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Sachys: They read like a lifetime member of POOM to me.

not that poom
"I got a private email from somebody else at the company who told me that management has changed dramatically there and political viewpoints are a prime driver of decision making now, whereas in the past they just cared about publishing good retro games. I also learned that all the people I have dealt with in the past no longer work there."

Any comment from GOG on this matter? I'm not interested in political rubbish.
lumengloriosum: "I got a private email from somebody else at the company who told me that management has changed dramatically there and political viewpoints are a prime driver of decision making now, whereas in the past they just cared about publishing good retro games. I also learned that all the people I have dealt with in the past no longer work there."

Any comment from GOG on this matter? I'm not interested in political rubbish.
Before that, I wanna see the email.

If he's going to make an accusation like that the onus falls on him to prove it.
Post edited February 08, 2019 by tinyE
tinyE: Before that, I wanna see the email.

If he's going to make an accusation like that the onus fall on him to prove it.
That one he won't post. Likely because it doesn't exist.
tinyE: Before that, I wanna see the email.

If he's going to make an accusation like that the onus fall on him to prove it.
paladin181: That one he won't post. Likely because it doesn't exist.
It's not that great of a game anyway. No loss for GOG.
lumengloriosum: "I got a private email from somebody else at the company who told me that management has changed dramatically there and political viewpoints are a prime driver of decision making now, whereas in the past they just cared about publishing good retro games. I also learned that all the people I have dealt with in the past no longer work there."

Any comment from GOG on this matter? I'm not interested in political rubbish.
paladin181: Grimiore is a playable game, but it is designed like an old school game. However, it lacks the accompanying documentation that would typically be included with those hardcore 90's RPGs.
False. There is now a manual.
low rated
tinyE: If he's going to make an accusation like that the onus falls on him to prove it.
This from you? The irony,thanks for the laughs.
There is no excuse for this game not to be here.
This is a shame, the game looks pretty cool. I get that people have problems with the game's creator and his world views, but the game looks very above average to say the least.

I was holding out for a GOG release, guess I'll have to pick it up on Steam instead.
lumengloriosum: "I got a private email from somebody else at the company who told me that management has changed dramatically there and political viewpoints are a prime driver of decision making now, whereas in the past they just cared about publishing good retro games. I also learned that all the people I have dealt with in the past no longer work there."

Any comment from GOG on this matter? I'm not interested in political rubbish.
tinyE: Before that, I wanna see the email.

If he's going to make an accusation like that the onus falls on him to prove it.
can i just say that at first i thought you said "anus"

i am dissapoint.
samuraigaiden: This is a shame, the game looks pretty cool. [...] the game looks very above average to say the least.
It is not.

Imagine if you took a third-rate writer and told him to remake Wizardry 7, except without any of the benefits of the Wizardry lore. Then, hire the folks SSI rejected to do art for Eye or the Beholder 2, but only give them shareware tools. Finally, go to the local retirement home and hire someone who thinks the height of video games was Dungeon Master for the Amiga, and let them make the UI.

Now, since it's clearly 1997 if you're doing this, go ahead and lose the game for twenty years, so that you can't benefit from any of the lessons learned in the industry between then and now.

Ta-da. Grimoire.

I wanted it to be good. I wanted to be able to say one nice thing about Cleve ("he may not have much going for him, but he sure can make a good game") but alas. You'd be better off playing Bard's Tale - or, obviously, Wizardry 7&8.
low rated
OneFiercePuppy: I wanted to be able to say one nice thing about Cleve ("he may not have much going for him, but he sure can make a good game") but alas.
Oh, I see. So there is a personal element here. How extremely disappointing. I thought this site was full of people who -- in the context of games -- would put games first.

I don't see how Cleve the man is even relevant. The game should be the only thing we consider.
Post edited February 08, 2019 by Harvey.Birdman
Harvey.Birdman: Oh, I see. So there is a personal element here. How extremely disappointing. I thought this site was full of people who -- in the context of games -- would put games first.

I don't see how Cleve the man is even relevant. The game should be the only thing we consider.
For one, nothing exists on an Island. If the KKK got together and funded/put out a game, I wouldn't buy it simply because I wouldn't support a hate group. Same with Antifa or any other extremist group of the like. You can't divorce a developer who makes bad decisions from his product. And as OneFiercePuppy and I both said, the game is meh. That's got nothing to do with Cleveland the man and everything to do with Cleveland the programmer not being up to snuff. I love old school RPGs, and I really wanted to love this one, but it feels empty and hollow, like someone knew all the right points to hit, but not why they were there to hit. Like a foreign exchange student assimilating a new culture. They imitate what they see around them but it's just 2 degrees off normal. You can't put your finger on why it feels wrong, it just does.