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snowkatt: no the real question is why he came back after 2 weeks and fucking necro'd this thing
Or why he thinks he should have some right to back up his files with warning when he bought stolen keys. This jerkoff is nothing but a low life thief who continues to make excuses on why its okay to continue to buy likely stolen game codes.
Can't we just let this thread Die already?
carnival73: How many accounts you got?

There's several on here who all sound effeminate (with a sociopathic vengence for human life) who also all sh***** in my threads.

Sadly they never leave this forum either because no matter what time of day I log in and post something they're only about ten minutes behind me.

Hmm...I must be going out of my way to alert them somehow.
CarrionCrow: Now giggling hysterically...

You got it, sparky. You are finally on the verge of uncovering the effeminate sociopath forum stalker contingent, all of whom are aligned against you.
See, having your totally valid and not at all shadily procured titles removed is just how they all draw you out...
This is comedy gold. wipes away tears of laughter

More seriously, I hope the OP gets the mental health evaluation and treatment they obviously need. Paranoid delusions and gender/sex obsessions are signs of a lot of potential problems.

Some basic education in how laws and courts actually work wouldn't hurt either.
l0rdtr3k: Can't we just let this thread Die already?
It's hilarious. It's a perfect monument to the distilled essence of entitled, deluded internet gamers.

Although the OP does sound kind of mentally ill, so hopefully someone they know IRL gets them help or at least something better to do than stalk GOG forums and acquire illegal game keys.
Post edited January 21, 2016 by Gilozard
Gilozard: This is comedy gold. wipes away tears of laughter

More seriously, I hope the OP gets the mental health evaluation and treatment they obviously need. Paranoid delusions and gender/sex obsessions are signs of a lot of potential problems.

Some basic education in how laws and courts actually work wouldn't hurt either.
It's hilarious. It's a perfect monument to the distilled essence of entitled, deluded internet gamers.
Point taken.
Navagon: Let's make it interesting by trying to think of reasons why carnival73 is just an innocent victim and not just someone trying to pull a fast one. Let's see who can concoct the biggest pile of literary bullshit.

1. The dodgy keysite was called and had official GOG logos, claimed to be an affiliate and had an 'official endorsement' from Abdul Hamid, the president of Bangladesh.

2. carnival73 made the mistake of going to a hypnotism performance and volunteering to be a test subject. He now passionately believes that the very dodgiest things are completely legit and legit things are utterly untrustworthy. He's a dedicated supporter of Hillary Clinton.

3. During routine brain surgery, carnival73's brain was mistakenly replaced with a dog turd.
soxy_lady: mate you had me going for a hwile there until i

realised that one piece of nonsense - no way can

anybody really be a clinton supporter. nice one luulz
Given the current field of candidates, Clinton is actually one of the most reasonable for people to support.

Yes, she's an arrogant, amoral person who skirts the edges of the law and is legitimately bad at making friends and influencing people (as are the rest of the candidates, afaict). But at least she doesn't want to nuke Mexico and has a basic understanding of world history and the American economic system. Plus, actual experience in high-level political jobs!
Post edited February 05, 2016 by Gilozard
soxy_lady: mate you had me going for a hwile there until i

realised that one piece of nonsense - no way can

anybody really be a clinton supporter. nice one luulz
Gilozard: Given the current field of candidates, Clinton is actually one of the most reasonable for people to support.

Yes, she's an arrogant, amoral person who skirts the edges of the law and is legitimately bad at making friends and influencing people (as are the rest of the candidates, afaict). But at least she doesn't want to nuke Mexico and has a basic understanding of world history and the American economic system. Plus, actual experience in high-level political jobs!
mexico got nuked wot now?
low rated
Just an update.

G2A has now sold me two dead Steam keys.

The seller agreed to refund one.

Customer service is having a laugh fest giving me the run around.

I assume that G2A is a Chinese site outsourcing call centre work to English speakers in other countries.

If so, and I had a large group of people with bias against G2A all fifty or so of me could apply for outsourced
call centre support work from them at the same time uploading bogus keys for people to come crying to my
group over.

Whether you see this as a potential conspiracy theory or just online Chinese merchants just simply doing 'what they do best' - at the end of the day it is just keeping the racist stereotype that the Chinese are all Ferengi well fueled to the unsuspecting casual users.

BTW - at this stage in the game of purchasing digital whether you own an Early Access game that got abandoned, got shafted by a trader, dicked by a key shop, etc, etc

How many of you just simply decided:

"Let the petty c**ts enjoy their victory - they obviously need that little squander of cash more than you do to justify all of the beatings, head flushings, mockery, rejections, scorn and unrequited love that resurfaces and burns in the back of their toughts every now and again."
Post edited March 30, 2016 by carnival73
Good, it's about time GOG clamps down on people stealing games with stolen credit cards then selling them to people. As for "Stopped purchasing anything GOG from that point on.", it sounds like you stopped purchasing anything from before that point.
low rated
skeletonbow: Good, it's about time GOG clamps down on people stealing games with stolen credit cards then selling them to people. As for "Stopped purchasing anything GOG from that point on.", it sounds like you stopped purchasing anything from before that point.
Lol..Actually that is true. I had stopped buying from here for awhile because the games that meant something were overpriced here.

Other games that are very large in size and have a lot of DLC I rather keep on Steam

I have bought here again recently when Odallus was on sale for $5 but it's only extreme discounts like that which will draw me here from epicbundle.
Post edited March 31, 2016 by carnival73
low rated
skeletonbow: snip
carnival73: I had stopped buying from here for awhile because the games that meant something were overpriced here.
Same here. Gog cannot compete with steam on pricing level. And I could care less about the DRM fear mongering that goes on in gog forums.

Unless you buy games with credit card fraud, no one is taking away your games on steam. They are yours forever.
carnival73: I had stopped buying from here for awhile because the games that meant something were overpriced here.
toothsaber: Same here. Gog cannot compete with steam on pricing level. And I could care less about the DRM fear mongering that goes on in gog forums.

Unless you buy games with credit card fraud, no one is taking away your games on steam. They are yours forever.
Over the years I have stocked my Steam library with not only keys from key shops but also keys from trades & gifts. Whether or not those keys from shops, trades & gifts were legitimate I am not sure but Steam has never pulled any of them and would've informed if they had done so.

I do know that I'm not going to 'GOG Connect' because I really don't think that GOG should have anything to do with my Steam account in any way, shape or form.
Isn't much easier to buy games from rather than those unknown (re)-sellers?