less, I'm only interested in the games.

Also, the lack of a mod workshop on GOG is making this platform worse and worse by the day, I'm currently into Stellaris and I like to play it heavily modded, and I seriously regret not getting the Steam version, on Steam one click and I get the mod installed, on GOG I need to manually hunt down the mods and install them, not to mention that they are usually several versions outdated compared to the Steam workshop version.
Post edited February 01, 2019 by Crosmando
I don't mind Steam and never have. I own games on GOG and Steam and am happy. However two platforms are enough for me. I'll never join a 3rd.
Kelefane: I don't mind Steam and never have. I own games on GOG and Steam and am happy. However two platforms are enough for me. I'll never join a 3rd.
I wouldn't start collecting games elsewhere, unless they pull a GOG connect style thing, but I would still buy a game if it's the only place to get it, if it's one I really REALLY want. I'd drop it like a rock after playing it though.
Inuboy1000: I keep hoping every day that someone will come and take Steam down as the most popular PC distro platform.
LootHunter: If be "take down" you mean create an online store that could compete with Steam and even beat it - I'm all for it. Even as I'm Steam reagular, I want it to improve and competition is the best thing to mativate that.

But all that said, Steam still has many good points. For example I like that they took anti-censorship stance. Would be sad if organizations like PayPal will start to boycott it (like with Subscribe Star) and force to change policies. In that case Steam could go down too, but not in a good way.
Anti-censorship stance? I heard they shut down entire accounts, blocking users from even playing their games, for simply having an opinion that is unpopular.
LootHunter: If be "take down" you mean create an online store that could compete with Steam and even beat it - I'm all for it. Even as I'm Steam reagular, I want it to improve and competition is the best thing to mativate that.

But all that said, Steam still has many good points. For example I like that they took anti-censorship stance. Would be sad if organizations like PayPal will start to boycott it (like with Subscribe Star) and force to change policies. In that case Steam could go down too, but not in a good way.
flatiron: Anti-censorship stance? I heard they shut down entire accounts, blocking users from even playing their games, for simply having an opinion that is unpopular.
He probably means just that they now allow porn games.
Randalator: Can't become disillusioned if you've never been illusioned.
My thoughts exactly.
Steam was imposed to me as a form of DRM and I have never liked it.
Still, I can feel some respect for Valve in other aspects. They created some good games in the past and the nice SDL library is made by people of that company.
LootHunter: And GOG manual curation that don't allow a lot of legit games to the store in the first place is so-o-o much better.
why is this low rated, its the truth. even more obvious if you run a non windows OS, there is a list on on this site, legitimate games that run fine on steam but "fail to meet GOG's standards", standards that no one outside of Gog knows about.

if lack of curation is the worst thing about steam, then i guess you'll all be using the discord store pretty soon, with its always online DRM that will be removed at some point in the future, like HL3 will come out in the future, or WOW4
Post edited February 01, 2019 by zer00o
flatiron: Anti-censorship stance? I heard they shut down entire accounts, blocking users from even playing their games, for simply having an opinion that is unpopular.
Don't believe everything you hear? Shutting down accounts is *extremely* rare on Steam and the only case I've even seen in a long time was some guy who had harassed them through every means of communication for months already and kept ignoring Steam's warnings as well as hacking his way back to into the community after originally getting a community ban. Even people here agreed he pretty much deserved it when he showed what had happened.

I'd love to see who you are talking about because that sounds extremely unlikely. Even fraud only gets your account restricted these days, which means you still have access to your games.
Post edited February 01, 2019 by Pheace
LootHunter: If be "take down" you mean create an online store that could compete with Steam and even beat it - I'm all for it. Even as I'm Steam reagular, I want it to improve and competition is the best thing to mativate that.

But all that said, Steam still has many good points. For example I like that they took anti-censorship stance. Would be sad if organizations like PayPal will start to boycott it (like with Subscribe Star) and force to change policies. In that case Steam could go down too, but not in a good way.
flatiron: Anti-censorship stance? I heard they shut down entire accounts, blocking users from even playing their games, for simply having an opinion that is unpopular.
Not true. This is baseless hyperbole on your part. It's one thing to dislike Steam but it's another thing entirely to make up stuff about them that isn't true. If anything Steam and it's forums aren't policed enough. You see a ton of flame wars over there on various game or general forums with little to no moderation. In fact it feels like the wild west over there at times. The only times I've seen hard bans is when people actually send harassment type petitions to Steam via their "contact steam" option.
Post edited February 01, 2019 by Kelefane
Been disillusioned with the landfill for a while before hopping on the GOG bandwagon. Eventually I lose my internet fir a good couple months, and then I decided, if my DRM'd games don't want to work all the time, then I'm either opting for DRM-free or pirating the ever living heck out of everything - pirate copies don't care whether you're online or offline.
Telika: As I'm migrating my games to a new computer, I have to make these two constatations :

1° GOG installers are really well done. I love how transparent they are about keeping saved games, for instance. Uninstalling many games from many sources, and the GOG ones are the most consistently hassle-free.

2° Oh how SHIT it is to re-download huge Steam games instead of simply reinstalling them from GOG's once downloaded backup files.

So yeah, seriously, all these Steam games, I wish I had them on GOG instead.
DeadPoolX: You do know you can make backups of your downloaded Steam games, right? I do that all the time instead of re-downloading. It's very useful on exceptionally large games, like GTA5 (which is over 80GB or so). The only downside is it can take a few minutes for Steam to compress and backup a game, but once it's done you can just store it on an external hard drive.
Ah no, I didn't know that. I've checked it out, and it would have been handy (too late). At the condition that I take the habit of making "backups" of the installed games, just as I do with gog, but with half the reasons to (it facilitates reinstallation yet without making the game an "acquired copy stored offline"). It's a thing to consider, thanks.