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low rated
GOG is sure making piracy look more attractive when all we want is the option to buy games DRM free but they refuse to release certain titles because of childlike standards. Just release the damn game and let people decide for themselves you even have Fing incomplete titles on the storefront that never get updated.

And people that whine it looks like crap or I don't like it, nobody is forcing you to buy it so Shut the F up!!! Unless you actually have to pay for it to be here your opinion means Nothing in general.
Post edited May 18, 2019 by dgnfly
Swedrami: Unpopular opinion here, but considering how much those newer installments have deviated from the series' original Western RPG roots (aesthetically as well as in other departments) I think GoG's curation has made the right call for once.
Untrue actually, games like Wizardry Empire are true hardcore CRPGs, and from what I've read Labyrinth of Lost Souls is a true Wizardry-style blobber too. When you look at games like Elminage series and Stranger of Sword City, Operation Abyss/Babel, you realize that the Japanese understand Wizardry/blobbers far more than most Western devs ever could. If Sir-Tech sold Wizardry to some Western dev, it would probably be made into a first-person shooter by now. Just look at Bard's Tale IV, game was a dumbed down casual RPG with 4 classes.

To be honest, I'm almost completely done with GOG now, RPG blobbers are my favorite RPG sub-genre and GOG "curators" seem to absolutely despise them (they rejected Grimoire, Aeon of Sands, Heroes of a Broken Land).

Once upon a time GOG was THE place for obscure yet interesting indie RPGs, now they're just a bunch of pretentious soyboys who accept all the arthouse trash yet hate hardcore games. I'm pretty much ready to go to Steam and leave GOG for good.
I don't think JRPGs sell well on Gog . Maybe this is the reason why they refused this game .
low rated
i_hope_you_rot: I don't think JRPGs sell well on Gog . Maybe this is the reason why they refused this game.
GOG refuses to even be upfront why they refused the massive list of other games that so-called didn't meet their standard.
This is most likely just some behind the scene agenda where we suddenly are subject to the taste of some unknown nobody at GOG who decided what we are and aren't allowed to enjoy. Like Crosmando said, I'm also pretty sick of GOG and their Childlike standards if they wanna be this way I'll get my games DRM free somewhere else.

I want the option to buy any game possible even the crappy ones if people here are too lazy to do research before they buy a game it's their own fault for being lazy. most whine only about we don't need crappy games here while disregarding the massive amount of broken or incomplete games on this storefront.

In my opinion, they can just act as a storefront and release the games they are offered or they can get their money from the casual gamers who in general barely buy any games anyways.
I only see Wizardry 6,7 and 8 on Humble Bundle.
Macos10: I only see Wizardry 6,7 and 8 on Humble Bundle.
release date - 29th May
low rated
richlind33: I was blown away by the original Wizardy, but playing it now would be like going online with a 14.4 modem.
Basically, yeah.
richlind33: I was blown away by the original Wizardy, but playing it now would be like going online with a 14.4 modem.
Darvond: Basically, yeah.
There's a Japanese remake of Wizardry 1-3 I believe, I think it was for the NES or SNES, the graphics are something similar to Wizardry 7 in quality. And yes there's a translation.

EDIT: It's Wizardry I-II-III - Story of Llylgamyn.
Post edited May 18, 2019 by Crosmando
I dont get GOG I really don't they allow boring crap like VN's here, but refuse JRPGS and turn down more shumps (the only real shump series here is Raiden) GOG wtf?

GOG isnt going to be around much longer guys.
I don't see how it is very different from other JRPGs which have already landed here, but hey, these kind of things are not unheard of on GOG.

Let me know when they turn down "The Command & Conquer Collection". I'll book a ticket to Warsaw and wait for the GOGBear in a dark alley :P.
Post edited May 18, 2019 by WinterSnowfall
WinterSnowfall: I don't see how it is very different from other JRPGs which have already landed here, but hey, these kind of things are not unheard of on GOG.

Let me know when they turn down "The Command & Conquer Collection". I'll book a ticket to Warsaw and wait for the GOGBear in a dark alley :P.
Oh they will probably will offend one of the head SJW's that run GOG now.
Sometimes I wonder whether Valve has some of GOG's staff on its monthly payroll.
karnak1: Sometimes I wonder whether Valve has some of GOG's staff on its monthly payroll.
More like Tumblr's payroll.
How to save gog:

Step 1: Fire the entire "curation" team

Step 2: ????

Step 3: PROFIT!!!
fronzelneekburm: How to save gog:

Step 1: Fire the entire "curation" team

Step 2: ????

Step 3: PROFIT!!!
Will never happen, until the week before GOG announces its closing permanently. BUT YOU KNOW ITS A BIT LATE AT THAT POINT.