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Everyone at GOG believes in a 'gamers-first’ approach. It means that every part of our store is designed with gamers in mind and your purchase safety and satisfaction come first for us. The latest update to our voluntary Refund Policy adds another piece to this customer-friendly experience. And it all sums up in one sentence: starting now, you can get a full refund up to 30 days after purchasing a product, even if you downloaded, launched, and played it. That's it.

It’s important for us to say that this update is possible thanks to your respect for all the time and hard work put into creating the games you buy on GOG.COM and playing by the rules. We're grateful for that and encourage you to continue to do so.

For more details on how the change works, please check this FAQ article.
This is great news... sort of. There are a lot of games that i'd like to buy, but i'm not sure my PC can run them well / run them at all; this refund policy will certainly make me buy more games with confidence since i know i can return them to GOG, but i'm afraid it will also lead to much abuse. Not that it matters much, since nowadays there are pirated copies of everything throughout the web...

So, TL;DR:
Is it a great refund policy? You bet.
Can it lead to abuse? Damn right you bet.

Hope it leads to more good rather than damage.
Another bullet point why GOG is my game store of choice. I doubt I will need this feature since I do my research before buying a game, but it's nice to know I have the option if I do make a mistake.
high rated
aluinie: I think there should be a restriction on how many refunds in a period say 5 games over 30 days that gives a bit more security for both sides over the previous system and this system for both customers and gog itself.
We're for sure monitoring closely how it goes, still thanks for the idea!
people are shit, this is gonna get abused to hell and back. also, gog got rid of the fair price policy because it was costing them too much (sad but understandable), and now they do this, which is probably gonna cost them even more.
That's really cool. Hope it works out well.
Great stuff, very consumer-friendly.

The more time passes the more GOG seems like a real close friend to me rather than a digital distributor and all that boring legal language. I will try to support this with my wallet.

Live long and prosper!
Really, really love this. Hope it doesn't backfire in any way, since there will be a people abusing that system.
high rated
Fairfox: bold move
ripe for abuse tho, non?
We're monitoring the situation and treat every case individually. You can read more about it in the FAQ, especially point 7.
Post edited February 26, 2020 by chandra
Flexflexible: Really, really love this. Hope it doesn't backfire in any way, since there will be a people abusing that system.
I don't think it'll make much of a difference in terms or pirating.

But yea, this is great for games that are on the edge what people's setups can handle.
Also since reviews are hard to trust these days.

Thanks GOG

e: Just read point 7. Seems reasonable. I hope this works out.
Post edited February 26, 2020 by pkk234
Love you guys, the only Devs and Store I trust (except maybe DE [Warframe])
been doing my best to buy only from you when possible.
Keep up the great work!
Thank you!

This is great!

Of all the games I own (200+), maybe might have even considered 1 or 2 for refund.

I just hope this doesn't backfire on GOG though. There's enough assholes to exploit stuff like this, especially with no DRM.

I can already think of a couple exploits that could easily be abused, but I won't mention them to give any ideas...

Thank you GOG, and hope this works out for the best in the long run.
Post edited February 26, 2020 by HTWingNut
high rated
Anyone who wanted the games from GOG could easily find them on torrent sites already. Not much will change with this I think. People who want to support GOG and the developers still will and people who don't still won't.
This change in refund policy worries me a bit but I hope it works out.
Will developers be on board with this policy? Seems like it could do more harm than good.
Amazing but yeah do monitor this. I was wondering if the EU or some other regulations forced you guys to do this.

Is it cheaper to just refund games than have Support spend the time trying to help sometimes?

At one point I had the idea of GOG using Steam's 2-hour refund policy (or even more hours) if users installed through Galaxy, but that seemed like it would cause a real uproar.