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Sam2014: I see people complain about the price of the new Win2 @ $650.
But just think of the technology in the palm of your hand.
I paid over $1,500 for the Sony UX180 10 years ago.
People actually expect to pay 200-300$ dollars for this, but if you just look at the price of the CPU, 8GB of RAM and 128 m.2 SSD, those three alone are 350-400$. People don't know what they are talking about.
OldFatGuy: But I didn't know anything about all of this emulation stuff. I'm guessing it's just with this new version but thought I'd ask.... does the original one do some emulation like that? Mine has Win 10 on it BTW.
Of course, GPD Win 1 is capable of emulating most of these systems too. Performance-wise, real difference probably may be noticeable only in most demanding emulation tasks, such as some recent 3D arcades or PS2 emulation. Older systems should run on Win 1 as good as on Win 2.

By the way, do you have any problems with playing good old games on Win 1? I'm having a very bad graphical issues with Atom's integrated graphics after updating my Win 10 tablet (which has same generation of Atom SoC as Win 1) with notorious Creators Update, where right third part of my tablet's screen is always black in pre-2003 PC games, to the point that I'm switching my tablet for an old Sony VAIO subnotebook (which is still runs fine most of these games). I've been searching for solution for some time, even asking here on GOG forums, but didn't find any.

And I've read about the same problems from some Win 1 owners. Unfortunately, no one of prototype's testers didn't made a video about running such older games on Win 2, they're trying to give Win 2 more exposure to young gaming audience, playing only highly popular games of last ten years (Phawx only recorded one video with Fatal Racing in windowed Dosbox, it ran fine though). But probably this is issue of Atom's chipset only.
People actually expect to pay 200-300$ dollars for this, but if you just look at the price of the CPU, 8GB of RAM and 128 m.2 SSD, those three alone are 350-400$. People don't know what they are talking about.

Yes. Very true.
I think allot of those posting about the price are younger and
did not experience the days of $2,000-$4,000 laptops

By the way, do you have any problems with playing good old games on Win 1? I'm having a very bad graphical issues with Atom's integrated graphics after updating my Win 10 tablet (which has same generation of Atom SoC as Win 1) with notorious Creators Update, where right third part of my tablet's screen is always black in pre-2003 PC games


Windows 10 is a problem.
64 bit is a problem for older 16/32 bit games.

VirtualBox w/ Win 98 / Win XP enables some older games, but not all.
At least in my experience.

The most common problem is the rotated window problem.
The .ini tweak works on quite a few games.

Also the DirectX 9c vs Window 10.
I've had much better luck getting more older games
to run under Windows 8.1 (32 bit) computers

There is a DirectX emulation program for Win 10,
I've read about, haven't ried it yet.
Post edited January 28, 2018 by Sam2014
I've bought more than year ago GPD Win (first one) and I admit, that despite my initial hesitation, it turned out to be great device for mobile gaming. Finally handheld with rich library of games, totally coherent my preferences.

However the price of first GPD was about 350 dollars (despite "official" price 500$, I didn't see in most of shops offering GPD Win to sell it for more than 350/400 dollars). Quite a lot for a handheld, but in return you've got great device with plenty of games to play (I admit, that sometimes issues of Windows 10 with older games are annoying, but so far I've managed to solve them with all games I've played).

I'm afraid that price of GPD Win 2 is a bit too high for me. Better components, better cooling (finally!) and more powerful battery are very tempting, but that price... Eh. Not to mention that I've realised that I prefer to play mosty in turn-based strategies/tactic games and platform games (or generally speaking, "action games" which doesn't require mouse and/or keyboard for comfortable playing. All other games? I can't imagine to play in RTS games or FPS on GPD Win.

That's why I'm recently "splitting" games I'm playing on those installed on GPD Win and those installed on my desktop PC.

But I can totally understand that for some people GPD Win 2 can be appealing, it seems to "correct" most mistakes of first GPD Win and adding more beefy components and battery.
Campaign is closing in 5 days, so if you want to get your Win 2 cheaper and sooner than from retail, and with free DHL delivery, you should hurry.

At the moment, there are more than 3700 backers participated, and more than $2.400.000 amassed during Indiegogo campaign. Production of Indiegogo reward units will commence in beginning of the April and early backers are expected to receive their Win 2 at end of that month.

Alternatively, you can wait for Smach Z, which is expected to be much more powerful than Win 2 in terms of CPU/GPU and features 1080p screen - but lacks inbuilt keyboard, second joystick and with just half of RAM/ROM in standart edition for the same price ($699). Smach Z team had announced that they're going to open pre-order on their official page ( in few days, but this project has very scandalous background so it would be better to wait till they will release their device to the market in final, retail form and not just show us another unworking 3D-printed prototype, and do not preorder it unless you're ready to take all the risk. It looks like they're struggling to get current Alpha version of their device to works without problems. And damn, this Smach Z thing is too huge/weighty to be a handheld, in my personal opinion.

There is also Dragonbox Pyra, which is expected to be finally available this year (well, we can hope for it), but it's ARM device with outdated SoC and Linux onboard, so it's not your choice if you're want to play PC games on the go, targeting mostly Linux enthusiasts.
Sam2014: I see people complain about the price of the new Win2 @ $650.
But just think of the technology in the palm of your hand.
I paid over $1,500 for the Sony UX180 10 years ago.
antrad88: People actually expect to pay 200-300$ dollars for this, but if you just look at the price of the CPU, 8GB of RAM and 128 m.2 SSD, those three alone are 350-400$. People don't know what they are talking about.
My armada of Samsung Q1UP's originally cost over $1200 new in 2004. I'm using one right now because there hasn't been anything better to replace it...until now. I'm very interested in the GPD WIN 2, primarily for general computing businessy things, with the gaming being a secondary bonus for me. It's a phenomenal good deal. The UMPC is back!

UMPC's were Microsoft's idea, and the only reason Apple's iOS (iPad, iPhone) and Google's Android devices are dominant right now is because Microsoft got greedy and tried to force Windows Vista on everyone. Vista is a well-known failure for being ridiculously slow, which made low-spec UMPC hardware totally useless. People had to buy Windows XP to use instead, but now I'm using Windows 7 and it works great.

I just hope Windows 10 doesn't sabotage the UMPC's second chance at relevance. For myself, I will be immediately removing Windows 10 and replacing it with Windows 7. I think history is repeating itself, but I'm hoping advances in hardware and software will make up for it. For those that don't want to buy another copy of Windows 7, free alternatives like Ubuntu Linux and FreeBSD's TrueOS can fill their needs, now that Wine is so much better at making Windows software run without actual Microsoft Windows.

Wine and other emulators like it are realistic options now because the GPD WIN 2 has the computing power to run them, and the emulators are much more efficient. So, I think This Time, It's Different ©.
DremPSB: Alternatively, you can wait for Smach Z, which is expected to be much more powerful than Win 2 in terms of CPU/GPU and features 1080p screen - but lacks inbuilt keyboard, second joystick and with just half of RAM/ROM in standart edition for the same price ($699). Smach Z team had announced that they're going to open pre-order on their official page ( in few days, but this project has very scandalous background so it would be better to wait till they will release their device to the market in final, retail form and not just show us another unworking 3D-printed prototype, and do not preorder it unless you're ready to take all the risk. It looks like they're struggling to get current Alpha version of their device to works without problems. And damn, this Smach Z thing is too huge/weighty to be a handheld, in my personal opinion.
Smach Z should not even be discussed. Their first prototype was proven to be a fake, it was just a tablet with controllers put inside a custom case. Since then they showed nothing working, and as far as I'm concerned, they are now using the hype around the new AMD APUs to generate some media attention and trick more people. People should be very careful. According to their Indiegogo campaign page many people have bought it since the new announcement(we are talking about over ten thousand of dollars of sales), and it was supposed to be released in May, but already they are making new delays. I wouldn't be surprised if they continue to post new "issues" with the new device, continue making delays, and after several months, just declare bankruptcy to avoid lawsuits and people will get nothing for their money.
Post edited March 11, 2018 by antrad88
I've actually been looking into maybe getting a GPD Win 1 (and then running Linux on it instead of Windows).

The GPD Win 2 is too expensive for my tastes; I wish they had instead opted to make a model with the same price point but minor improvements instead.

(In the meantime, I have my Raspberry Pi Zero to play with; different type of device (no screen or keyboard) but still useful for certain things.)
dtgreene: The GPD Win 2 is too expensive for my tastes; I wish they had instead opted to make a model with the same price point but minor improvements instead.
I agree. GPD WIN 1 is enough powerful for the things I would use it for, but it has some design flaws that WIN 2 fixes, like better cooling, buttons, keyboard and power management. It would be great if there was a cheaper WIN 1.5, but the company is too small, and the interest would be probably to low for them to manufacture two devices.
antrad88: Smach Z should not even be discussed. Their first prototype was proven to be a fake, it was just a tablet with controllers put inside a custom case. Since then they showed nothing working, and as far as I'm concerned, they are now using the hype around the new AMD APUs to generate some media attention and trick more people. People should be very careful. According to their Indiegogo campaign page many people have bought it since the new announcement(we are talking about over ten thousand of dollars of sales), and it was supposed to be released in May, but already they are making new delays. I wouldn't be surprised if they continue to post new "issues" with the new device, continue making delays, and after several months, just declare bankruptcy to avoid lawsuits and people will get nothing for their money.
I do understand your doubt and even share it, that's why I had stated that it should be backed/pre-ordered only if you agree to take all the risk. Personally I won't do that, but I will be glad if Smach Z team finally produce anything finished. Having a choice is always better, and the competition is always good for an end consumer. It will persuade GPD to begin active R&D of Ryzen and similar advancier SoC for Win 3 and maybe even cause the retail price of Win 2 to reduce to some degree, making it more affordable alternative to this monstrously (for my taste) bulky device.
Along with a lot of people, I'm very interested in the Win 2, but it's too expensive. *wince*

In my opinion, it's somewhat a niche product. For the most part, I think it's being marketed towards people who want to PC game on a mobile device, rather than a teeny, tiny laptop.
I imagine it could be used for all sorts of different things just like a laptop, but I can also imagine the strain of trying to work on such a small screen and keyboard. And if you're going to use peripherals with it, it defeats the purpose of the small form factor.

For $650, I could get a decent general purpose laptop, or a Switch and a few games. So, unless I win the lottery (and I don't play/gamble), it's out of my budget reach.

There needs to be another USP in addition to being a mobile PC for gaming in order for me to revisit my decision.

[Edit: typos and forgot what I was going to say so erased the unfinished sentence.]
Post edited March 14, 2018 by Getcomposted
Getcomposted: Along with a lot of people, I'm very interested in the Win 2, but it's too expensive. *wince*

In my opinion, it's somewhat a niche product. For the most part, I think it's being marketed towards people who want to PC game on a mobile device, rather than a teeny, tiny laptop.
I imagine it could be used for all sorts of different things just like a laptop, but I can also imagine the strain of trying to work on such a small screen and keyboard. And if you're going to use peripherals with it, it defeats the purpose of the small form factor.

For $650, I could get a decent general purpose laptop, or a Switch and a few games. So, unless I win the lottery (and I don't play/gamble), it's out of my budget reach.

The money I would spend on a GPD XD Win 2 will instead

There's needs to be another USP in addition to being a mobile PC for gaming in order for me to revisit my decision.
I feel the same way. It looks GREAT and I'd love to have one, but it's too pricey for me. Not worth it at that cost.
paladin181: I feel the same way. It looks GREAT and I'd love to have one, but it's too pricey for me. Not worth it at that cost.
Sigh. We need to be rich. :P
Indiegogo campaign finished today with $2,582,332 amassed by the help of 3992 backers and nore than 4000 units preordered. There is still one perk (200 units) available at the moment, but price is already rised up to $699.

Meanwhile, official preorder of Smach Z had started last night, but this bulky device now costs whopping €899 for 8GB RAM/128 GB SSD version on its official site. And they will start to ship preorder only by September. Glad I’ve bought my Win 2 for just $599, with arrival at end of next month.
Last evening I've received my GPD Win 2. What an awesome device it is!