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MadalinStroe: Only a male could have come up with something that gay, without realizing the connotations.
Only a woman can call something gay without triggering the habitually offended. lol
Ancient-Red-Dragon: There shouldn't be any fake holidays (or anything else) based on liberal identity politics, which are always highly sexist & racist. Happy days will be when all such fake holidays - and liberal identity politics on the whole - are universally abolished.
days such as Mother's Day, Father's Day and Valentines are fake holidays. these are awareness days, different concept entirely.
MadalinStroe: Only a male could have come up with something that gay, without realizing the connotations.
richlind33: Only a woman can call something gay without triggering the habitually offended. lol
Seeing as I'm male, then I'm just going to dismiss anybody offended by my comment as "haters gonna hate".
Post edited November 21, 2017 by MadalinStroe
richlind33: Only a woman can call something gay without triggering the habitually offended. lol
MadalinStroe: Seeing as I'm male, then I'm just going to dismiss anybody offended by my comment as "haters gonna hate".
I see people who are easily offended as being disempowered.
Post edited November 21, 2017 by richlind33
low rated
sanscript: Only feminists manages to completely derail a thread like this. It's not even theirs day so something must be serious wrong when they're not being heard elsewhere....
Depending whether you decide to coopt the OP,

- either the thread was ok and you MRA shitstains derailed it (like you keep doing, one of the recent examples is the Amazon LotR thread)
- or the OP is a MRA and made a shit MRA thread in bad faith (like you also keep doing).

No feminist ever came into a normal thread and started derailing it. No feminist in recent memory created a feminist thread (dtgreene made a couple of threads about murders of trans people, but that was (1) long ago (2) generally important and noncontroversial (3) personal).

Rather, it's you shitstains coming into every thread under the sun with your two-inch dick out. "Baaaawww I think a series about the white race becoming tragically obsolete will be too politically correct!!!1!"

Oh, and a special hello to the freeze peaches who shit in the happy thread. Name one recent law or legal practice which benefits women - preferably at the expense of men, but for the purpose of this argument, I'm looking for why your balls are shrinking, not whether it's justified.
* crickets *
All consequences your idols suffered recently were the result of people speaking out and private agents making private decisions. You say "voicing unpopular opinions shouldn't be illegal"(fairly uncontroversial) and then whine about "punishment" in the "court" of "public opinion", as in, trying to chill other people's freeze peaches.

Also, some speech is harmful, and the reason you insist it's not is that speech that's harmful to you privileged twats is already illegal (which is why you're privileged). Generally speaking, you profit from existing laws and point out their origin in democratic consensus, but then claim the same democratic consensus can't be used to pass other laws on first principles -- not "this bill is terrible and it'll be an atrocity if it passes" (ok, uncontroversial) but "this is a principle higher than democracy and it can't be overridden with votes".

To provide a nice bookend, Peter Thiel , one of the most prominent FREEDUMB libertarians, opposes votes for women, but not because he's a dirty sexist, oh no, how could you think so! No, it's because
-- drumroll --
women, as a demographic, vote the wrong way. Peter Thiel's political system is him picking the "correct" option, and everyone who'd vote against it getting disenfranchised. FREEDUMB!

And for a final positive note, you know how they say history is written by the winners? Well, in the real world, history is written by the Internet Archive. And they hate your guts.

TL;DR dear MRAs, please buy a box of tampons and stuff a bunch down your tracheas. kthx.
sanscript: Another thing: You feminists (not you Alaric :-p) actually proved my point. You come in uninvited and wreck havoc. You don't see that in a Womans thread, do you?
Actually, I see such invasions in women's threads all the time (at least when such threads are made, and I think people are afraid to make such threads because of this).
stoicsentry: I remember being all about feminism, anti-racism and things like that when I was a teen in the 90's. Now I feel like I blinked and it's almost 20 years later and now all of that stuff has become some weird new kind of Marxism.

I don't get when or how that happened and I find it super disorienting because I care about injustice but someone hijacked all of this and now it's insane. So just for example, we now have a lot of the 'anti-fascists' in the States pushing for speech codes/criminalizing speech and also advocating for street violence and yet those are 2 of the reasons we have so often repudiated fascism.
I think it's a case of America's domestic policy being brought into line with it's foreign policy. Anti-fascists are anti-fascist in name only.
Fairfox: Sorry to add another GOGie notification, but where did you go and can I come with you? :P
tinyE: Everyone in my truck! WE GO NOW!
No room, no room!
sanscript: Another thing: You feminists (not you Alaric :-p) actually proved my point. You come in uninvited and wreck havoc. You don't see that in a Womans thread, do you?
Wow, because I'm a feminist I can't contribute to a thread about men's day? Even though I am a man and I think its good for men to embrace feminism?

That seems a bit strange that a man can't contribute to a post about men on men's day...
I consider myself a liberal socialist, but hoho, it is too easy to trigger to a feminist. "Hugh Mungus" :-D

Even though I don't agree with him politically, Milo Yiannopoulos is one my favorite person after Nikola and Feynman.
dtgreene: ... and I think people are afraid to make such threads because of this).
I do see your point and I agree. However, they could just choose someplace else to post it if they felt like that. Again, people shouldn't be so easily offended.

I mean, this is the internet, many DO get harassed, sadly, but unless someone is standing in front of that person they can just find someplace else to go to. If that person is following, then report that person.
Post edited November 21, 2017 by sanscript
sanscript: I mean, this is the internet, many DO get harassed, sadly, but unless someone is standing in front of that person they can just find someplace else to go to.
In other words; if you're being harassed, GTFO. The harasser, however, can stay and harass other people.
sanscript: I mean, this is the internet, many DO get harassed, sadly, but unless someone is standing in front of that person they can just find someplace else to go to.
plagren: In other words; if you're being harassed, GTFO. The harasser, however, can stay and harass other people.
That's nitpicking. But of course not, but if several was harassing you repeatedly and the mods didn't step in, you wouldn't just stay there, you would maybe go somewhere else for a while or quit entirely. I would.

"Choose your battles carefully" or something. I didn't mean that that was the ideal situation, each case is different.

In real life it would be different.
Post edited November 21, 2017 by sanscript
Gnostic: Discerning how some men / women are good / bad is pointless if the law promote bad actions.

If the law allow men to behave badly, like falsely accuse the women for raping them with no consequence, making it default that women are guilty until proven innocent. More and more men will behave badly.

If the law allow men to falsely accuse women for domestic violence, and if the women have no prove she is screwed. If the men are shown to be lying the go scoot free or get a slap on the wrist. Of course more and more men will abuse that.

If the law allow men financial incentive even though they make false accusation against women. Even if the accusation is false they can still get money from the EU. Of course men will use that to earn more money.

The percentage of good / bad men / women is no longer an issue. It becomes how to survive against false accusation. You no longer have the luxury of assuming the women will not screw you over. What matters is all women can.
Sure, there are some poorly thought out laws that get abused. I agree that they should be changed.

What I'm saying is even though technically a woman falsely can accuse a man and ruin his life, this isn't a reason to hate and distrust all women. After all any person can technically go and commit a crime. Men commit crimes all the time, but saying that we no longer have the luxury of assuming that a man won't murder us is ... well, wrong.
htown1980: It makes sense to me that the primary care giver when parties are married (whether that is the man or the woman) continues to be the primary care giver when the parties are separated. What doesn't make sense to me is why men don't challenge the idea that the woman should stay at home and look after the kids and the men should continue to work.

Working kind of sucks. Staying home and looking after kids is a much easier job - particularly when you see all these women sitting at cafes with their babies having coffees, etc, while their husbands are out working hard, making the money that allows them to live that lifestyle. But the guys I speak to about it seem content with it. I don't understand it. I would love to live in a world where men are just as likely to be the primary care givers of children in a relationship as women, and women are just as likely to be the sole income earners for the family as men, but there needs to be some big changes before that will happen.
Really? Raising kids is easier than going out to work for eight hours a day? I can tell you right now after having done both that going to work is much easier than dealing with kids. Yes, kids are more rewarding but it's also a much more difficult job - plus no sick days (for you) or vacations.

I would rather stay home and take care of the kids but I'm not gonna kid myself and say it's an easier job.