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mobutu: Obviously, they sell way more to germans with censoring than without.
Why should they close the german store and decrease their sales/revenue?
Randalator: Why should they do anything special regarding the German market. There are thousands of non-Germany based online retailers out there selling and shipping indexed or banned material to German customers. or for example.

You know what happened to them? Jack shit. Because Germany can do exactly jack shit if a company is not based in Germany. Like, oh I don't know, GOG or Valve for instance? They just need to grow a pair and tell the German government to fuck off.
low rated
MarkoH01: Not exactly true. Getting a gun in Germany is much harder than getting a gun in the united staed or elsewhere.
At least 50% of the German population are armed. You need to talk to shooting range owners. ;) But its mostly not automatic weapons, unlike in US.
immi101: GOG deserves all the blame for that total lack of effort to make things better for their customers.
Petrell: Why haven't the Germans put the effort to fix their laws during the god only knows how many years they've been in place if it's such an issue?
What exactly do you propose "the Germans" to do? We can only vote other politicians and THEY are mnaking the laws. It's not that the Germans are even deciding which laws the politicians invent and which not. We can only vote and every pig ... sorry ... politician behaves the same. The only thing one could do is going himself into poloitics but a) you would not get voted if you are not part of SPD, CDU, FDP, GAL ect. and b) even IF (and it is a BIG if) you could not simply change the law. Please tell me the steps I as a civil person can do and I promise you I will do it.
MarkoH01: Not exactly true. Getting a gun in Germany is much harder than getting a gun in the united staed or elsewhere.
Lin545: At least 50% of the German population are armed. You need to talk to shooting range owners. ;) But its mostly not automatic weapons, unlike in US.
And where do you think they got their weapons (if your numbers are correct which I doubt hardly). Not in Germany that is for sure.
Post edited June 22, 2016 by MarkoH01
WBGhiro: What was even more jarring is that when friendly npcs got killed in half life, they just sat down and shaked their head.
Half Life (Deutsch) was awesome!!!
MarkoH01: And where do you think they got their weapons (if your numbers are correct which I doubt hardly). Not in Germany that is for sure.
Right, HK is now american ;)
Lin545: At least 50% of the German population are armed.
5.5m total firearms (not firearm owners) estimated,
1.4m registered firearms owners,

that probably comes down to significantly less than 5% ... not 50%.

Don't talk to shooting range owners. They're dumb people who usually made a senseless investment.

Wait, this was a thread about GOG, right... ??
Vainamoinen: 5.5m total firearms (not firearm owners) estimated,
1.4m registered firearms owners,

that probably comes down to significantly less than 5% ... not 50%.
src " But even given Germany’s strict gun policies, the country was still home to the fourth-highest number of legal guns per capita in 2013, falling behind just the United States, Switzerland and Finland.

About 2 million people own more than 5.5 million legal guns in Germany for a population of more than 80 million.

On top of that, police unions have estimated that there are up to 20 million more illegally-owned guns in Germany - this would mean roughly 30 guns for every group of 100 people."

Vainamoinen: Don't talk to shooting range owners. They're dumb people who usually made a senseless investment.
Haha, poor police officers! If they would know that =)

I enjoy talking to them, they are most of the time very aware and psychically stable, especially due to regulations requiring that =)
JMich: Edit: Damn, I miss SimonG.
Yeah. But hey, he would be proud of you.
MarkoH01: What exactly do you propose "the Germans" to do?
Revolution! The gamers are already perfectly trained thru wargames and shooters! They're also prefectly suited to run the nation having played various city builders, tychoon and economic sim games!
Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
Assuming this is true:
Lin545: About 2 million people own more than 5.5 million legal guns in Germany for a population of more than 80 million.

On top of that, police unions have estimated that there are up to 20 million more illegally-owned guns in Germany - this would mean roughly 30 guns for every group of 100 people."
This has to be false:
Lin545: At least 50% of the German population are armed.
Moreover, if we assumed that there were roughly 1 gun for every second citizen, which is almost certainly false. The only conclusion we can come to is that likely 1.6% or more of all Germans own a gun. And if we assumed that these people owned the number of guns the legal owners do, the number of people being in possession of a gun would still be significantly lower than the figure you seem to be implicitly suggesting.

Even if we interpreted your data in your argument's favor, which wouldn't make any sense, your statement would be completely false. In a case like this, a person who values being taken seriously ought to admit that they vastly overestimated the numbers.
Post edited June 22, 2016 by 0Grapher
GOG still hasn't said who is responsible for the removal. Which German authority "ordered" them to do that!
0Grapher: Moreover, if we assumed that there were roughly 1 gun for every second citizen, which is almost certainly false. The only conclusion we can come to is that likely 1.6% or more of all Germans own a gun. And if we assumed that these people owned the number of guns the legal owners do, the number of people being in possession of a gun would still be significantly lower than the figure you seem to be implicitly suggesting.

Even if we interpreted your data in your argument's favor, which wouldn't make any sense, your statement would be completely false. In a case like this, a person who values being taken seriously ought to admit that they vastly overestimated the numbers.
Simpler - I don't work for government (and never had). I also don't work for that newspaper or shooting range owner. I think you can figure out the rest. :)

If you work for government btw, that would likewise be useless, because I don't and this is public forum. xD
Randalator: Why should they do anything special regarding the German market. There are thousands of non-Germany based online retailers out there selling and shipping indexed or banned material to German customers. or for example.

You know what happened to them? Jack shit. Because Germany can do exactly jack shit if a company is not based in Germany. Like, oh I don't know, GOG or Valve for instance? They just need to grow a pair and tell the German government to fuck off.
MarkoH01: +1

Saving grace so far is being able to receive the removed/uncensored games as a gift from non german based goggers.Somehwat of an inconvenience but it leaves the option of being able to get the games.If this should ever change then the german goggers are completely screwed.
Post edited June 23, 2016 by ALH
This has probably been asked before, but if someone from a country without dumb laws buys a game censored in Germany, then gives it to a German - is it still censored ?
Licurg: This has probably been asked before, but if someone from a country without dumb laws buys a game censored in Germany, then gives it to a German - is it still censored ?
So far that hasn't been the case.As far as i know the uncensored/removed games can still be gifted to german goggers.