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Update 1.2 brings Universal Cloud Saves, the option to fully customize the Client to your needs, and much more!

NOTICE: The update is now live for everyone. Make sure to check it out and tell us what you think!

GOG Galaxy, our gamer-friendly Client, is coming out of beta with a major new update that greatly improves and enriches the user experience by introducing many long-awaited features. Let's take a closer look at some of them:

The highlight of Update 1.2 is, of course, the Universal Cloud Saves. This new feature makes it possible to add cloud saving functionality not only to new games but also to titles that never offered cloud saving before. Thanks to this, excellent games like Planescape: Torment, Heroes of Might & Magic® III, or Vampire®: the Masquerade - Bloodlines gain the benefits of saves syncing and cloud backup for the first time ever. Of course, if you prefer to keep your precious saves close at hand, your data is still saved locally for you to use, while GOG Galaxy also lets you download a backup of your saves at any time.

This huge Update introduces the option to customize the Client to your needs by selecting which features you want to use. In addition, there is a brand new hibernate mode that cuts down on Client CPU usage while playing a game and saves resources as well as battery life when idling in the background. We also went through the GOG Galaxy community wishlist and packed Update 1.2 with some of the most-requested features, including bandwidth limiting and scheduling, FPS counter, screenshot capturing, a sleek in-game overlay, achievement rarity, desktop and in-game notifications system, a new chat, and more!

The GOG Galaxy Update 1.2 is now available for all users. To download GOG Galaxy or see what’s new and improved visit <span class="bold"></span>.
If you run into any issues, feel free to submit them <span class="bold">here</span>.
Very cool GOG! I wish you good luck with Galaxy.
Wow, congratulations GoG! That list almost tempts me to use it (I don't know why, but for some reason the onscreen FPS monitor is tempting me LOL).
This is the best news I've heard all day! Keep up the great work, Gog!
Still no movie-support... :(
I'm so excited and I just can't hide it! I'm about to lose control and I think i'll hug you GOG team! <3 :D
Too bad the downloads in the client is like going back to dial up times.
This is both awesome and unexpected to hit suddenly, congrats GOG for the accomplishment and for surprising the snot out of all of us! :)

To the rest of y'all... I been predictipitatin that GOG was going to provide cloud storage in 1.2 for months now because of my innate sensibiliies and predictabilitationses. :)

Trust the skeletal one, for his wisdom goes beyond the stars vast and wide young padowen. :)
high rated
Bring back ability to change Backup and download paths for "Backup and Goodies" and install directories as separate items.
well well, aint that something. out of beta! updating now, the only features im interested in are the ability to customize the layout of galaxy, cloud saves make me nervous, hope its optional.
Last time I tried using this the installer was partially I think in Chinese or something...or maybe the certificate, and when I tried downloading games to back up through it they'd download into 900,000 separate files, instead of just a few like when you download through a browser...

Has any of this been fixed? I'm just super iffy about it...
high rated
So... where are the privacy options, or show as offline mode? I really don't need people to see what I'm playing right this second or at what times I'm online.
I mean yes, I already kicked almost everyone from my friendlist to get some privacy, but come on, show as offline mode please.

And also, I can't seem to find the option anymore that closes Galaxy when pressing X, it always minimizes now... urgh.
Post edited March 22, 2017 by moonshineshadow
low rated
avatar Update 1.2 brings Universal Cloud Saves, the option to fully customize the Client to your needs, and much more!

GOG Galaxy, our gamer-friendly Client, is coming out of beta with a major new update that greatly improves and enriches the user experience with the introduction of many long-awaited features. Let's take a closer look at some of them:

The highlight of Update 1.2 is, of course, the Universal Cloud Saves. This new feature makes it possible to add cloud saving functionality not only to new games, but also to titles that never offered cloud saving before. Thanks to this, excellent games like Planescape: Torment, Heroes of Might & Magic® III, or Vampire®: the Masquerade - Bloodlines gain the benefits of saves syncing and cloud backup for the first time ever. Of course, if you prefer to keep your precious saves close at hand, GOG Galaxy also lets you download a backup of your saves data at any time and use it as you see fit.

This huge Update introduces the option to customize the Client to your needs by selecting which features you want to use. In addition, there is a brand new hibernate mode that cuts down on Client CPU usage while playing a game, and saves resources as well as battery life when idling in the background. We've also went through the GOG Galaxy community wishlist and packed Update 1.2 with some of the most-requested features, including bandwidth limiting and scheduling, FPS counter, screenshot capturing, a sleek in-game overlay, achievement rarity, desktop and in-game notifications system, a new chat, and more!

The GOG Galaxy Update 1.2 is available today to users who opted to test upcoming updates, and will be rolling out to everyone in April. To download GOG Galaxy or see what’s new and improved visit <span class="bold"></span>.
If you run into any issues, feel free to submit them <span class="bold">here</span>.
RadonGOG: Still no movie-support... :(
I think it's pretty clear that movie support is not a priority and cannot be a priority. Movie watching is a more varied experience/practice than playing PC games. There are not enough movies on GOG to make starting to watch one a somewhat better experience for a small portion of movie buyers (who are themselves a small portion of GOG users) who watch them on their PCs and prefer to do it through the client.
Error in text:

"We've also went" should be "We also went" or "We've also gone".
high rated
I'm curious: would GOG implementing a service like Hamachi or GameRanger into Galaxy (for multiplayer for classic games) be a useful thing, or are services like that already easy enough to use? (I've asked similar questions in the past before, admittedly.)