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low rated
Yeshu: I know this seams like nothing, but seriously? I thought GOG was beyond bending over to Internet Soccer moms.
GOG is afraid to lose USA's market.
They don't want to be bullied by American media.
high rated
My two cents, for what it's worth.

Short version: I also think that GOG made a mistake pulling the tweet and apologizing, but on a personal level I couldn't care less about the entire controversy.

Long version: Back in the early to mid 2000s, I was also reviewing games. For a relatively minor site, but our scores were included on review aggregator sites like Metacritic, and Gamerankings, and I guess this made us important enough for the publishers. Even then we were getting lots of different perks - passes to E3, game and equipment bundles, etc. I personally didn't have a stomach for that, as I found out when I received a large box of a dozen or so games, many of which were terrible but I felt bad giving them negative reviews. So I quit.

So conflict of interest was in game reviewing back then, just as it is now. The only difference is that I haven't heard of developers actually sleeping with game journalists for positive reviews. Not that it matters; I wouldn't be surprised if the E3 passes didn't come with something extra for the really influential people. What really made a difference this time is that the game journalists created a narrative that gamers are evil and whatnot, in order to obfuscate their own corrupt practices. There is absolutely nothing more to it.

And as I saw, the original tweet was poking fun at the game reviewers. No Gamergate or any other red herring. As such, the tweet was truthful and funny. People who either are colluding with the corrupt game journalists or were blinded by their narrative were the ones to see something dark and sinister there. And GOG proved that it, too, believes these fake news. That's the mistake part I was talking about. Personally, though, I couldn't care less. There's plenty of already existing games that I'd like to play and will last me a lifetime; I don't need anything new, sanitized with the false narrative. And there are still a few developers who see games as art and don't violate their vision for the sake of pandering to the masses, so even when I feel like playing something more modern, I'll have a choice of games.
Telika: The additional footnotes provided there are valuable (as raw sources), but I'd skip the gamergaters' own narrative, given how transparently embedded it is in a broader, ideologically dubious one.
Don't skip - triangulate. Take both claims into account, and check who provides better sources, who represents the other side more accurately, etc.
low rated
RWarehall: The same thing in the Alison Rapp case. Destructoid was made aware that this game developer was fraudulently asking for money in this crowd funding campaign and decided to ignore it. They didn't warn IndieGogo. They didn't contact authorities. They just demanded that the reporter cover it up. It's this sort of cozy relationship between journalists and developers, that is the problem. Game rags are covering up for their friends and associates, even to the point of covering up crimes.
Chloe Sagal acutally, Alison Rapp is someone else entirely.

And again, they demanded the reporter not go ahead with the story because they knew what would happen if she was outed as being trans. Destructoid realized exposing this could have led to her suicide and made a call based on that, but the reporter didn't care and Chloe damn near died because of what he did. And the procedure was still life saving to her regardless which you'd realize if you took the time to understand.

But anyways, that's my last word on this since you and others apparently really don't care about someone's suffering.
Post edited July 20, 2018 by Lucian_Galca
tinyE: fuck it, I'm done with this stupid tempest in a teacup, and from now on I'm just downvoting anyone who uses the term "SJW".
I do like me some SJW... A Steak with Jelly and Wild rice...
low rated
tinyE: fuck it, I'm done with this stupid tempest in a teacup, and from now on I'm just downvoting anyone who uses the term "SJW".
KajQrd: I do like me some SJW... A Steak with Jelly and Wild rice...
okay not this post, though the Wild Rice is a stretch. :P
tinyE: fuck it, I'm done with this stupid tempest in a teacup, and from now on I'm just downvoting anyone who uses the term "SJW".
what about snowflake ?
high rated
RWarehall: The same thing in the Alison Rapp case. Destructoid was made aware that this game developer was fraudulently asking for money in this crowd funding campaign and decided to ignore it. They didn't warn IndieGogo. They didn't contact authorities. They just demanded that the reporter cover it up. It's this sort of cozy relationship between journalists and developers, that is the problem. Game rags are covering up for their friends and associates, even to the point of covering up crimes.
Lucian_Galca: Chloe Sagal acutally, Alison Rapp is someone else entirely.

And again, they demanded the reporter not go ahead with the story because they knew what would happen if she was outed as being trans. Destructoid realized exposing this could have led to her suicide and made a call based on that, but the reporter didn't care and Chloe damn near died because of what he did. And the procedure was still life saving to her regardless which you'd realize if you took the time to understand.

But anyways, that's my last word on this since you and others apparently really don't care about someone's suffering.
Dude, if someone is breaking the law, who gives a fuck about their feelings.
Lucian_Galca: Chloe Sagal acutally, Alison Rapp is someone else entirely.

And again, they demanded the reporter not go ahead with the story because they knew what would happen if she was outed as being trans. Destructoid realized exposing this could have led to her suicide and made a call based on that, but the reporter didn't care and Chloe damn near died because of what he did. And the procedure was still life saving to her regardless which you'd realize if you took the time to understand.

But anyways, that's my last word on this since you and others apparently really don't care about someone's suffering.
I was unaware of pretty much everything mentioned here, but after looking it up, the reporter was in the right. It's ludicrous to think it's reasonable to let a thief get away with stealing things because reporting him would make him unhappy.

The problem wasn't the procedure itself, it was the dishonesty. People were giving him money for something else. He could still collect money for the procedure, just be honest about what he's collecting it for and there's no problem. Given the number of people who came to his defense and supporting him engaging in criminal behaviour of all things, I'm sure some of them would have been willing to donate to help him.

It has nothing to do with someone's suffering. Helping to support someone going through a difficult time is much different than helping to cover up someone trying to steal money from people.
low rated
Crosmando: Dude, if someone is breaking the law, who gives a fuck about their feelings.
Yes, this sums it up much more succinctly.
high rated
Lucian_Galca: Chloe Sagal acutally, Alison Rapp is someone else entirely.

And again, they demanded the reporter not go ahead with the story because they knew what would happen if she was outed as being trans. Destructoid realized exposing this could have led to her suicide and made a call based on that, but the reporter didn't care and Chloe damn near died because of what he did. And the procedure was still life saving to her regardless which you'd realize if you took the time to understand.

But anyways, that's my last word on this since you and others apparently really don't care about someone's suffering.
And you seemingly thinks it's okay for someone to defraud others by lying about it if they claim to be some sort ofminority. Lying about it was wrong. She didn't "merely" state that it was for life saving surgery despite the narrative pushed by the gaming media to defend her. She made up an intricate lie about a car accident and asked her supporters for money.

How do you know the reporter "didn't care"? Seems you have no sympathy for his plight at all. You don't care that he was black balled by the industry and left jobless for a long time. Where is YOUR sensitivity? He was stuck in a bad situation between protecting consumers from fraud, and the backlash that was inevitable if the scam was revealed. At the end of the day, the person responsible for the backlash was Chloe. It's her damn fault for lying in the first place and the fact you care nothing for the plight of the reporter says a lot about YOUR character as well.

Regardless, this once again had zero to do with Gamergate. It occurred a full year before. But fools like you want to make it sound like Gamergate was responsible for something they CLEARLY are not. It's good to know that you feel its okay for someone to lie and defraud others just to get money to pay for surgery. You sure lack a whole lot of integrity...

All this proves is that some people are gullible and believe all the lies created by the gaming media about Gamergate.

Had Alison Rapp on the head, another person the "gaming media" tried to blame Gamergate for who was instead fired for nude pictures she linked to on her Twitter account as she held a 2nd job as an "escort" which violated Nintendos internal policies.

Do you see the theme here? All the things Gamergate gets blamed for which just aren't true and the gaming journalist hacks who make these unsupported claims?
Telika: The reality is that, whatever its origin, this "journalism ethics" movement has drawned itself in a very specific, unrelated current, with very strong and polarizing identity markers. Hence the irredeemable shift of signification.
Funny thing happens when the issue of malcontent is the very people who's job is to tell the news but are really just spinning narrative... they tend to make a narrative to cover themselves. This is why Gamergate was doomed in the PR arena before it even really started, and why when a media site (regardless of what they cover) is the topic of controversy they are a LOUSY source on it.
high rated
What in blazes was GoG thinking making a mockery of themselves and their customers like this? Sad, pathetic, shameful display.

Tell me, CDProjekt, you label Gamergate an "abusive movement." Do you have outright contempt for your customers or are you just supremely ignorant?

The next several games I buy will be purchased through Steam. If I ever support Good Old Games again.
Post edited July 20, 2018 by eVinceW21
KajQrd: Yes. And let us clarify: Nathan Grayson's article was from before any sexual contacts. They had relations they just weren't in a relationship...And covering a game of someone you know and not disclosing this fact I find to be inherently dishonest. If I was a journalist and were to write about a game that an old class mate was working on then even though we haven't spoken since childhood I would definitely still disclose that fact because the viewers need to know where my biases are.

And to reiterate: To me the entire blame goes on Nathan Grayson for not disclosing. Zoe Quinn doesn't have anyone but her boyfriend at the time to answer to. A games developer does not have an ethical duty to either be objective or to disclose one's biases. A games journalist does.
THIS! And this was something I saw argued HEAVILY believe it or not. Most attention on Zoe was between trolls and her roll in getting sites to stop all conversation of the controversy (which in itself turned into a hunt of what else the game journos were doing and didn't want their audience to know... Streisand Effect and all that)