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Retrovibe is a freshly launched publisher company on a mission. Its founders wish to create a unique incubator focused on bringing New Retro titles to life by supporting passionate indie developers in their creative process. Such an approach made it felt very natural for Retrovibe to join forces with GOG.COM, a digital platform that brings back all-time classics to gamers.

Today you can experience the first effects of our co-operation. First of all, prepare to put your reflexes to the test as the fast-paced platformer Janosik lands on GOG.COM to grab for free! Also, take a glimpse at 4 New Retro titles that are bound to be released before the end of 2022:

B.I.O.T.A. is an action platformer where you battle more than 40 types of mutants as members of the highly skilled commando squad sent on a deadly mission.

Janosik 2 is yet another action platformer where you help the legendary Slovak folk hero and his two unlikely companions on their journey through the dangerous Baron von Żur's castle.

The Looter is a post-apocalyptic 2D action-adventure title where you become one of humanity’s few survivors traversing the dangerous wilds of Tortura.

Shardpunk: Verminfall is a tactical squad-based survival strategy game where you lead a band of survivors through the city overrun by a vicious Rat Swarm.

Visit Retrovibe Twitch channel for more details about upcoming titles. One of the features present there will be a series of daily video diaries showing developers working on their games, showing off new features, talking about development, and connecting with fans.
Thank you GOG! ^_^
B1tF1ghter: Well, what are you expecting from people who put "graphics: any" in requirements?
It's system requirements slack at it's finest. And this is just PLAIN WRONG and very anti-consumer.
To be fair, that's probably accurate. I can't imagine what sort of GPU (integrated or otherwise) wouldn't run the game. I mean it's a NW.js app; what do you expect? Not worth getting so worked up over.

apehater: is it really FREE??

or is it (TELEMET-)FREE and stuffed with telemetry?

sadly these days, one has to ask such things on gog
It did ask me if I wanted to allow network connections when I first ran it. I clicked "ha ha nope". (Actual button text may vary.) It likely doesn't mean much of anything—again, NW.js app—but still.
Played it for a bit and the Linux version runs on my system with no issues

Drauger OS 7.5.1

CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 2700X (16) @ 3.700G
GPU: AMD ATI Radeon RX 580
Post edited June 02, 2021 by wolfsite
low rated
B1tF1ghter: Well, what are you expecting from people who put "graphics: any" in requirements?
It's system requirements slack at it's finest. And this is just PLAIN WRONG and very anti-consumer.
eric5h5: To be fair, that's probably accurate. I can't imagine what sort of GPU (integrated or otherwise) wouldn't run the game. I mean it's a NW.js app; what do you expect? Not worth getting so worked up over.
Dude, are you for real tho?
If they list "any" they mean EVERY.
SURELY you must understand that it's a LIE.
If you go far enough you will definitely find a GPU that is NOT good enough for this game.
And such info is NORMALLY put into minimal requirements.
Whereas here you will just see "any", an open LIE to customers.
This is the whole problem. Lack of line drawn. You really DON'T know "how old is too old". And that's what I grief about. Lack of standards. Double standards. Lack of care about customers. Because there does exist an gamedev industry standard in form of giving specific system requirements, their accuracy varies but NOT THIS MUCH.
THIS is just plain NO INFO.
(plus the other stuff I mentioned before)

I am merely asking the dev to DO THEIR DARN JOB and fullfill this info PROPERLY.
Because "any" is a COMPLETE LIE.
I constantly see this BIZZARE mental process in so many people who think "pixel art" == "DOS era GPU requirements" / "working on 'anything'".
It really does not work like that.
Let me ask you this:
what graphics API does this game use?
Do you know? Does ANYBODY short of dev know?
Vulkan? (WebGPU too) Instant cutoff of GPUs beyond last few generations.
DX 11 (or OpenGL TIME-equivalent, WebGL / WebGPU equivalent to the latter too)?
Cut everything before around 2009 (oh, like 15 year old laptops for example).
System requirements exist for a reason, it's for the end user to know if they can run the product BEFORE launching it.
I am merely asking for the dev to uphold industry STANDARD and fill the darn info.
Meanwhile some community members try to SHAME ME as if I am asking for some outrageous unheard of thing.

wolfsite: Played it for a bit and the Linux version runs on my system with no issues
Cool. Any details or just dropping casual "works for me"? :P :D

wolfsite: Drauger OS 7.5.1
To quote a certain "green text rich film": "Never heard of" (for real, what is this based on?).
B1tF1ghter: Yes, they may be pretty worthless at times.
And we do have some basis here: i3 CPU (2010+) and > 1GB RAM. The least powerful i3 to my knowledge is the i3-530 with an iGPU of 733MHz. So there you go, that's your minimum spec from deductive reasoning.
I am almost wondering if this isn't some guerilla tactic for marketing purposes, provide the essential system requirements info.
This sounds like intentionality bias.
You know what they are not worthless for?
Forming legal boundaries for official support of end client.
Yes, this is a free game, no, this does not change anything, dev is still legally responsible.
I'm not familiar with these requirements. Are they legally binding and consequential?
According to wikipedia:
So then what?
"If you can run Win 7 you can probably run this game"? REALLY?
Windows 7 can run even on thin clients.
Not even required graphics API is specified (what if it uses for example OpenGL version from 13 years back? I WOULN'T KNOW BECAUSE THE DEV HAS DOUBLE STANDARDS and didn't bother to put even the very info they can dig out of their own code on their own without any additional testing hardware!).
This is already constrained by the minimum requirements of having an i3 CPU (2010+), so already these statements have been addressed.

Overall, you do have a point if this was an AAA game and people were paying 50 EUR / $60 USD for this game. I'd expect that given the gamedev's talent pool, size, and system resources. But in this case, it's a solo indie dev putting out a free game. If I was in the same position and got this blowback from someone about non-detailed minimum reqs on a free game, I'd be pretty hesitant to put one out in the future.

You also do realize in the time it took to write these replies, you could have downloaded the game and tested it yourself? It's only 100 MB, so a reasonable download time is 30 s. Then testing it for another 5 minutes to see how it runs. It'd be the same amount of time to stream a Youtube review. I agree with eric5h5's assessment that this is something very little to get worked up over.
Thanks for the free game Retrovibe and GOG.
YaronDav: Putting higher requirements is usually due to testing ability. If you don't have an earlier OS version to test (or lower system spec, etc...), then it would be much worse to state a lower requirement (which the game may not actually support properly) than a higher one (which you at least know will work and can support if someone has issues).
"It may work with less, but we're not taking responsibility or willing to support issues, since we didn't test it, so officially it's not supported" is a lot more consumer friendly than "oh, we said it will work, but seems it doesn't, tough luck".
B1tF1ghter: Which only reinforces my point.
They didn't even put "the least powerful computer they had on hand".
They put the lowest of the low, the absolute rock bottom, "ANY".
Ah, so I'm sorry, I misunderstood the context of your message. Since it was a response to a quoted comment about the too high MacOS version limit, I assumed the complaint about the "graphics:any" at the start was just an example of your general ire from the requirements, and the rest referred to that OS version issue.
Which apparently wasn't the case, so sorry about that, my response was mostly irrelevant.

That said, as has been mentioned otherwise on this thread, the "any" specifications for graphics could very likely be entirely correct. It's entirely possibly that absolutely any graphical adapter on something that can run the minimum listed OS, with the minimum listed memory and minimum listed CPU, will be able to run this game.
The "graphics" category is one of the things that has to be filled on a game record on GOG, because it can be relevant for a lot of game. But it may not be relevant for all of them.
So, you do have an official minimum requirements for graphics, which is "any". The game developer publisher does officially state that if you run the game on something that matches all of the requirements, the graphical element will not be a problem.

So I don't see the issue with it. If it's wrong, and the developer didn't consider any requirements from whatever engine they may be using, then that's indeed a problem.
But that would be the same problem in any case where someone lists insufficient requirements. Which we don't know is the case here. So as long as there aren't any reports of someone not being able to run the game, despite meeting all the requirements, there's really no basis to complain on wasting time. It can be a genuine requirements, not a generic not-having-bothered-to-consider one.
low rated

I am almost wondering if this isn't some guerilla tactic for marketing purposes, provide the essential system requirements info.
Canuck_Cat: This sounds like intentionality bias.
As a person somewhat involved in gamedev I can assure you guerilla tactics like this do exist and are sometimes employed by some of more shameless developers.
So it's not unreasonable to *suspect* something like that.

I will not go into extra details but the dev is legally responsible for anything they put into product card as well as a lot of other public places. Doesn't matter if they charge anything for the product or not. As long as it is listed in a public STORE (and not for example private blog or something) is falls under certain laws.
System requirements are, like I said, basis for customer support, if something is outside of scope of requirements it is deemed "not supported".
Therefore putting any wildcards there is like intentionally shooting thy self in both knees.
If this would be a paid game dev would essentially make themselves slaves to their own lenience, as they would literally have to support EVERYTHING solely because of their QA slack.
If system requirements are fake (which this game's IMPRECISE ones fall under this cathegory) this falls under "misleading customers" which falls under "customer protection rights" and if any issues arise this can often be used as an excuse for a refund even if you exceed platform's arbitrary "max playtime to still be eligible for a refund".
Example being Batman Arkham Knight on original PC day 1 release years ago with due to lack of proper optimisation and QA system requirements being listed were widely insufficient for most people.

Yes, this game is "free".
And frankly, yes, I CONSTANTLY encounter people with this bogus mindset that "free" == "no right to complain", which is so laughalby incorrect it makes me speechless.
Do you REALLY think just because something is free then there CAN be slack?
Do you REALLY think it is a sound justification?

Yes, this game is free, and it's about the only saving grace for it.
It makes it be in a legal greyzone, instead of being past the line.
System requirements aren't just for fun and putting false info there falls under a lot of customer protection rights in most developed countries.
Just saying. As evident many people will just not care "because it's free".
As if things being free could be an excuse for double standards.

You see, this is about PRINCIPLES, or as evident here lack thereof.
If we allow said dev to slip through with this with no consequences then they are likely to do that again, and should they have a trainee they will instill their wrong teachings upon another person.
This eventually leads to certain bad practises and double standards spreading through industry.
We got "relaxed QA standards" this exact way. Few people started it, and they spread it to others who then repeated it.
This simply cannot stand.
I am not overreacting here, as STANDARDS exist in this industry for a REASON.
If as a dev you are not upholding said standards you are essentially asking your customers to trust you less.
Some devs unfortuantelly don't understand that less time spend in QA, or even daring to leave QA to customers (system requirements in NOT-EARLY-ACCESS-GAME being LACKING INFO and UNREAL does fall under this cathegory) comes at a cost of reduced reputation both in eyes of industry veterans as well as customers.
The dev should fix it even for their own sake.
That is, of course, if they care.

I think I have said enough on the issue.
Any more bashing me for "DARING" to demand for standards to be upheld even for a "free product" may be ignored by me from now on.
low rated
Game seems nice enough...might get it later(have a big backlog to DL first).


As for the back/forth here: it's a FREE GAME

I personally think it's a waste of time to complain(beyond maybe one post) about vague graphics requirements on a free game, and also imo calling a dev kindly giving people a free game anti consumer is rude and uncalled for.

Now if it were a paid game I could maybe see(as others said) complaining about such....but it's not. Imo, instead of wasting time overly complaining about such, said goggers can/should(as others also said) simply DL the game and test it OR skip the game entirely.
Post edited June 02, 2021 by GamezRanker
low rated
B1tF1ghter: ...
Have you even coded a Hello World program? Have you taken any IT courses? How about some legal courses? I know it's an ad hominem argument to say that you have no idea what you're talking about, i'll just imply it with those questions.

Which only reinforces my point.
They didn't even put "the least powerful computer they had on hand".
They put the lowest of the low, the absolute rock bottom, "ANY".
You don't put "any" in requirements EVER.
It's like system requirements 101.
It's not "estimated", it's not "exaggerated", it's LITERALLY "not specified at all".
"Any" == UNKNOWN.
Well, i'm sure you'll be the first to educate them to specify VBE, right?

THIS is the issue I am having with this.
Plus complete lack of mention of required Linux dependencies.
Would you believe linux actually has tools for this just incase? If it's pre-compiled, the tool is LD. Feel free to man it.

And the bizzarly imprecise CPU requirements (i3 family has A LOT of different SKUs, spanning YEARS, with base frequency differening in full GHz between some, also embedded, also differences in supported instruction sets [while some games require some newer variants and pixel art game certainly could be one under specific circumstances] it's beyond imprecise, it's laughable).
Most people would then predict the lowest specified frequency, instruction set, etc. That's what a reasonable person would do, but I guess not quite everyone is reasonable....

Oh, and not specifying graphics API AT ALL means you are leaving your users to GUESS.
What if this game uses Vulkan? "Too bad, you will find out once you try to play"?
Or DX12?
Or OpenGL "level higher than this 10 year old GPU can support"?
I mean, I odn't know, could be SDL or LFB via VBE. I don't know the content of the game, all i see is a virtue-siginal style rant. In what way has this dev brought you harm? I mean, being a free game, you could just try it out. I mean, that's what almost all devs do anymore: release a demo.

Also, there's an actual discrepancy in reported disk space requirements.
Game details says "96" while sys req says "80".
So which one is it anyway?
That actual size or size on disk? Seeing as 96 is divisible by 4, that's a huge indicator that we're talking about size on disk, which is not the standard for measuring game size since section size is actually variable, even though it's rarely anything other than 4096 bytes.

Wasting time by making your user HAVE TO test to find out if it works on their hardware or not.
You do realize that this has been the industry standard for a very long time, right? We just got away from it for a few years 'cause some corporatons are tightwads with the source of their engines.

Literally making your userbase be your QA.
"Any" can mean ANYTHING, ranging from "ZX Spectrum performance levels" all the way to "quantum supercomputer's GPU cluster as we made ludicrous realtime physics simulation light reflections based on our own in-house lighting engine and we used it in this one area out of the entire game so that you will have to have this hardware or you won't beat the game".
"Any" is basically saying "worked for me, I don't care enough about YOU to test this on literally any more hardware other than mine, good luck getting this to work on your hardware".
No, "any" generally means "lowest common denominator." I've seen "flying toaster" specified, before. I think someone once listed baked potato here on gog, once.

"Any" is a legal dumpster fire.
System requirements are a basis for support tickets.
If you put wildcard there you are ASKING for both ticket load and legal trouble if someone reports you for this (hey, do you know how legally binding this is for example? For a simple low hanging fruit example, system requirements may be a reason for a refund, this is a free game, but it could very well not be, and we should not be excusing having double standards in gamedev industry "because it's free").
And if you get your refund, you can't sue. What it means is most people will give you your refunds, and generally, also, there's a contract clause in the EULA or whatever that specifies there's no promise of function, use, etc, which means they're fine even if they objectively and intentionally lied about requirements. Do you not read license agreements you agree to? The section i'm referring to is often in all caps.
Post edited June 02, 2021 by kohlrak
low rated
B1tF1ghter: Dude, are you for real tho?
Possibly! I'm pretty sure you're not!
If they list "any" they mean EVERY.
SURELY you must understand that it's a LIE.
If you go far enough you will definitely find a GPU that is NOT good enough for this game.
O rly? As I've mentioned more than once, this is made with NW.js. Do you even know what that is? Obviously not. OK, so do this: run the game using the "--disable-gpu" flag. So now it's software rendered. Does it still work? Yep. Does the framerate take a hit? Also yep. But playable? Yeah, pretty much. So, do you want to continue to mindlessly claim there is "definitely" a GPU that's not good enough, even though no GPU at all is good enough?
low rated
B1tF1ghter: Dude, are you for real tho?
eric5h5: Possibly! I'm pretty sure you're not!

If they list "any" they mean EVERY.
SURELY you must understand that it's a LIE.
If you go far enough you will definitely find a GPU that is NOT good enough for this game.
eric5h5: O rly? As I've mentioned more than once, this is made with NW.js. Do you even know what that is? Obviously not. OK, so do this: run the game using the "--disable-gpu" flag. So now it's software rendered. Does it still work? Yep. Does the framerate take a hit? Also yep. But playable? Yeah, pretty much. So, do you want to continue to mindlessly claim there is "definitely" a GPU that's not good enough, even though no GPU at all is good enough?
Ah, that answers the question i was coming to this thread to ask. Never heard of nw.js before, but i've been seeing alot of games using it. Noticed alot of games that don't run on my computer us it. This one does until we get into the castle. Decided to download and try it to see what all the hubub was about. Seems like an interesting idea, though, and funny as hell, so far.
low rated
B1tF1ghter: ...
eric5h5: O rly? As I've mentioned more than once, this is made with NW.js. Do you even know what that is? Obviously not.
Oh, you OBVIOUSLY know everything about me /s

eric5h5: run the game using the "--disable-gpu" flag. So now it's software rendered.
Do you want to play the ignorance card?
You DO realise that software renderers have set of requirements of their own right?
And it's not like they work on just about ANYTHING?

But yeah, nice try, FAILED, but whatever.

B1tF1ghter: ...
kohlrak: virtue-siginal style rant
Ah yes, the white knight of attacking *community members* for simply voicing valid concerns has arrived.

You know, since I have already spoken to my desire on the issue I generally don't see a point in responding to your, let's face it, rather petty bite attempt.
BUT, as you seem so eager to apparently attack ME PERSONALLY (again, for merely voicing VALID CONCERNS) I feel SOMEWHAT entitled to strighten some things up one last time.
But beyond this point consider yourself ignored in this conversation. Any of you for that matter.
I have already said enough on the brought up valid concerns and see no point in stretching this matter any further.
I reserve myself the right to report anyone that pushes the line of PERSONALLY ATTACKING ME.

First of all, to get this out of the way.
I am a certified IT who uses Linux as a daily driver, and yes, I have done each of the 3 things from your first question.

Btw, to point out what is fairly obvious to most but some others simply forget it in the heat of crafting their responses:
laws aren't universal across the world and certain consumer protection ones don't exist in some countries.
That does NOT mean that they exist "nowhere" tho.

I am also going to pretend not to see how you casually mix up technical terms that average person does not understand (therefore may get a wrong idea thinking that you are maybe actually competent here) while you keep mixing apples and oranges even within same sentence.

By the way, was it intentionally or were you unintentionally ignorant by confusing a (implied, full game) passion project with a demo?

kohlrak: In what way has this dev brought you harm?
Hurt my feelings as a professional by not abiding to simply achievable gamedev industry standards (best practises promoted to a status quo of semi-official virtue, some of them are ALSO legally required in SOME countries).
That behaviour also means there is more occurences of it than there was previously in gamedev industry and it may semi-encourage others to repeat it, which I personally detest (as a bad practise) and don't want to see in this industry.

kohlrak: I mean, being a free game, you could just try it out.
Ah yes, seems like the circle is complete, and I'm hearing "you are free to waste your time since you don't pay for this" cliche again.

"96" while "80"
kohlrak: That actual size or size on disk? Seeing as 96 is divisible by 4, that's a huge indicator that we're talking about size on disk, which is not the standard for measuring game size since section size is actually variable, even though it's rarely anything other than 4096 bytes.
SECTOR size is USUALLY 4096 for Advanced Format spinning platter drives mister Buttery BUTTER.
512 is actually pretty often found in SSDs, and you would have noticed that if you would be paying SOME attention to storage industry.
Also 2048 is common for optical storage.

Wasting time by making your user HAVE TO test to find out if it works on their hardware or not.
kohlrak: You do realize that this has been the industry standard for a very long time, right? We just got away from it for a few years 'cause some corporatons are tightwads with the source of their engines.
Do world a favour and stop confusing "industry standards" with "industry mistakes" before someone not knowing any better gets the wrong idea.

"Any" can mean ANYTHING
kohlrak: No, "any" generally means "lowest common denominator."
If you want to fight over semantics: per dictionary definition "any" means a subset of a larger set.
A wildcard.
And "any will do" (graphics: any) pretty much undeniably means implication that EVERY will work.

kohlrak: I've seen "flying toaster" specified, before. I think someone once listed baked potato here on gog, once.
Intentionally screwing with your userbase is a rock bottom move even if most people see the joke clearly.

kohlrak: Do you not read license agreements you agree to? The section i'm referring to is often in all caps.
I probably have much higher ratio of read/total TOS and such than an average person.

kohlrak: And if you get your refund, you can't sue. What it means is most people will give you your refunds, and generally, also, there's a contract clause in the EULA or whatever that specifies there's no promise of function, use, etc, which means they're fine even if they objectively and intentionally lied about requirements.
Hey, did it occur to you that laws are not universal worldwide?
That just because something may fly in your glorious country does not mean it has to everywhere?
It just so happens that out of the entire world at the very least in EU there are laws effectively mandating that TOS does NOT override LAW.
You can have various things in TOS, and if they clash with laws then laws take precedence.

As I've already said:
I consider the rather short lived conversation on the matter CLOSED.
I have said enough about it in my eyes.
From this point onwards I don't intend to continue it here.
And any of you who will try to ATTACK ME PERSONALLY for voicing these VALID CONCERNS may get reported.

To anyone saying "it's excusable because it's free" / "you have no right to complain because it's free".
Enjoy your ignorance.
Hope you don't enconter any free products with issues in your joyful lifetime.
If you would then people like you would surely remind you your arbitrarily made up "you have no right to complain since it's free".

You really have to sink low to attack another user for voicing valid concerns about a product that is not your creation nor in any way affiliated with you.
low rated

eric5h5: As I've mentioned more than once, this is made with NW.js.
kohlrak: Never heard of nw.js before, but i've been seeing alot of games using it. Noticed alot of games that don't run on my computer use it.
What is nw.js, if I may ask? An engine or some such?
Post edited June 02, 2021 by GamezRanker
low rated
kohlrak: Never heard of nw.js before, but i've been seeing alot of games using it. Noticed alot of games that don't run on my computer use it.
GamezRanker: What is nw.js, if I may ask? An engine or some such?
Looks like another node.js or something. To me the idea is fundamentally flawed, so i don't look any further, but it should be easy to look up. Long story short, using JS to make games that are run outside of the browser. The flaw being, JS isn't meant for that, nor is it really that good at that, hence the preformance issues on my computer.

eric5h5: O rly? As I've mentioned more than once, this is made with NW.js. Do you even know what that is? Obviously not.
B1tF1ghter: Oh, you OBVIOUSLY know everything about me /s
So you know what it is?
eric5h5: run the game using the "--disable-gpu" flag. So now it's software rendered.
Do you want to play the ignorance card?
You DO realise that software renderers have set of requirements of their own right?
And it's not like they work on just about ANYTHING?

But yeah, nice try, FAILED, but whatever.
Very helpful. We see a nice descriptive error message and all that. Thank you for your input.
BUT, as you seem so eager to apparently attack ME PERSONALLY (again, for merely voicing VALID CONCERNS) I feel SOMEWHAT entitled to strighten some things up one last time.
You've been attacking people personally this whole thread, so i think it's justified to point to you. You also seem like the type to externalize their issues.
But beyond this point consider yourself ignored in this conversation. Any of you for that matter.
That'll surely make for an interesting conversation. Has the dog figured out what he'll do when he catches the car?
I have already said enough on the brought up valid concerns and see no point in stretching this matter any further.
I reserve myself the right to report anyone that pushes the line of PERSONALLY ATTACKING ME.
I've heard at least one user has already reported you for personal attacks, so I doubt you'll report anyone, unless honestly completely missed that you've been personally attacking people, yourself.
First of all, to get this out of the way.
I am a certified IT who uses Linux as a daily driver, and yes, I have done each of the 3 things from your first question.
Appeal to authority, but for some reason I doubt this.
Btw, to point out what is fairly obvious to most but some others simply forget it in the heat of crafting their responses:
laws aren't universal across the world and certain consumer protection ones don't exist in some countries.
That does NOT mean that they exist "nowhere" tho.
Yes, but which countries laws get applied is a jurisdictional matter. Consider this, for a second: you might potentially hear from the dev's lawyers for your posts. Depends on whether or not they think you're worth it. My guess is, probably not, because you're not very convincing.
I am also going to pretend not to see how you casually mix up technical terms that average person does not understand (therefore may get a wrong idea thinking that you are maybe actually competent here) while you keep mixing apples and oranges even within same sentence.
Would make an interesting strawpoll to see whom users here has managed to demonstrate the most technological prowess, but this would simply be nothing more than a pissing contest.
By the way, was it intentionally or were you unintentionally ignorant by confusing a (implied, full game) passion project with a demo?
Given that it's a free game, by the looks of things really small and probably really short, i'm going to go with it's a demo in sheep's clothing. It's not the first time, and they are talking about bringing a sequel. I'm sure you've heard of Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, right? Just about all reviews said the same thing about that "full game," too. It's not really an insult to the game but a classification. Could be longer than I expect, but just seeing what little i saw of the game, it does look like it'd be a little short, but i think that's more than fair given the price.

Hurt my feelings as a professional by not abiding to simply achievable gamedev industry standards (best practises promoted to a status quo of semi-official virtue, some of them are ALSO legally required in SOME countries).
That behaviour also means there is more occurences of it than there was previously in gamedev industry and it may semi-encourage others to repeat it, which I personally detest (as a bad practise) and don't want to see in this industry.
I noticed something: you haven't actually addressed any arguments so far... Weird. Fortunately, you eventually do.

Ah yes, seems like the circle is complete, and I'm hearing "you are free to waste your time since you don't pay for this" cliche again.
You're also free not to claim it and download it and move on.

SECTOR size is USUALLY 4096 for Advanced Format spinning platter drives mister Buttery BUTTER.
512 is actually pretty often found in SSDs, and you would have noticed that if you would be paying SOME attention to storage industry.
Also 2048 is common for optical storage.
And if you were paying attention you'd realize it's something that can be set by the OS for many standards.
Do world a favour and stop confusing "industry standards" with "industry mistakes" before someone not knowing any better gets the wrong idea.
It would be the right idea. Sometimes you have to conform to these industry mistakes, like with the whole address line 20 fiasco on x86. Given the address bus is now 40 bits, i predict we're going to have the same problem again in a few years. Turns out, we don't learn.

If you want to fight over semantics: per dictionary definition "any" means a subset of a larger set.
A wildcard.
And "any will do" (graphics: any) pretty much undeniably means implication that EVERY will work.
Yes, but the average person is not AI. There's seems to be a graphics engine abstraction layer given OpenGL and Direct3d dlls both are present. I didn't bother to take a whole stock and analyze every nook and cranny like i normally do, since i did this for you and i figured from your posting style you didn't genuinely care, anyway.

Intentionally screwing with your userbase is a rock bottom move even if most people see the joke clearly.
It's been a long time since I called someone Karen, and that resulted in a ban, so i'm trying to resist the urge, here.

I probably have much higher ratio of read/total TOS and such than an average person.
Then you're aware of these and still spouting this nonsense about legal trouble. Good to know that you're trolling.

Hey, did it occur to you that laws are not universal worldwide?
That just because something may fly in your glorious country does not mean it has to everywhere?
You mean North Koreans don't have the first amendment!?
It just so happens that out of the entire world at the very least in EU there are laws effectively mandating that TOS does NOT override LAW.
You can have various things in TOS, and if they clash with laws then laws take precedence.
Yeah, but name one EU contry whose laws they violated. I imagine this game came from an EU country, so i'm sure they know a bit about the EU. Other than the EU and US, i doubt they particularly care, 'cause i doubt their government would enforce another countries laws on them over a single customer complaint.
As I've already said:
I consider the rather short lived conversation on the matter CLOSED.
Thank you for giving me the permission to speak on this issue, and partake in a civil discussion with your authority on the matter. I'm humbled by your presence.
I have said enough about it in my eyes.
First thing so far I can agree with.
From this point onwards I don't intend to continue it here.
And any of you who will try to ATTACK ME PERSONALLY for voicing these VALID CONCERNS may get reported.
I'm sure i'll get a talking to by a mod or something for even bothering to respond to you, but I think it's a total disservice to you and others to simply let this arrogance slide without a chuckle.
To anyone saying "it's excusable because it's free" / "you have no right to complain because it's free".
Enjoy your ignorance.
Hope you don't enconter any free products with issues in your joyful lifetime.
If you would then people like you would surely remind you your arbitrarily made up "you have no right to complain since it's free".
Didn't you know? Free products are bug free! Common, didn't they teach you that in school?
You really have to sink low to attack another user for voicing valid concerns about a product that is not your creation nor in any way affiliated with you.
I don't recognize your concerns as valid, and I think it's low attacking a company and it's customers over a product, for no other reason than it's advertisement doesn't meet your standards, and it seems you've not even partaken of the game yourself. Unlike alot of the things, here recently, this game isn't even controversial outside of, appparently, it's system requirements.

The worst part is, i don't get the impression you're trolling, either. I think you've managed to get your knickers into a twist over something completely unrelated to this game, and you've gone off on a tangent 'cause you can't voice your actual concerns or something. 'Cause, you've not done this with other games here tha do the same thing. I recommend a timeout, man.