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Argh, I suck at :-D

Congrats to the winners and thanks for the GA misteryo!
ReynardFox: Not in because DRM, but you get a +1.
For me personally, DNF is one of the best poorly rated games I've ever played. I can see it has flaws, but I still had a blast with it.
That's a good way of putting it hehehe.
Duke Nukem Forever gets too much hate, I think because it's too cool for most people.

It's fun! Enjoy it!
misteryo: you can have spec ops
...wait, I won? Didn't see that one coming.
Thank you kindly, my friend!
Not in and +1.

I have a question. I own The Darkness 2, but have never played 1. Do you recommend playing 1 before 2? I never hear anyone say anything about The Darkness 1.
Bouchart: Not in and +1.

I have a question. I own The Darkness 2, but have never played 1. Do you recommend playing 1 before 2? I never hear anyone say anything about The Darkness 1.
I've played some of the first and none of the second. It's fun.
Bouchart: Not in and +1.

I have a question. I own The Darkness 2, but have never played 1. Do you recommend playing 1 before 2? I never hear anyone say anything about The Darkness 1.
Because the first one is exclusive to consoles. Is it recommended to play it first? Well, yes and no, the first one is way better than the second and it does have an important event related to the story but if somehow you can't play the first then it doesn't matter, you will still get the story (to be fair the story is mediocre on the second one so it doesn't really matter).
Bouchart: Not in and +1.

I have a question. I own The Darkness 2, but have never played 1. Do you recommend playing 1 before 2? I never hear anyone say anything about The Darkness 1.
Any idea where to even get it? It doesn't appear to exist on Steam.
misteryo: The gods have spoken!
Sorapak: I'm in for darkness 2!

Thank you & +1! :D

(Can I stay on the lawn? :PP)
misteryo: You can have darkness 2
zeogold: Pretty sure everybody and their dog is gonna be in for Spec Ops. why not me, too?
I'm in for Spec Ops: The Line.
misteryo: you can have spec ops
Thank you again! Staying on the lawn was a good idea it seems :PPP
Not in, +1!
Bouchart: Not in and +1.

I have a question. I own The Darkness 2, but have never played 1. Do you recommend playing 1 before 2? I never hear anyone say anything about The Darkness 1.
skeletonbow: Any idea where to even get it? It doesn't appear to exist on Steam.
It is a console exclusive.
omega64: It is a console exclusive.
Ah, that would explain it then. :) BTW, every time I see your avatar it makes me want to go buy a copy of Octodad. LOL
omega64: It is a console exclusive.
skeletonbow: Ah, that would explain it then. :) BTW, every time I see your avatar it makes me want to go buy a copy of Octodad. LOL
Do it. :P
It's fun.
Would mostly recommend it for local co-op even more fun.
Post edited July 21, 2016 by omega64
Duke Nuken Forever is hella fun.
I'm in for Spec Ops: The Line. Thank you very much