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tl;dr can't buy two copies of the same game as gifts for my friends, can put money on wallet but not spend it, anti-consumer policies about to make me stop using GOG altogether

To preface, I've sunk a few hundred dollars into GOG games, I've historically been fine with the service, very few issues. My friends and I have been wanting to play Neverwinter Nights 2 together. I already owned Complete on GOG, having purchased it a while back. I missed buying it for them during the last sale, so I was quite happy to see it on sale again. Cue absolute frustration.

I buy it as a gift for one friend and send it, no problem. Attempt to do so again, it said my payment method failed (Paypal.) Odd, since I've already bought a few gifts a few minutes ago, I have plenty of money. Try again, fail. Switch to my credit card. Fail. Maybe something is up with my account. I create a new account to buy it as a gift. "Cannot use Paypal or Credit Card on a new account before you've spent $10 using other payment methods." What? I notice the Wallet is available. I go put $7.99 into the wallet with Paypal, no problem accepting THAT purchase. Go to use the Wallet, "Cannot use the Wallet either, thanks for the money though sucker." So I'm out $7.99 and still can't buy the gift for my friend.

I submit a ticket, confused and annoyed. Start doing some digging. Apparently this "Can't buy more than one gift per sale" is a new policy? What the heck? That is absolutely mind-boggling. So you don't want my money? AND you tell me that it's on my end or Paypal's end, rather than telling me 'Hey, we have the world's most idiotic policy where you can't buy the same game twice during a sale, because no one has more than one friend and would obviously never need to buy an extra gift copy." This makes no sense!

And how the heck is a new customer supposed to buy anything if t hey can't use Paypal, a credit card, or purchase money to put on the Wallet? You let me put money in the wallet and then not let me spend it? GOG is really lucky that I'm not a new customer, because I have no idea how I'm supposed to buy anything on this website using a new account.

I have no idea when they decided that it is a good business decision to make their website difficult to purchase from, but I doubt I will continue to support this platform with these anti-consumer measures. I came here to AVOID nonsense like this.

Post edited December 24, 2016 by vordrax
It should be no more than 1 in 24 hours. So try back tomorrow and you should be able to get the gift.
vordrax: .
You frustration is understandable. Sadly there are a lot of ppl out there that would abuse the ability to buy multiple games in a sale to resell them later on which is why that is in place.
vordrax: .
anothername: You frustration is understandable. Sadly there are a lot of ppl out there that would abuse the ability to buy multiple games in a sale to resell them later on which is why that is in place.
I've worked as a software developer for an ecommerce vendor before. Resellers are a fact of life. You never, never, never harm a legitimate consumer to stop resellers (and why would you? You're still getting money that you considered a fair price.)
anothername: You frustration is understandable. Sadly there are a lot of ppl out there that would abuse the ability to buy multiple games in a sale to resell them later on which is why that is in place.
vordrax: I've worked as a software developer for an ecommerce vendor before. Resellers are a fact of life. You never, never, never harm a legitimate consumer to stop resellers (and why would you? You're still getting money that you considered a fair price.)
I can only guess that it does makes a difference for gog if (example) someone buys 10.000 keys of 10 $ games for 0,80 $ each just to resell them for 4,90 $ after the sale opposed to gog them self selling 9.999 for 10 bucks after the sale (and even if less numbers its still more).

I could also easily imagine that if you write to service they can arrange something for you to get a second copy of the game; its just that the automatic shop system in place is not equipped for multiple copys in one basket (edit) and multiple buys of the same in a short time.
Post edited December 24, 2016 by anothername
vordrax: .
anothername: You frustration is understandable. Sadly there are a lot of ppl out there that would abuse the ability to buy multiple games in a sale to resell them later on which is why that is in place.
That tells me,everyone is guilty or treated as such.
Then get it via trade.
New accounts can't buy gift from credit cards because there were lots of shady things going on before that by some people.

You can always contact support for a bulk purchase.
Btw limit usually is 7 same games in succession for 24 hours.
anothername: You frustration is understandable. Sadly there are a lot of ppl out there that would abuse the ability to buy multiple games in a sale to resell them later on which is why that is in place.
vordrax: I've worked as a software developer for an ecommerce vendor before. Resellers are a fact of life. You never, never, never harm a legitimate consumer to stop resellers (and why would you? You're still getting money that you considered a fair price.)
Because the resellers do charge backs after selling on the keys and making there money, meaning Gog loses out.
Or they straight up use stolen credit cards and the purchase s are later revoked.
vordrax: Apparently this "Can't buy more than one gift per sale" is a new policy? What the heck? That is absolutely mind-boggling. So you don't want my money?
Actually it's been around for quite some time... it was introduced early this year I think. Last time I had an X series give-away I was trying to stock up on 3 X3: Terran Warpack copies, only to get a rejected payment when I tried to buy the second one.

I had to spread by purchases over three days to get it done. Overall, it may be a good idea in principle to protect one's account from theft, but it's poorly implemented. It could have been done let's say with an email confirmation code, sent only when you tried to purchase multiple copies of the same game.

Anyway, let's try to live with it for now, since I don't think there are any plans to change it in the future. If you step back and look at the bigger picture, it's not something most people would regularly do - so it's only a couple of whiners that buy games for give-aways and friends that get affected *sigh*.

Edit: Ok, and resellers. Guess they're the main target of this limitation :).
Post edited December 24, 2016 by WinterSnowfall
vordrax: tl;dr can't buy two copies of the same game as gifts for my friends, can put money on wallet but not spend it, anti-consumer policies about to make me stop using GOG altogether

As others have pointed out, there is actually a good reason for this limitation; for an example, you can look at how it's affected Humble Bundle.

While I totally understand your frustration, what I would do in your shoes is first space your purchase about a day or two apart; failing that, contact support and explain to them your situation. At the same time, contact support and explain to them your situation (because it may take 24-48 hours for them to reply to you). Also, if you contact support, be sure to do it on a weekday, so you can get your reply faster.
Post edited December 24, 2016 by rampancy
vordrax: I have no idea when they decided that it is a good business decision to make their website difficult to purchase from, but I doubt I will continue to support this platform with these anti-consumer measures. I came here to AVOID nonsense like this.
It's most likely 100% what adalia said - this wasn't so much a "good business decision" for GoG as it was an economic necessity - those chargebacks when scumbags push off some stolen digital goods hurt a company - they lose money and they probably lose money again because you KNOW big credit card companies aren't going to do a lick for free.

What REALLY bothers me, to turn this into a rant during a rant, is that these assholes end up hurting a good, honest company like GoG, which is trying to do the right thing.

While the back alley, cesspool, dingy flea market key reseller sites, that are actively enabling fradulent / stolen credit card purchased goods to be sold (at best - at worst they're simply fronts for money laundering) continue to go along, happy as pigs in shit because they don't care about doing what's right.

Incidently, I don't suppose a key for the first Neverwinter Nights will make you feel any better, will it? I know it doesn't help with being able to set up your 3 person persisent world.
Every online distribution platform has his own way to limit the damages introduced by fraudsters and resellers. GOG has had this problem for a long time, where they don't communicate fairly or at all with the user base, so you can never be too sure what's going on. But give them some slack, shady people are constantly trying to breach the fort, and there are a lot of them, so GOG may be fighting a loosing battle if they don't adapt in real time and to some frustration of their normal customers.
Hm, I as a long time customer and forum junkie didn't know about any of this, so even if there are good reasons for it, it seems that GOG failed to communicate those changes. And frankly, I would never have become a customer in the first place if I had run into the issue the OP experienced as a "new" customer now, not being allowed to use PayPal for the first $10. In any case, if they have such systems in place, it's not unreasonable to expect that they warn you about them, instead of having you guess what went wrong.
low rated
vordrax: tl;dr can't buy two copies of the same game as gifts for my friends, can put money on wallet but not spend it, anti-consumer policies about to make me stop using GOG altogether

To preface, I've sunk a few hundred dollars into GOG games, I've historically been fine with the service, very few issues. My friends and I have been wanting to play Neverwinter Nights 2 together. I already owned Complete on GOG, having purchased it a while back. I missed buying it for them during the last sale, so I was quite happy to see it on sale again. Cue absolute frustration.

I buy it as a gift for one friend and send it, no problem. Attempt to do so again, it said my payment method failed (Paypal.) Odd, since I've already bought a few gifts a few minutes ago, I have plenty of money. Try again, fail. Switch to my credit card. Fail. Maybe something is up with my account. I create a new account to buy it as a gift. "Cannot use Paypal or Credit Card on a new account before you've spent $10 using other payment methods." What? I notice the Wallet is available. I go put $7.99 into the wallet with Paypal, no problem accepting THAT purchase. Go to use the Wallet, "Cannot use the Wallet either, thanks for the money though sucker." So I'm out $7.99 and still can't buy the gift for my friend.

I submit a ticket, confused and annoyed. Start doing some digging. Apparently this "Can't buy more than one gift per sale" is a new policy? What the heck? That is absolutely mind-boggling. So you don't want my money? AND you tell me that it's on my end or Paypal's end, rather than telling me 'Hey, we have the world's most idiotic policy where you can't buy the same game twice during a sale, because no one has more than one friend and would obviously never need to buy an extra gift copy." This makes no sense!

And how the heck is a new customer supposed to buy anything if t hey can't use Paypal, a credit card, or purchase money to put on the Wallet? You let me put money in the wallet and then not let me spend it? GOG is really lucky that I'm not a new customer, because I have no idea how I'm supposed to buy anything on this website using a new account.

I have no idea when they decided that it is a good business decision to make their website difficult to purchase from, but I doubt I will continue to support this platform with these anti-consumer measures. I came here to AVOID nonsense like this.

welcome to the future, to the spineless, greed-oriented, reckless gog staff and to the degenerated steam clone distributor that gog did slowly turn into since april 2014. just try to spend as less money on here as you can. gog sucks these days! wish you a nice christmas.
Goddamn GOG!
It's drivin' me mad! It's drivin' me craaaaa-zy!
Post edited December 24, 2016 by tinyE