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low rated
My good friend, who is unpopular in these forums, suggested celebrating anti-woke day today! So happy anti-woke day! Today we celebrate sanity and order. We reject various insane ideologies created by the minds of deprived and twisted individuals! Here is to sanity! Say no to encouraging mental illness, chaos, violence and insanity! If GOG removes this, it will be a sign that they are hypocrites applying double standards, who think that other "x-months" are ok, but this celebration is not! Have a good day!
low rated
Here, have a downvote. You know it will only bring conflicts and flame wars to the forum, but you had to make the thread anyway.
Post edited February 22, 2022 by InkPanther
low rated
Nice celebration.
Sanity is the root of reaching happiness. Lies only leads to misery.

Happy normality day!
low rated
Snowslinger: If GOG removes this, it will be a sign that they are hypocrites applying double standards, who think that other "x-months" are ok, but this celebration is not! Have a good day!
Yes, they are all of that, and they are not hiding it. What do you expect from the platform that clearly leans towards the left.
low rated
it didnt took long for this topic to get the usual dvote attention
low rated
if you're anti-woke, then you should be pro-governement-doing-things-to-help-improve-the-lives-of-normal-folks.

It's one thing to be against, but it's another thing entirely to offer something to fill the resulting vacuum.
Because at the end of the day, being anti woke hasn't solved the problems that the wokeness was created to mask.

If you are anti-woke then you are anti-capitalist imperialist.
Post edited February 22, 2022 by Plumb
low rated
Now this is a "-day" I can celebrate. Happy anti-woke day everyone!
low rated
As much as I'd love to be part of "INSANE IDEOLOGIES CREATED BY THE MINDS OF DEPRIVED AND TWISTED INDIVIDUALS" and "ENCOURAGING MENTAL ILLNESS, CHAOS, VIOLENCE AND INSANITY!" as much as I can stand up for all that, "woke" ideology is much more bland. It is merely the idea that people should be treated with respect, regardless of gender, race and .... yeah, as said, it's the pinable of blandness. Not because it's unimportant, but because it's so basic, like that we have some traffic rules telling us which side of the road to drive in.
low rated
InkPanther: Here, have a downvote. You know it will only bring conflicts and flame wars to the forum, but you had to make the thread anyway.
The same exact thing could also be said for all the posters who make very similar OPs for all the woke fake holidays, year after year.

But no one ever makes posts like that quoted post in regards to those threads, even though they do the exact same thing.

What's up with that double standard?
low rated
Happy no-drama-day :-p
low rated
Rejoice and find something to be happy for.
low rated
So it's not an official day then ?, which makes just a valid as the reasons it purports to celebrate... *rolleyes*
low rated
Trooper1270: So it's not an official day then ?, which makes just a valid as the reasons it purports to celebrate... *rolleyes*
why wouldn't this be official?
low rated
Trooper1270: So it's not an official day then ?, which makes just a valid as the reasons it purports to celebrate... *rolleyes*
Orkhepaj: why wouldn't this be official?
I actually have no idea, to be honest, but pretty glad that it isn't...
low rated
Does this mean I didn't have to wake up this morning?!?

Shit! Shit shit shit sheeeeeeet!