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I'm in!

Last friday my alarm clock app for Android failed and I woke up 1h later than usual, so I went late to work, my boss was furious.
I'm in! Thanks for another awesome giveaway.

As for topic. Wherever I go together with my wife, we're always late. And it's really weird since I'm usually ready 30 minutes before deadline^^.
It's already the 28th here, so I'm a little late (:P), but I'd like to be in as well :D.

As for a real story....something fairly boring, but an assignment I was doing was so frustratingly boring (not hard, not difficult, not thought-provoking or requiring intellect, just exhaustively repetitive), that I didn't submit it on the due date. Or the next day. Or the day after that. When I finally submitted it, it was 4 days late, which meant I could only be marked out of 60% of the total.

I got the 60% full.
I'm in and really late for playing games in style of D'nD and generally getting everything in my life at the last crucial moment.
I'd like to be in please, though even if I win, I won't be able to play it until after I get back from vacation (well, I probably COULD, but I'd rather not start a beefy RPG when I have less than a week here). Absolutely love Obsidian's writing, KotOR2 has the best story of any game I've ever played, and NWN2 is pretty satisfying as well.
VABlitz: I have been off in another world for the last month or so, and just realized I received an extra copy of Pillars of Eternity. So, I am holding a giveaway for a GOG key for the Hero Edition of Pillars of Eternity. To enter just say you're in and keeping with my belated giveaway let's hear something that you have been really late for. I would prefer to see someone win that intends to play the game and not re-gifters.

I will close entry on Tuesday, 28 Apr 2015 at 0555 EST, when my alarm to start my work week goes off. Expect to see a random winner selected and an update by the same time on the 29th...I am a procrastinator after all.

Good luck to all participants
Respects have been earned, and so a new participant comes into the fray

Or say, fuck it!, I AM IN
high rated
mobutu: While I'm punctual usually, right now I'm being late getting home after some drinks with my friends ;)
In for Pillars of Eternity, thanks for your generousity and good luck to all entrants ;)
While I'm an hour late closing the contest. It appears I am early for giving away PoE. The winner of the contest is
mobutu. Congratulations mobutu and enjoy Pillars of Eternity.
Congrats mobutu and have fun with the game.
I'm in. I hope I'm not too late for this giveaway. I was also late for an oral english exam to have more points for choosing my Erasmus destiny. I thought the exam took place in the same place the previous exam was and it wasn't. I had to run more or less from one corner of the city to the other corner.
Congrats to mobutu, and thanks VABlitz for the giveaway :)
Congrats to mobutu, and huge thanks to VABlitz for the very generous giveaway :)
VABlitz: While I'm an hour late closing the contest. It appears I am early for giving away PoE. The winner of the contest is mobutu. Congratulations mobutu and enjoy Pillars of Eternity.
Oh my god, for the life of me I can't imagine how incredible lucky I am right now, I mean out of probably like 100 entries I won? And Pillars on top of that? I'm bursting with happiness at the moment! (cheesy I know ;-))

I'll be sure to download, install, start and enjoy the game right away, I'm looking forward for some great adventures and all thanks to VABlitz and his generousity! Many and huge thanks goes to you for this!

Geralt_of_Rivia: Congrats mobutu and have fun with the game.
katya_stevens: Congrats to mobutu, and thanks VABlitz for the giveaway :)
adaliabooks: Congrats to mobutu, and huge thanks to VABlitz for the very generous giveaway :)
Thank you also very much for your kind words!
Congratulations, mobutu, and thank you for an awesome giveaway, VABlitz.
Congratulations mobutu and thank for the generous giveaway, VABlitz.
Grats mobutu, and thanks again for the GA VABlitz.