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SpellSword: The important thing is that your message is passed along to the GOG staff and they then become aware of your interest in the game.


It truly could be that the people making the decision on this one were unaware of the market for it.

The act of contacting them is one way to at least signal that there is potential interest in the product.

Your vexation is understandable, I share it as this type of dungeon crawler is one of my favorites.
GameRager: That's IF they pass those emails on......if they do like The Oblongs and dump em all in the furnace then it's a different story.


If they are unaware of the market/market flow & trends then why are they in charge of curation again? :\
If Cleve Blakemore is correct, expect more Orwellian like Curation on the store in the future. Cause that what you get when you have people with personal tastes involved with releases. Nodoy shares the same opinion on everything and there are these days enough bigoted people that will deny some people their favorite games, for instance, what they are doing right now.
samuraigaiden: So, I tried getting flies with honey. I got this response:

Our BizDev and QA teams thoroughly research and evaluate every incoming title, but I'm afraid that I am unable to disclose the details as to how exactly they make their final decision.
They might as well be saying that "we can't disclose the details re who we are and what we stand for, but you can definitely trust us!" lol
dgnfly: If Cleve Blakemore is correct, expect more Orwellian like Curation on the store in the future. Cause that what you get when you have people with personal tastes involved with releases. Nobody shares the same opinion on everything and there are these days enough bigoted people that will deny some people their favorite games, for instance, what they are doing right now.
I remember whjen GOG was more about getting good old games here and they actually cared(or seemed to more at the time) about people wanting good old games that are DRM free. Now it's more like what others said: "Let's get ANY game here that's new/will be easy to add to to the store & make us money because actually working on negotiating old releases for the site/getting them to run on modern OSs is too hard/not that profitable anymore".

samuraigaiden: So, I tried getting flies with honey. I got this response:

Our BizDev and QA teams thoroughly research and evaluate every incoming title, but I'm afraid that I am unable to disclose the details as to how exactly they make their final decision.
richlind33: They might as well be saying that "we can't disclose the details re who we are and what we stand for, but you can definitely trust us!" lol
When a company starts hiding behind blanket disclaimers/replies and won't divulge much you just KNOW said company is that much more trustworthy and doesn't have anything at all to hide. 0.o
Post edited May 21, 2019 by GameRager
SpellSword: I was less interested in Bard's Tale IV than The Bard's Tale Trilogy. As far as I could tell from the trailers IV isn't a grid based dungeon crawl unlike the first 3 games.

I did purchase Mary Skelter: Nightmares on GOG since it is a grid stepper, and I'm hoping the sequel will also make its way here eventually as well.

Perhaps games that are visually similar but mechanically different haven't been selling as well and that caused GOG to think this game's sales wouldn't perform for them? (For example I haven't purchased Vaporum because it is a real-time grid stepper... it is on my wishlist though.)

From what I've read Vaporum is a good game if you also like the Eye of the Beholder series, so please don't mistake my above comment as a negative against it. It is just a different style of dungeon crawler.
Vaporum, as it turns out, has a mode that stops time whenever you're not doing anything, turning the game into an approximation of a turn-based game. (This was added in an update.)

(Also, if you haven't already, make sure to get Elminage Gothic, which is quite similar to the early Wizardry games, but with much more content and some interesting approaches to balance (there's lots of enemies designed to be weak against a particular ability a certain class gets, and that many players will overlook even if they have that ability).)

Edit: Also, I believe Bard's Tale 4 has a mode that makes it grid-based. (Also, it's worth noting that Bard's Tale 2 has timed death snare puzzles, and from what I understand Mary Skelter has some real time chase elements.)

GameRager: What's a paladin?!?
amok: It was one of the 12 knights of Charlemagne's court. basically the French version of the knights of the round table. the most famous one is probably Roland. the name itself comes from Latin, and can be loosely translate as "of the palace"

your welcome
What about my welcome? (Well, technically its GameRager's welcome, but that doesn't change the fact that it's an incomplete sentence.)
Post edited May 21, 2019 by dtgreene
richlind33: They might as well be saying that "we can't disclose the details re who we are and what we stand for, but you can definitely trust us!" lol
GameRager: When a company starts hiding behind blanket disclaimers/replies and won't divulge much you just KNOW said company is that much more trustworthy and doesn't have anything at all to hide. 0.o
Their bad PR has left them blowing in the wind.
GameRager: I often agree with posts made by those who get high rated and then get low rated....many here dislike certain posters and see fit to downrate them as if it's teaching them some sort of lesson(like when a dog owner swats their snout with a newspaper or tells them sternly they've been a bad dog).
Or the reverse can happen, like what happened with the initial post of this thread. (It was low rated at one point, then it became high rated later, and now it's neutral.)

I have had innocent posts with no content that could even remotely be considered political be downrated.

By the way, the way the forum always goes to the last page in the thread after a reply makes it rather annoying to reply to multiple posts in the same long thread.

rjbuffchix: For example, there are old CRPG players here, who would disagree with me on what CRPGs are good.
Agreed. (Two examples of popular games I don't like are Baldur's Gate and Final Fantasy 7.)
Post edited May 21, 2019 by dtgreene
low rated

your welcome
dtgreene: What about my welcome? (Well, technically its GameRager's welcome, but that doesn't change the fact that it's an incomplete sentence.)
what do you mean? it is your welcome.... that's exactly what it says....
GameRager: I often agree with posts made by those who get high rated and then get low rated....many here dislike certain posters and see fit to downrate them as if it's teaching them some sort of lesson(like when a dog owner swats their snout with a newspaper or tells them sternly they've been a bad dog).
dtgreene: Or the reverse can happen, like what happened with the initial post of this thread. (It was low rated at one point, then it became high rated later, and now it's neutral.)

I have had innocent posts with no content that could even remotely be considered political be downrated.

By the way, the way the forum always goes to the last page in the thread after a reply makes it rather annoying to reply to multiple posts in the same long thread.
True......I just laugh at the fact that some seem to think it'll accomplish much in the way of changing someone they dislike(especially as they usually don't tell those they downrate WHy they are doing so) as if downrating worked like a parent punishing their errant child.

As for the posting/page advancing: I usually open a duplicate tab for this reason(so I can grab multiple replies for multi quotes and keep the original position I was at on a thread marked for reference).

dtgreene: What about my welcome? (Well, technically its GameRager's welcome, but that doesn't change the fact that it's an incomplete sentence.)
amok: what do you mean? it is your welcome.... that's exactly what it says....
In the states we usually say you're in you are welcome.
Post edited May 21, 2019 by GameRager
dtgreene: What about my welcome? (Well, technically its GameRager's welcome, but that doesn't change the fact that it's an incomplete sentence.)
amok: what do you mean? it is your welcome.... that's exactly what it says....
Syntax, lad.
amok: what do you mean? it is your welcome.... that's exactly what it says....
richlind33: Syntax, lad.
no - it is "your welcome"

so it is even yours
dtgreene: What about my welcome? (Well, technically its GameRager's welcome, but that doesn't change the fact that it's an incomplete sentence.)
amok: what do you mean? it is your welcome.... that's exactly what it says....
It's a noun phrase; there's no verb, so it's not a complete sentence. You've established what you're talking about (the welcome), and you have a possessive pronoun (your), but you don't say anythig about it.

(If you feel like I'm just beeting around tbe bush, maybe you are missing an apostrophe somewhere?)
amok: what do you mean? it is your welcome.... that's exactly what it says....
dtgreene: It's a noun phrase; there's no verb, so it's not a complete sentence. You've established what you're talking about (the welcome), and you have a possessive pronoun (your), but you don't say anythig about it.

(If you feel like I'm just beeting around tbe bush, maybe you are missing an apostrophe somewhere?)
I will have noun of that... I take back my welcome now, you can not have it anymore. It is "my welcome" now, not yours
low rated
Finally, the thread became fun and constructive.
samuraigaiden: So, I tried getting flies with honey. I got this response:
lol, this truly is nugog in a nutshell: Fuck up completely and thoroughly while keeping this haughty facade of condescending "we know what's best for you" arrogance. Sorry, the time for civility is over. If I were the recipient of this copypaste job, I'd tell the sender to go choke on his soy latte.

samuraigaiden: we must be very selective with what games we accept for release.[\b]
Being selective does not equal retarded.

samuraigaiden: GOG has a boutique approach.[\b]
Still going with the "We're better than the rest" line of bullshit, eh? SMH

samuraigaiden: our goal is to give justice to each game we release [...] those that are approved get proper exposure on the storefront[\b]
lololol, this is hilarious! So these sorry, pathetic, barely literate news posts that usually are 2-3 lines of text is what constitutes as "proper exposure" and "giving justice to each game" these days? You know, back in the day, they'd have The Enigmatic T (was it T?) write these massive essays for every release, that put the publishers' official blurb to absolute shame. The current newsposts barely reach the level of quality you'd expect from a youtube comment.

samuraigaiden: Our BizDev and QA teams thoroughly research and evaluate every incoming title.[\b]
I call bullshit on that one.

samuraigaiden: but I'm afraid that I am unable to disclose the details as to how exactly they make their final decision.[\b]
Yeah, theyre bullshitting alright...

samuraigaiden: Your understanding would be much appreciated.[\b]
Please take your appreciation and shove it. - Signed: a longtime gog customer

On a related note: Reading the Regions of Ruin thread, I'm beginning to suspect gog is nurturing a particularly undiscerning breed of customers. The kind of customer that says "I don't really need this, but it's cheap. If it sucks, I'll only have flushed a little money down the toilet." Hey, it worked for me for the longest time. It only changed when the number of duds that gog released grew bigger and bigger that I began to question that line of thinking. In retrospect, I wouldn't even want a game like "Oh Sir... The Insult Simulator" for free. I'd rather pay $30 for a game I actually want than $1 each for 30 games that should be abolished under the Geneva Convention.

Brand loyalty to good old gog prevented me from questioning my buying practices before. Even as gog merrily chipped away one of their basic "principles" after the next, I still stuck around. But these last few instances of "curation" really made me think long and hard about how this place is just not for me any more.

Looking at the Regions of Ruin thread, I'm torn. On the one hand, I get mad at the users that go "Yeees! Give us more cheap feed that we can go on mindlessly consuming!". On the other hand, I should be thankful for them. Part of me can't wait for nugog to implode. But another part of me doesn't want my library to go up in flames, so I guess it's a good thing these less discerning users keep this flophouse afloat.
Post edited May 22, 2019 by fronzelneekburm
GameRager: 1. Iirc a few games(a small handful) which were going to be popular that GOG turned down & the news media/social media lambasted them about they eventually accepted...otherwise they sadly stuck/stick to their guns.

2. Perhaps it's in the list of favored genres/devs for the curation team, or perhaps it doesn't have as much controversial content? I don't know for certain.

3. The day they do that is the day they start being more in touch(with video news drops/etc to users/fans) with the userbase again....i.e. Forecast=Highly Unlikely.

Gos has some good principles left, but as they've grown(and their parents co. made more money from The Witcher games/etc) they've become a bit too "stuck up" in how they handle/treat the userbase on a personal level.
1) For some reasons I don't see high chances for this one though. :(

2) But what could have this game have so controvertial? I mean is a classic dungeon crawler with animeish graphic instead of typical western...

3) I love GOG, otherwise I wouldn't prioritize it over steam, but it's like they are forcing me to buy games from steam because either there is no japanese support, no content I want, or worse they rejected what I would have bought here in the first place. :(

SpellSword: I did purchase Mary Skelter: Nightmares on GOG since it is a grid stepper, and I'm hoping the sequel will also make its way here eventually as well.

Perhaps games that are visually similar but mechanically different haven't been selling as well and that caused GOG to think this game's sales wouldn't perform for them? (For example I haven't purchased Vaporum because it is a real-time grid stepper... it is on my wishlist though.)

From what I've read Vaporum is a good game if you also like the Eye of the Beholder series, so please don't mistake my above comment as a negative against it. It is just a different style of dungeon crawler.
I insta bought mary skelter the moment it was released on GOG and felt pleasantly surprised: it was way more polished than moero chronicles (steam only sadly) in every way, and like you I'm hoping for the sequel to be released on PC and GOG aswell.

Vaporum is another good game, but I'm more toward turn based rpg than real time ones, still a great game nonetheless. :)