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I noticed that the downloader carries the 'beta' tag next to its name.

It would be really really nice if there was a way to throttle the bandwidth it consumes. Currently it pulls down as much as it can as quickly as it can which is normally great, but there are times when it would be very useful to be able to tone it down a bit.

ex.1: At home and trying to do basic web browsing.. or watching something streaming.
ex. 2: At work, not wanting to kill internet connectivity for the entire office.

Just a suggestion!
I know internet providers can throttle, but I've never heard of anything else that's able to do that. But here, I found a bunch of programs that SAY they can do that. I don't guarantee safety or reliability though, but these would be your first choices to look at.

Edit: ...... Or maybe the website got it backwards and suggested things to make things faster. Hang on.

Duel Edit: Fixed picture, these should be what you wanted.
untitled.png (134 Kb)
Post edited February 29, 2012 by QC
At least some of those seem to be for controlling the download speed from your site.

I think razorh wants to limit the download speed of the GOG downloader, which they'd have to implement in the downloader's code... unless there's a program that can piggyback other programs to limit their bandwidth usage... not sure about that.
adambiser: At least some of those seem to be for controlling the download speed from your site.

I think razorh wants to limit the download speed of the GOG downloader, which they'd have to implement in the downloader's code... unless there's a program that can piggyback other programs to limit their bandwidth usage... not sure about that.
Me neither. If there is something though then searching through is a better option than doing nothing..... Or you can try Linux. Besides, there's more than one option to download the games. Does everyone really have choppy enough internet that it's essential to have?
Post edited February 29, 2012 by QC
adambiser: unless there's a program that can piggyback other programs to limit their bandwidth usage... not sure about that.
A really quick search gives netlimiter, though there are quite a few more programs that do this kind of thing. Haven't really used them, so I can't say how well they work.
An option in the downloader would be better though (and in the community downloaders as well, but what can we do).
adambiser: At least some of those seem to be for controlling the download speed from your site.

I think razorh wants to limit the download speed of the GOG downloader, which they'd have to implement in the downloader's code... unless there's a program that can piggyback other programs to limit their bandwidth usage... not sure about that.
That's how I understood it as well. And I think it would be a very useful feature. I hate to lock The Woman Of My Dreams (tm) out of her online worlds when I'm downloading something from GOG.

I don't know of a program that can limit another task's bandwidth allowance. A good router might be able to do that, but that's just a guess.
QC: Does everyone really have choppy enough internet that it's essential to have?
I haven't really ran across an issue with it. The downloader seems to give up bandwidth to other programs pretty easily. But that's just from my experience. I can definitely see an issue with stealing all the bandwidth in razorh's second example. :)
I figured there was one, but didn't search, obviously. I agree that adding that option to the downloader would be best. Maybe some of the community downloaders have this. I haven't tried them.
Psyringe: I hate to lock The Woman Of My Dreams (tm) out of her online worlds when I'm downloading something from GOG.
The couple of times I've had this problem have been for this. I learned to download at night. Don't want to take chances. :)
Post edited February 29, 2012 by adambiser
I'm having issue when GOG downloader or the new Galaxy which download at maximum speed, (it show 22MB/s) which sometime cause my system to reboot.... so a rate limit would be useful.... :)
Post edited May 12, 2015 by revenger