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bler144: Shoot HSL
mchack: luckiest bastard yet: HSL with an impressive 5 shots dodged. his predecessor failed at this hurdle. How far can he take his luck?
Apparently he's bulletproof.
mchack: luckiest bastard yet: HSL with an impressive 5 shots dodged. his predecessor failed at this hurdle. How far can he take his luck?
flubbucket: Apparently he's bulletproof.
seems like it. my trigger finger get's twitchy, but I'll wait for him to shoot first.


Bookwyrm627: .
adaliabooks: .
my bad.
imsorry.jpg (77 Kb)
Gee guys, don't think I can handle all this love you're all showering me with.

mchack: but to be fair (new rules or no), I will not try another shot before everyone else has taken a shot. [...]
You'd still have shot one time more than everyone else.

mchack: [...] My list from most to least trusted is:

adalia [...]
mchack: [...] who to shoot next. hmm.. hsl or flub
mchack: [...] if I were to shoot, I'd probably go after HSL not flub though, [...]
Heh. And when I flip town, you'll be all "whoops, it must be flubbucket after all", eh?

mchack: [...] if I were to shoot, I'd probably go after HSL not flub though, for following reasons:
none. gut feeling. (and bler did.)
I had thought both were town and that the books were scum, so no trusting my gut anyway. :(
[emphasis added]

Sooo, your gut feeling tells you to shoot me, and you'd take that shot because you're not trusting your gut anymore... that's some solid reasoning there.

Hmm... was my initial read on you right after all? Hmm hmm hmm hmm...
This is when trentonlf's Tommy Gun would come handy.

Shoot flubbucket
HypersomniacLive: Gee guys, don't think I can handle all this love you're all showering me with.

You've always been my favorite.

Shoot: HypersomniacLive
HypersomniacLive: Shoot flubbucket

flubbucket: Shoot: HypersomniacLive
*Illegal move!* Kinda? because McHack hasn't been since the last shot... but McHack has had the same amount of attempts as everybody else sooooooo


*queue refreshed!*
Shoot flubbucket
Shoot: flubbucket
now he went to sleep?! O.o
HypersomniacLive: Shoot flubbucket
"Aw c'mon man..."
HypersomniacLive falters as Flubbucket begins to speak.
"We've always been friends. And, give me a break, c'mon... Look at the other two guys I was working with. They didn't make a peep... just rolled over and died...
You don't understand what all this means... Just... just please don't kill me man..."


HypersomniacLive fires at the floor. Everybody in the room is in tears. He hands the gun over to Flubbucket.

A thug swings back the door, and another bustles in and wipes down the seat at the head of the table.
Giovanni; the big boss himself, swaggers in to the room and takes his seat. He puts his feet up on the table. He pulls his handkerchief from his breast pocket and wipes his hands. Without looking at anybody he speaks.

"Looks like this guy had the right idea." He nods to ZFR's cold body.

He looks at Flubbucket.

"Do it."

Shaking, Flubbucket puts the barrel of the gun to his temple, whimpers, and pulls the trigger.


"Hey look at that. The queue's reset. It's your turn again."

His eyes do not flicker from Flubbucket's for a second. Sweat pours from Flubbucket's forehead. He pulls the trigger a second time.


The corner of Giovanni's mouth curls upward.
"Aren't we lucky? It's you again."

Flubbucket seems to be struggling with the weight of the gun, but he presses it into his temple and pulls the trigger.


Flubbucket whines with terror.


Despite quivering and sweating and whimpering Flubbucket doesn't seem to be able to look away from Giovanni's eyes. Again he pulls the trigger.


Giovanni is totally still.

"Whose turn is it? Was it mine? Oh no, I think it's yours. Pull the trigger."

Flubbucket hesitates, he attempts to pull himself together. He looks for a moment like he's about to collapse. He screws up his face and pulls the trigger.


Flubbucket breathes... A sigh of relief? He looks away from Giovanni, looks down at the floor. Up at the ceiling, he lifts the revolver to the ceiling. He looks like he's about to laugh. He turns his head to meet Giovanni's glare.

"Do it."

Easily now, Flubbucket lowers the gun and pulls the trigger.


Flubbucket is dead. He was Fierce Jonasson. Mafia.

Congratulations Bler144, Mchack, HypersomniacLive, ZFR, Lifthrasil, trentonlf, PoppyAppletree, Bookwyrm627, adaliabooks. You won!!!

Condolences Flubbucket.

Giovanni goes back to wiping his hands. After a few moments he stands, wipes some imaginary dust from his shoulders and returns the handkerchief to his jacket. Yekaterina appears in the doorway.

"The issue has been resolved?" She enquires.

"Most satisfactorily." Giovanni barely even glances at the rest of the room. "Have Shimazu's men clean this room. I'm meeting with some buyers after the tournament."

"You're watching the tournament?"

"Oh yes. I'm looking forward to it..."
congratulate HyperSomniacLive

here's the first annual Lucky Bastard Award for surviving 7 shots!! and winning the game. wohooo :) yay for HSL
mchack: congratulate HyperSomniacLive

HypersomniacLive is dead. He was Teenan Wang. Town.
I'm just thankful I was shot by someone I trust.

Thanks for hosting Joe.
lol, thanks for hosting Joe. I learned something today. never ever to trust my gut feeling :)