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high rated
Hello everyone!

As you probably noticed, has made through the 1000 games in their catalog. There are now 1004 games available for everyone (except if you live in Germany, Australia or, like me, in any other part of the world and try to take a look at the 4 games that should be displayed on the page 21 of the "Games" tab without knowing their names, but you get the idea).
To commemorate this milestone I decided to make this giveaway, wich includes The Witcher 3 kindly donated by JDelekto (thank you very much). Hope you like it!

Key Features of this Giveaway:

-Only games, so, all of them are DRM-FREE (for the moment, I cannot guarantee it will remain like this forever).
-No Regional Pricing or Regional Discounts (Because 0$=0€).
-Games come with TRULY FREE goodies (As some may know, you pay for the goodies when you buy a game, here you don't pay for the games so the goodies included are free).
-The games will not be unbundled in trillions of chapters once added to your library.
-No user will be regionally locked from the giveaway (except tinyE :P).

Instructions, length and winners selection:

-Write the name of the game you want or make a list of 2-3 games, being number 1 the one you want the most and so on (You can only win 1 game, but this way you will have 3 chances of winning something and I will know wich one you prefer).
-The giveaway will be open for 1 week (a week with 7 days, not a GOG's "Unbundling games" week :D) until the next Sunday, April 19, 11:00 AM GMT.
-I will then use to choose the winner for each of my games and JDelekto will do the same for his game.

Now the good news™! aka the rules:

-Only enter for yourself and if you really want the game
-No regifting or reselling
-You can make a list up to 3 games, but can only win 1
-Minimum 10 Reputation
-Joined before April 2015
-No scammers allowed (I will verify if any scammer as entered the giveaway, but I appreciate any help by your part)

The games are:

A Bird Story
Knights and Merchants
Master of Magic
Realms of Chaos
Rise of the Triad (2013)
The Witcher 3 (the Holy Grail of this giveaway, kindly donated by JDelekto)

Last, but not least, I would like to thank everyone for being part of this community aka the awesomest online community I've ever saw.

Boa sorte a todos!
Post edited April 12, 2015 by hugo360pt
Not in, but JDelecto is actually giving away The Witcher 3 0_o
+1 good sir!
Post edited April 12, 2015 by coryrj1995
Not in, +1

Witcher 3! Amazing. Well done, JDelekto!
Truly laughed while reading your OP, as I did when you recently posted this. You have a way with words. +1.

The only game I don't have is "The Witcher 3", but after watching the official gameplayless trailer, I can't honestly say that I "really want the game", so I'm out.

BTW, did I understand correctly and the game has time limits on dialogue options???
Will I have to be the first and break the ice saying I'm in? (O_o)

But first, many thanks goes to hugo360pt for making this excellent giveaway, and also very special thanks to JDelekto for donating such amazing game. Thanks! ^_^

Now, I'm in for The Witcher 3! (:D)

Cheers, and good luck to all ^_^
Post edited April 12, 2015 by Azrael360
I'm in for Witcher 3

Thanks for the giveaway to hugo360pt and thanks to JDelekto for donating such an amazing game.
Wow, an amazingly generous giveaway! +1 to you and JDelekto.

I'm in. Since we can be in for up to three games, here's my list:

1. The Witcher 3
2. A Bird Story
3. Startopia

Thanks very much indeed. :)
I'm in.

1. The Witcher 3
2. Rise of the Triad
3. Master of Magic

Thanks for this opportunity.
Thanks for generosity

I'm in.

1. The Witcher 3
2. Startopia
3. Gangland

Thanks to JDelekto for the incredible addition to GA.
Not in, but thanks for the awesome giveaway :)
I am in, thank you - and thanks to JDelekto for donating The Witcher 3 too.

1. The Witcher 3
2. A Bird Story
3. Deponia
Happy 1000+ games to GOG, I guess. :P I'm in! Thank you for your generosity good sir!

Here's my list:

Master of Magic
Realms of Chaos
Rise of the Triad
Quite sad that we cannot be in for others, would have been in for Witcher III for a good friend then...

...but hey, now it comes down to personal wishes:
1. A Bird Story
2. Gangland
3. Master of Magic

Thanks for the giveaway but already have the witcher 3 and don't need the others. good luck to people who are entering.
Thanks for the giveaway, I'm in :D

Master of Magic