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*checks for 10 minutes* I'm clear on that front.

I get to Lift's Post 424, and Lift points out a contradiction in Scene's posts. I run some ISO on Scene, and Lift is correct. While I'm paging through it, I see that SPF has pointed out that Scene survived a double post after claiming that even a double post would kill him.

Enough of this. Time to die, Scene.

Unvote Mchack
Vote Scene
JoeSapphire: trentonlf - what was it that prevented you from hammering yesterday, that changed so you felt confident voting him on your first post of day two?

stink eye to SirP, trent, and flubbucket for being scene-focused.
I had every intention in hammering until he claimed Doctor, after he did I didn't want to take the chance on lynching a Power Role and I had no time to go back and ISO him again. After the Day ended I went back over all his posts and his claim it didn't sit right with me and felt off. He held off claiming until right at the deadline, up till then all he would do is say he had a role we needed and we shouldn't lynch him. He was all over the place yesterday and seemed to be pushing for people that suspected him. Made me think he was just trying to throw enough mud around to see where it would stick.

Again nice shade casting with the "being scene-focused" comment. Sounds an awful lot like you are trying to stop his lynch and shift the focus elsewhere.
supplementscene: I should of been modkilled on the basis of ZFRs words to me but I haven't and I don't know why. If I get modkilled and it turns out I was telling the truth and you have to lynch someone else will you feel slightly bad? You could at least have the discression to ask me the same Q via PM. [...]
SirPrimalform: [...] I can't ask you questions about the game via PM while we're both still in the game. If you get modkilled and it turns out you were telling the truth, it will only be what should have happened yesterday catching up on you. I'll feel bad but I won't feel guilty. [...]
Ah, don't be like that, he's reaching out to you for help; guess 48hrs weren't enough.

SirPrimalform: [...] Yes, that was indeed meant to be hop but I must have misremembered. [...]
Well, if I wanted to make an accusation, I'd make sure it has feet to stand on before making it, and not just rely on memory. You know, like going back and reread to make sure what I remember is how it actually is... oh wait, you claim to have done exactly that...

SirPrimalform: [...] My point still stands though. Let me re-ask the question then.

Why didn't you join scene's wagon? Given that he'd seemingly posted his PM, he was a dead man walking. He was either about to be modkilled, or should have been lynched for lying so what good does stalling the wagon do? [...]
Sorry about that, I botched my copy/paste in my previous post, but thanks to Lazarus, here it is:

SirPrimalform: [...] Given that he'd seemingly posted his PM, he was a dead man walking. He was either about to be modkilled, or should have been lynched for lying so what good does stalling the wagon do? [...]
My position back when that discussion was taking place is on record. Do you even read the thread?

SirPrimalform: [...] What you just said is the sort of thing that sounds like he's your buddy. If it sounds like he wants to end the day early... why does that make you want to end the day early? [...]
Nice twisting of my meaning, but you have to try harder.

My point is that he's saying things that make me, who doesn't want the Day to end early, to finish him off on the spot, which I don't like so take a moment to breathe and think, and the thought strikes me - perhaps that's his goal so his mafia-buddies stay hidden, and unlinked to him. There's a reason I put an ellipsis there - point A, pause to think a bit, arrived at point B.

SirPrimalform: [...] I'm fairly interested in what HSL was doing EoD1. I asked, but he used a mistake I made in my preceding sentence to avoid answering the important question and now apparently won't be back today.
Heh, just look at the timing of that newly discovered interest.

Thing is, SirPrimalform, you weren't the least bit interested in what I was doing EoD1, or any other point before and after it (or anyone else, for that matter). You were way too busy floating and skirting until the D2 hammer falls, and only came up with this after I called you out. Which inclines me to think that the attention got you uncomfortable, and are trying to shift the focus away from you and onto me, yet again exploiting the dead horse. Guess what, trying to put me on the defensive, in hope I regret having poked you and leave you alone, isn't working.

If you were really interested in doing some actual scum-hunting, a valid question would be why I voted you at EoD1, since you had said you wouldn't be around at EoD1 (oh look, I just dug out something I should be happy it stays forgotten if I were scum). But then you'd have to ask the others on your late wagon the same question, and I don't see you having any interest in that either - in post #412, you quote and reply to mchack, who was one of those that switched to you, and yet you didn't feel the need, or at least the curiosity, to ask him why, even though you brought it up, merely in passing it seems, in that very post before changing the subject back to supplementscene, and placing your vote. Heck, not even gogtrial34987's mention of it in his post #456 got you a "oh right, let's look into that" moment.

And here you are now, hanged up on me taking off Saturday evening to have some fun in the physical world, when there are a number of people just sitting on the sidelines you could have engaged, because I'm allegedly trying to avoid your important question, a question the answer to which is already in the thread.

You're not really interested in scum-hunting, you're just happy your late D1 wagon didn't fly (as if it ever would have within those 15-20 min still on the clock), and content to stay under the radar until D2 ends.
And none of this reads particularly "town" to me.

SirPrimalform: [...] Not following through with a (now) public threat like that [...]
Except it wasn't ZFR that made the "threat' public.
JoeSapphire: ^ which is you second guessing the mod. That's how you would handle the situation, but you can't guarantee that's how ZFR sees it. I'd expect that sort of analysing-flavour, reading-into-mod's-decisions behaviour from you though ;p

again, I'm not saying ZFR's actions proves or doesn't prove anything. I'm certainly not saying supplementscene shouldn't be lynched. I brought it up with regards to trentonlf is all.
This is worlds apart from flavour analysis. I'm not second guessing ZFR, I'm saying that to not follow through with a threat like that messes with the game. If anything I'm criticising the mod (in the trouserleg where Scene is telling the truth).
gogtrial34987: [...] Thanks for the praise and all that (++scumpoint for HSL), but I'm at a loss here. I've only ever been town, so my knowledge of scum tactics and mindset is apparently too limited. Please enlighten me which other factors could've been at play. Bonus points if you slip and admit to which of those factors was at play in this particular instance. :P

(I really hope you won't now go and mention something obvious that'll make me feel stupid for overlooking it.) [...]
Apparently... how I love that word.

I can't decide which I find more amusing, that you're saying I'm buddying up to you, and by using praise of all things, or that you didn't miss the chance to play the LAMIST card, sprinkled with some some cluelessness/ignorance.

You can scum-read me all you want, but, please, give me a little more credit than this; buddying up isn't my style, and even if I'd try my hand at it, I'd not use such cheap means as praise.

Mafia's N1 NK target factors in who can't (easily) be linked to them, and if possible, who hasn't left much content for town to work with. That's something I learned in my second game here, and I hadn't yet been scum at the time.

This applies even more to our N1, with how D1 went and ended; supplementscene was almost the only person of interest all of D1, handling himself so poorly that even his mafia-buddies, should he be one of the mafia team, had no qualms to throw him under the bus without batting an eyelid; perfect strategy since supplementscene had pointed at least a FoS at just about everyone by the end of D1, so good luck town figuring out who they are.

You may have been town in all your previous games, and perhaps you actually didn't think of it. I'd have to go back and check, but I think it's safe enough to assume that it must have been mentioned in at least one of your previous games, so please don't waive the "I'm a lost little townie with no idea what criteria scum use when picking their N1 NK target other than who was suspecting them" card like that in my face; you're smarter, and more experienced than that (look, I did it again). And if it turns out you're town, and I overestimated you, I'll apologise post game.

But speaking of dedoporno, did you check who all he had suspected/was a thread to? If yes, what did you find?

gogtrial34987: [...] Which of the current discussions going on, between which other players, do you feel would be beneficial to see 'completed' before EoD? [...]
The one between Vitek, Bookwyrm627 and JoeSaphire no doubt. Definitely worth seeing conclude before EoD2. ... Too late.

Lifthrasil: [...] And after the start of D1, Scene also stopped to appear as a buddy to Vitek. [...]
Is this indeed meant to be D1? If so, I don't quite follow what different, or additional, argument you're trying to make regarding those two.

Bookwyrm627: *checks for 10 minutes* I'm clear on that front.

I get to Lift's Post 424, and Lift points out a contradiction in Scene's posts. I run some ISO on Scene, and Lift is correct. While I'm paging through it, I see that SPF has pointed out that Scene survived a double post after claiming that even a double post would kill him.

Enough of this. Time to die, Scene.

Unvote Mchack
Vote Scene
supplementscene was going to die either way, so what was the rush? In case you hadn't noticed, there are ten more players in the game besides him and yourself. Why end the Day this early, and not let non-focused-on-supplementscene discussions continue?
Crap, I hope these multiquotes are all correct.

SirPrimalform: [...] Yes, that was indeed meant to be hop but I must have misremembered. [...]
HypersomniacLive: Well, if I wanted to make an accusation, I'd make sure it has feet to stand on before making it, and not just rely on memory. You know, like going back and reread to make sure what I remember is how it actually is... oh wait, you claim to have done exactly that...
Please elaborate. I see no mention of re-reading in that post.

SirPrimalform: [...] Given that he'd seemingly posted his PM, he was a dead man walking. He was either about to be modkilled, or should have been lynched for lying so what good does stalling the wagon do? [...]
HypersomniacLive: My position back when that discussion was taking place is on record. Do you even read the thread?
Yes, I have seen that but I don't accept that logic. Either a modkill was incoming (in which case there's no reason not to lynch him, it's not like there was time for a viable wagon) or he was lying and needed to be lynched.

SirPrimalform: [...] What you just said is the sort of thing that sounds like he's your buddy. If it sounds like he wants to end the day early... why does that make you want to end the day early? [...]
HypersomniacLive: Nice twisting of my meaning, but you have to try harder.

My point is that he's saying things that make me, who doesn't want the Day to end early, to finish him off on the spot, which I don't like so take a moment to breathe and think, and the thought strikes me - perhaps that's his goal so his mafia-buddies stay hidden, and unlinked to him. There's a reason I put an ellipsis there - point A, pause to think a bit, arrived at point B.
Nice dodge. I'm not entirely convinced but we'll see.

SirPrimalform: [...] I'm fairly interested in what HSL was doing EoD1. I asked, but he used a mistake I made in my preceding sentence to avoid answering the important question and now apparently won't be back today.
HypersomniacLive: Heh, just look at the timing of that newly discovered interest.

Thing is, SirPrimalform, you weren't the least bit interested in what I was doing EoD1, or any other point before and after it (or anyone else, for that matter). You were way too busy floating and skirting until the D2 hammer falls, and only came up with this after I called you out. Which inclines me to think that the attention got you uncomfortable, and are trying to shift the focus away from you and onto me, yet again exploiting the dead horse. Guess what, trying to put me on the defensive, in hope I regret having poked you and leave you alone, isn't working.

If you were really interested in doing some actual scum-hunting, a valid question would be why I voted you at EoD1, since you had said you wouldn't be around at EoD1 (oh look, I just dug out something I should be happy it stays forgotten if I were scum). But then you'd have to ask the others on your late wagon the same question, and I don't see you having any interest in that either - in post #412, you quote and reply to mchack, who was one of those that switched to you, and yet you didn't feel the need, or at least the curiosity, to ask him why, even though you brought it up, merely in passing it seems, in that very post before changing the subject back to supplementscene, and placing your vote. Heck, not even gogtrial34987's mention of it in his post #456 got you a "oh right, let's look into that" moment.

And here you are now, hanged up on me taking off Saturday evening to have some fun in the physical world, when there are a number of people just sitting on the sidelines you could have engaged, because I'm allegedly trying to avoid your important question, a question the answer to which is already in the thread.

You're not really interested in scum-hunting, you're just happy your late D1 wagon didn't fly (as if it ever would have within those 15-20 min still on the clock), and content to stay under the radar until D2 ends.
And none of this reads particularly "town" to me.
Well I wasn't able to be interested in what you were doing at EoD1 because I wasn't around. I've been interested since then. I think you might be taking things a little personally if you think I was getting at you for not being around on saturday night though.

I could have sworn I did ask why you started a wagon on a player who wasn't around to even claim. I remember thinking it while asking about your reluctance to vote for scene but I guess I must not have typed it. I think of things and forget about them again all the time, I have a pretty poor attention span.

Since apparently I didn't ask, what was the purpose of that last minute vote on me? Clearly that wagon wasn't going to go anywhere in that time, and I wasn't even around to notice it so what exactly was the purpose? Other than an attempt to stall scene's wagon?

SirPrimalform: [...] Not following through with a (now) public threat like that [...]
HypersomniacLive: Except it wasn't ZFR that made the "threat' public.
Even if it hadn't been made public, empty threats are bad. Once it's been made public (even by the threatened), to not follow through with it is destructive to the game.
HypersomniacLive: supplementscene was going to die either way, so what was the rush? In case you hadn't noticed, there are ten more players in the game besides him and yourself. Why end the Day this early, and not let non-focused-on-supplementscene discussions continue?
Was he? After confirming his L-1 status, I elected not to give anyone a chance to get last minute cold feet. Again.
Bookwyrm627: Was he? After confirming his L-1 status, I elected not to give anyone a chance to get last minute cold feet. Again.
While I appreciate the concern, I doubt there's any chance of a repeat performance. If anything, I expect the mafia to already be on scene's wagon, committed to bussing him this time.
JoeSapphire: Vitek - did you really think that a modkill would be delayed until after the deadline?
Yeah, why not?

SirPrimalform: More coy than usual. It was just the xylophone I was getting from Vitek's posts after subbing in.
This sure explained it much better.

flubbucket: The only Vote you've placed this game was what appeared to be RVS for HypersomniacLive.
I see you have keen eyes.
V̶o̶t̶e̶ ̶s̶u̶p̶p̶l̶e̶m̶e̶n̶t̶s̶c̶e̶n̶e̶.̶ ̶ ̶
T̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶e̶l̶e̶p̶h̶a̶n̶t̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶t̶o̶o̶ ̶b̶i̶g̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶I̶ ̶d̶o̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶n̶k̶ ̶w̶e̶ ̶w̶o̶u̶l̶d̶ ̶b̶e̶ ̶e̶v̶e̶r̶ ̶a̶b̶l̶e̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶m̶o̶v̶e̶ ̶f̶r̶o̶m̶ ̶i̶t̶.̶ ̶ ̶
A̶n̶d̶ ̶s̶o̶o̶n̶e̶r̶ ̶w̶e̶ ̶d̶o̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶s̶o̶o̶n̶e̶r̶ ̶n̶e̶x̶t̶ ̶d̶a̶y̶ ̶w̶i̶l̶l̶ ̶s̶t̶a̶r̶t̶.̶ ̶
S̶c̶e̶n̶e̶ ̶e̶v̶e̶r̶y̶ ̶p̶o̶s̶t̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶b̶a̶s̶i̶c̶a̶l̶l̶y̶ ̶A̶p̶p̶e̶a̶l̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶E̶m̶o̶t̶i̶o̶n̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶/̶o̶r̶ ̶"̶l̶o̶l̶,̶ ̶d̶u̶n̶n̶o̶,̶ ̶I̶ ̶a̶m̶ ̶i̶m̶p̶o̶r̶t̶a̶n̶t̶"̶ s̶o̶ ̶h̶e̶ ̶c̶e̶r̶t̶a̶i̶n̶l̶y̶ ̶i̶s̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶d̶o̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶a̶n̶y̶t̶h̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶s̶o̶m̶e̶h̶o̶w̶ ̶s̶a̶v̶e̶ ̶h̶i̶m̶n̶s̶e̶l̶f̶.̶̶̶

This I get for typing post for more than 1 hour.
Vitek: This sure explained it much better.
I'm glad it was worth the wait.

Vitek: Yeah, why not?
And so the student becomes the master. This is even less informative than the answer of mine you're complaining about.
SirPrimalform: I'm glad it was worth the wait.
Yet I don't find it sufficient as it doesn't explain in what way I was more coy.

SirPrimalform: And so the student becomes the master. This is even less informative than the answer of mine you're complaining about.
Yet I find it as sufficient answer. I see no reason why it couldn't happen and I also don't see it as thing that would need me to write essay about it.

Bookwyrm627: Was he? After confirming his L-1 status, I elected not to give anyone a chance to get last minute cold feet. Again.
Vitek: Yet I don't find it sufficient as it doesn't explain in what way I was more coy.
It's an impression I got from all of your D1 posts. I could link to all of your posts, but it doesn't seem worth it as there's no single thing to point to.

Vitek: Yet I find it as sufficient answer. I see no reason why it couldn't happen and I also don't see it as thing that would need me to write essay about it.
But can you think of a reason a modkill would be delayed until after the deadline?
HypersomniacLive: But speaking of dedoporno, did you check who all he had suspected/was a thread to? If yes, what did you find?
Very little. He was playing things pretty close to the vest. Here's what I noted while reading;
#108: strawman trent
#161: like gogtrial; prod bookwyrm/hunter; trent/lift/hsl neutral; joe/spf weird
#258: like lift; question hsl
#277: question mchack
#338: no vote vitek/lift; vote spf/dessimu; possibly vote joe/bookwyrm; no vote mchack; hsl unclear
#340: worry trent/hsl
one or two trivially suggestive pings in there, but nothing that meshes clearly with other reads I have.

I'm too tired here after a long exhausting day to try and parse the first part of your post right now.
Ok, read it over several times anyway, as it'd just be going through my mind while I should be sleeping otherwise.
HypersomniacLive: And if it turns out you're town, and I overestimated you, I'll apologise post game.
For that post-game apology: I've only been in three previous mafia games (plus 1 night ultimate werewolf), of which I only played one completely (#43), had to sub out of one (#46), and subbed into the last (#52). What I remember most of scum tactics was drealmer and nacho commenting afterward in #43 how removing brasas on N1 was the right move, and (mostly) drealmer being frustrated in observer thread(s) (possibly of other games that I observed) that town was never properly looking at scum reasons for NKing specific people.

Anyway: Gut feeling, why do you think dedo was targeted? (Chiefly, as with the extra reasons you gave, I'm sure it's a combination of factors.) For being directly dangerous to scum? For having been suspected of having a PR? Or for not being linked to them?
thank you bookwyrm (and vitek, you were late but the intention was there.)
ZFR: What do we want? A Flip. When do we want it? Now :)
As for HSL, I find he feels more scummy to me by the minute. Am I the only one feeling he's unusually aggressive? But I'll wait for that flip before going in for a re-read with a confirmed scene in mind (him flipping SK would throw my reads around), looking if there's anything to or against my suspicion.
And tomorrow we can have a long day if you want. Talking about everything with a bit of info to put it into perspective.

For now (in case I get shot) lean scum: