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low rated
GOG probably just does not like the game.

If the trailers are serious, then the main character sounds like some crybaby 12 year old leftist school shooter.

If you like axe body spray and DmC reboot, then you'll LOVE Hatred!
GoG was one the last companies I expected to be politically correct cowards.
All I see is a store page on Steam, no preorder. So not likely GOG will have it for preorder.
Ric1987: All I see is a store page on Steam, no preorder. So not likely GOG will have it for preorder.
Dev said it was denied.

Is the game banned in Poland?
Garrison72: They've built a career on being unconventional. It's honestly not about me buying Hatred somewhere else, it's CDPR turning their back on these guys, an indie dev. That was them 8 years ago, trying to sell uncompromising content in The Witcher. This just really rubs me the wrong way.
Witcher got a massive marketing campagin years before release where devs passionately talked lengths about world, mechanics, storyline and all the cool ideas they have decided to put into the game. It didn't start off with any controversy, it started off with a bunch of screens and talk about open world RPG. Hatred got a marketing campaign where they said that it'll be a game about a dude killing people. I mean, do we even know yet how will the game work? I think it should be clear how the two differ.

Ichwillnichtmehr: Don't you think that calling Hatred a "slimey little cash grab" is a little extreme?
So far shouting loud and rising controversies was all that Hatred devs did, so it's not really an unfair prediction.
Post edited May 26, 2015 by Fenixp
high rated
Breja: No. Just no. Let's not equate an ambitious, complex RPG game with a deep story, based on a series of great, acclaimed books, with a mass murder sim made purely so that the inevitable controversy may replace proper marketing. Let's not equate the effort and hard work CDP Red put into The Witcher, the game and the marketing that went into making it a globally recognised franchise, with this slimey little cash grab. Have enough decency at least not to do that.
Ichwillnichtmehr: Don't you think that calling Hatred a "slimey little cash grab" is a little extreme?

I'm pretty sure the Hatred devs put a lot of hard work and effort into their game, just like the Witcher devs did.
Apparently exploring dark themes in video games is a giant no-no.

Fenixp: So far shouting loud and rising controversies was all that Hatred devs did, so it's not really an unfair prediction.
The Hatred devs were from Farm 51, they did Painkiller HD and Necrovision. Pretty great games, also ultra violent!
Post edited May 26, 2015 by JKHSawyer
low rated
You again? I thought it had been made clear last thread that in most likelyhood, Hatred wasn't coming to GOG because GOG has standards of content. According to what I skimmed from the thread anyway.

That or more likely, the skinheads who made Hatred insulted GOG/CD Projekt and things went south from there quickly.

Here's my advice to you, Licurg. Go to Reddit/r/Guro. You can look at all the pictures of mindless violence you want there. You've made at least three threads (or posted repeatedly in) on the matter of Hatred, and I don't know if you've got a fetish or something, but I feel it can be satisfied in other manners.
Ichwillnichtmehr: Don't you think that calling Hatred a "slimey little cash grab" is a little extreme?

I'm pretty sure the Hatred devs put a lot of hard work and effort into their game, just like the Witcher devs did.
Except the advertisement and general concept around Hatred is pure shock value. The title of the game might have been a tiny red flag the size of Texas (696,241 km²) on that matter.
Post edited May 26, 2015 by Darvond
low rated
Licurg: Go fuck your mother .
Breja: Classy. As to be expected from someone so desperate to play an emo mass murderer simulator.
So you start shit with someone, then when they tell you to fuck off you try to take the high ground?
What a faggot.

Darvond: skinheads who made Hatred
Does this mean there will be an option to have all the enemies be jews? Looking forward to bringing out my inner Führer.
shoveling: GOG probably just does not like the game.

If the trailers are serious, then the main character sounds like some crybaby 12 year old leftist school shooter.

If you like axe body spray and DmC reboot, then you'll LOVE Hatred!
Don't be ridiculous. I hate axe body spray...

I'm willing to bet there was a falling out between the two devs, and GOG aren't playing morality police. I hope, anyway. Unfortunate because the game is clearly going to sell well. If they're really offended by it then they have some cleaning up to do in their catalog.
baalaagaa: GoG was one the last companies I expected to be politically correct cowards.
They've got an office in Warsaw and a new one in California, both would be targets, the first one was already mentioned and the one in California because SJW mobs are by now known for being pretty relentless and dangerous (mass doxxing, bomb threads, deliberately destroying careers via calumny, intense stalking, etc...) like any other group of fanatics ("The more you are obsessed with the enemy, the more you become the enemy") and from what I gathered California seems to be some HQ in this regard.

Somehow I do understand GoG's stance although some official statement would be nice, not because I care for the game (which I don't), but because it has so many votes on the wishlist and the wishlist seems to be completely ignored for years now.
Post edited May 26, 2015 by Klumpen0815
JKHSawyer: The Hatred devs were from Farm 51, they did Painkiller HD and Necrovision. Pretty great games, also ultra violent!
All Hatred devs did regarding to Hatred, naturally.
Immoli: Does this mean there will be an option to have all the enemies be jews? Looking forward to bringing out my inner Führer.
No, I meant Skinhead in the broad context of 'ruffian/fop', not WS.
There's also social media if you want to voice your opinion:
Breja: Let's not equate an ambitious, complex RPG game with a deep story, based on a series of great, acclaimed books, with a mass murder sim made purely so that the inevitable controversy may replace proper marketing.
Let's not equate the effort and hard work CDP Red put into The Witcher, the game and the marketing that went into making it a globally recognised franchise, with this slimey little cash grab.
I'm pretty sure Hatred also required "effort and hard work".
We dont know yet if Hatred doesn't have a story and all that until after release. So let's wait for the release and then judge if it has a story, quests etc or not ;)

I'm disappointed with gog not carrying this title because I consider censorship even worse than drm.
Someone playing this title doesn't break any of my freedoms and liberties so imo they should play it as long as they want, it doesn't affect me even a tiny little bit.
mobutu: I'm disappointed with gog not carrying this title because I consider censorship even worse than drm.
Someone playing this title doesn't break any of my freedoms and liberties so imo they should play it as long as they want, it doesn't affect me even a tiny little bit.
GOG doesn't sell Braid. This means that GOG is censoring Braid and is preventing everyone from playing it. Oh, right, after the initial sentence, none of it is true.