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SpellSword: If you don't mind could you please list some of these new game related sites?

I'm always on the look out for a good game review site.
GameRager: One such site is run by TheQuartering(youtuber)...he pours most of his youtube money in to the site so fans will have a non-political/minimally biased place to get gaming news....and he also does youtube videos about political cr*p in gaming journalism/gaming news in general(though be advised he DOES err on the side of anti-sjw alot).

It's at this site. They also have a forum, btw(I haven't used it, though, so far).
Thanks I'll check it out.
GameRager: Sometimes a new entry in a series may look/play differently but be good anyways. Take KQ8, many disliked it's 3D graphics/combat but some did and it gained a small cult following from it. Also(fwiw) I liked it....even if it did change many mechanics from prior entries in the series it still had the lore and feel of the KQ universe(to me) & was pretty enjoyable overall.

Also, a new game in a series that one doesn't like might(if it sells well) help fund/call for newer entries in those series that one DOES like.
richlind33: I *hate* series that live on for the sole purpose of milking consumer dollars as efficiently as possible. "Branding" is antithetical to creativity, so we are extremely unwise to tolerate it. Without creativity, we have no justification for our existence.
To me, if a series is one of my favorites then I like new entries added to it as they have the potential to expand the lore/universe & provide more enjoyment of a favorite setting/characters.

Of course, I also dislike if a game/movie/etc is just made to make money with no thought or effort put into it as well.
paladin181: They list Denuvo anti-tamper as a DRM on game pages.
dtgreene: I believe there was a time when they did not.
There was. But I was pointing out that they have since corrected that oversight.
Hikage1983: Just a reminder that a wish for this exists, for all that is good for.

Also, you can and should contact GoG and POLITELY ask them to reconsider this. (I have)
I used support->other issues->suggestions
This. Literally This. So much this. THIS. OMG THIS

I didn't vote because I wouldn't buy the game but I'll repost the link:

Here's the contact form:
Post edited May 18, 2019 by tfishell
Enebias: I'm not sure asking is a good idea, as some of the usual suspects will probably hijack the discussion and end up quarrelling, but... what do you mean with "political"?
Lord_Kane: In order to prevent such an argument, I will be brief: some believe that gog curation is politically motivated.
sometimes I agree with this sometimes I dont.

I am bit torn on the issue,
The only people that aren't "politically motivated", IMO, are those who don't poison themselves watching telly.
Lord_Kane: In order to prevent such an argument, I will be brief: some believe that gog curation is politically motivated.
sometimes I agree with this sometimes I dont.

I am bit torn on the issue,
richlind33: The only people that aren't "politically motivated", IMO, are those who don't poison themselves watching telly.
You mean Kojak? Or the one muppet from Sesame St? Speak bloody english m8. ;)

Also, as for tv: Some of it is good.....if you watch classic shows or the few non-tampered with series.
Dungeon crawler, multiple classes, I added it to wishlist in steam. I pretty much buy and play all decent dungeon crawlers.
high rated
I don't get it GoG. I really don't. You decline a fairly large publisher like XSEED for no good reason yet you have no problem with letting tinyBuild put whatever they want here despite the fact they treat your customers like trash. I mean seriously...
I hope GOG hasn't turned down other classics like Dungeon Master.
Kelefane: I hope GOG hasn't turned down other classics like Dungeon Master.
If they allowed Daikatana(which many dislike) then they should have no problem with the newest Wizardry game/their niche argument falls flat.
Hikage1983: Just a reminder that a wish for this exists, for all that is good for.

Also, you can and should contact GoG and POLITELY ask them to reconsider this. (I have)
I used support->other issues->suggestions

It happened with Opus Magnum did it not?
No, it didn't.

Some of the gaming press put the pressure on gog by calling out their fucktarded, no-sense-making "curation". That's why Opus Magnum released here.

GameRager: If they allowed Daikatana(which many dislike) then...
Dude, Daikatana is Michelangelo painting the Sistine Chapel compared to the dogshit they've released in recent years. And that's coming from soneone who HATED every mind-numbing second of Daikatana!

Hello Neighbor, anyone?

tinyE: Because you catch more flies with honey.
The honey I use for that is called money.

You know, that thing that gog doesn't make too much of, according to their quarterly reports.

Elmofongo: We just got Spec Ops the Line and Warcraft 1 and 2 and Diablo 1.....

But this game won't get here and its now the downfall of GOG?
It's not like this is an isolated incident, but rather another indication of a pervasive pattern of braindead decisions regarding which indie games to release here.

Sure, I'm happy we get the occasional AAA scraps. But that doesn't mean I have to be happy with the near-constant rejections of actually good indie games.
Post edited May 18, 2019 by fronzelneekburm
Elmofongo: We just got Spec Ops the Line and Warcraft 1 and 2 and Diablo 1.....

But this game won't get here and its now the downfall of GOG?
fronzelneekburm: It's not like this is an isolated incident, but rather another indication of a pervasive pattern of braindead decisions regarding which indie games to release here.

Sure, I'm happy we get the occasional AAA scraps. But that doesn't mean I have to be happy with the near-constant rejections of actually good indie games.
I wish there were that many games that are actually good. : (
Hikage1983: Just a reminder that a wish for this exists, for all that is good for.

Also, you can and should contact GoG and POLITELY ask them to reconsider this. (I have)
I used support->other issues->suggestions
tfishell: This. Literally This. So much this. THIS. OMG THIS

I didn't vote because I wouldn't buy the game but I'll repost the link:

Here's the contact form:
To everyone concerned:

I just followed tfishell's advice and sent a support form (see posts above) asking GOG to review their "curation" standards.
Regardless of the reaction I ask everyone to do the same, so that the GOG staff will at least know that we're pissed and that they risk losing our money.

Thanks in advance to those who'll do the same.
I don't get it, GOG. You gladly accept such "wonderful" (and definitely not too niche) games like SIMULACRA or Swag And Sorcery here, but refuse to release some more worthy (and obviously more profitable) games. What's the point?

This "curation" thing has gone way too far.
high rated
So, GOG rejected an XSEED title. Why?

We need more XSEED; it's people like them that actually release proper games to GOG with all the bells and whistles. Why? Just let them bring in their games!

I see people bring up Daikatana, but the better example would be Bloodrayne Betrayal. Adding it despite not everyone liking it to say it politely made some sense; to complete the series on GOG. Why can't people complete the Wizardry series? Why potentially drive XSEED away from you? Just look at the Twitter feed and the responses...
Post edited May 19, 2019 by PookaMustard